Ask a ScienceBlogger, sort of - Can you write and record us a science song?


If I can do it (with the limited skills that I have) then so can others. So the request this time is: can you write us a science song?

Let me know if you've got one, and I'll try and compile a catalog here, with links to the mp3 and corresponding post that may have a story or lyrics, etc. You can even transfer tracks, so that collaborative efforts are done. Anyway, I'll start a track listing with my own little attempt:


Jargon Fueled Ways (The World's Fair) - mp3

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How long are you going to keep this challenge going?

'Cause I've got a song, and I've even got a ukulele, but I've got no chops, so it's going to take me a few weeks of practice to get it to a recordable state. (And it's going to be lo-fi, because I'm on a Windows machine with a cheap condenser mic.)

Hi HP, No rush on this. If others come in, I'll try highlight them as they come.


What if you can't play an instrument and can't sing very well, but can write lyrics?

I pulled something out of storage and posted it in case you're interested. I do sort of have a melody in mind, but it's probably plagiarized ...

Anybody wants to set this to music, feel free.