The truth is worth more than an iPod

So... the SCQ is back from its summer hiatus, and needs to get rid of a 30G 5th generation video iPod. Sort of like this one:

And it actually couldn't be easier to win. Here are the details:

After a much need hiatus over the summer, the SCQ is back for it's third volume. We thought we would begin by making a few announcements, tantamount to the giving away of free stuff. First on the agenda is a oh-so-pretty white 30G video iPod we still have in our possession. Essentially, when Mike won our last contest, he elected to choose the Amazon gift card option, leaving us with this fine piece of electronics.

Consequently, we have decided to give it away to some random person who chooses to link to the truth before December 13th, 2007. We'll be using to track linkage, but if you fear you're missing out, please send us a note at Anyway, on the 14th, we'll figure out some random way of choosing a winner, and will then courier the iPod immediately - should make a nice little Christmas bonus.

To get the juices flowing on this, we'll edit the truth accordingly. Maybe get rid of the Star Wars bit (didn't seem to do anything), and will add a line about the iPod. Happy linking and good luck. (link)

And, of course, keep in mind that this is just a web experiment to see if we can coerce a #1 google ranking for the keyword "truth." We've been sitting at the top 10 for a couple of months now, but have yet to break the top 3.

Mind you, if this iPod give away turns out to be responsible for driving our experiment to #1, then the bit about The truth is worth more than an iPod might need some revamping.

Hmmm... very meta...

Anyway, much appreciated if you spread the word, and good luck if you happen to link.

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By Laura Ann Adams (not verified) on 04 Sep 2007 #permalink

RE. #10 Shit happens (ditto for sex and death). & Taxes
#16 Pilate didn't stay for the answer.