The Encyclopedia Britannica: This Week's World's Fair Sponsor

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This week's alternative sponsor for the blog. Inquire within.

Embarrassingly, Dow Chemical is still populating the scienceblogs webspace with it's P.R., and, regrettably, we here at The World's Fair have been lax to seek alternative sponsorship over the summer. But fear no more the carcinogens and toxins of Dow...embrace the knowledge of the Encyclopedia Britannica!

We say "give your child a fair chance," with the set that "Furnishes Accurate Knowledge." Available at Sears, Roebuck, and Co., with affordable monthly payments. What really grabbed us, excited us, about this sponsor is that with its integrity it appeals so well to the Scienceblogs crowd. You know, "when you read an article in the Encyclopedia Brittanica you feel confident that the information is reliable." And we trust those words because we know the sponsors themselves said them. Who would know better how reliable a source of knowledge is than the source of that knowledge? Right? Not just inscrutable logic, but the cornerstone of a good ad.

Oh, and when you've exhausted the bounty of good tidings from E.B., see our previous sponsors by continuing to support the good folks at Cutter Bill, the tasty vittles in the Hungarian cookbooks, and the elegant comfort of Fellman Shoes.

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