An Iraq Cartoon -- remember Iraq? That war?

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A Tom Toles editorial cartoon, from Sunday's Washington Post

I thought it was well put. It offers a concise vision of decision-making practices to someone (namely, me) predisposed to think about what makes evidence evidence and what makes for sound, well-supported reasoning. Among other things.

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No matter how much the Iraqis suffer if the U.S. leaves it will ultimately be Bush's fault, so my conscience will be clear.

I blame Congress for not having seized Bush and his 10,000 closest cronies to turn them over to the UN for war crimes trials.

By Globle Warren … (not verified) on 26 Nov 2007 #permalink

For those of you paying attention back in 1999 and 2000, a similar comic could have been released seven years ago:

"Bush plans to cut taxes because the economy is doing..."

By Maelstrom (not verified) on 27 Nov 2007 #permalink