Hannah spelled backwards is still Hannah: This has nothing to do with Global Warming.

Sorry my posting has been sporadic of late. Things have been busier than usual, especially with Christmas looming. Anyway, the title of this post happens to be the lead headline in the yearly Christmas letter that my family produces.


This time, my wife suggested making it a newsletter instead of the usual essay since Hannah is now writing up a storm. Of course, my graphic design instincts took the better of me, and I had to make it look cool.

Anyway, I've got a couple posts I'd like to make sure are finished before the new year. Keep an eye out for them. Some of them relate to sports, and another relates to a puzzle.

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Man, right now, I'm squelched under the chaos of the "end of the year," which includes the two fold attacks from academia (research, courses, marking, etc) and life in general (Hey, it's Xmas time folks). Anyway, the only readable writing I've done of late is my family's annual Christmas Card…
The schedule called for this to appear last Friday, but as I was just back from a funeral, yeah, not so much. I had already gone through and bookmarked a whole slew of old posts, though, so here's a recap of the 2003-2004 blogademic year (starting and ending in late June). This year saw a few…
I see Janet has a post series going on family + academic career. (Part 1; Part 2). I've written a bit on my own experience at the old blog (and I do mean "a bit;" it's much more of a Cliff notes version of events than Janet's), so I'm re-posting it here for another view from the trenches, so to…
Life has been proceeding more or less apace, and it feels like a long time since I've sat down and contemplated anything, much less my Anyway Project goals. At the same time, all this business is a series of steps on the way to actually many of the things done. I hope that's true of all of you!…