Six word stories - your turn...

A new book just (or just about to be) released called "Not what I was planning: Six Word Memoirs by Writers Famous & Obscure" has been on the media blitz lately. It stems from a great anecdote about Ernest Hemingway once writing a story with only six words, and coming up with an eloquent: "For sale: baby shoes, never worn."

Anyway, this new book is a collection of such short short stories. Here's the nice trailer for it - you'll note some pretty well known names in the mix:

It also occurred to me that for most of our readers, the thought of already writing a memoir is kind of a daunting task, especially in light of how young (relatively speaking) many of us are. But then again, here is the perfect medium for it - a memoir with only 6 words! Should work for most of us.

Here's mine:

"Academically growing, family awesome, tie unnecessary."

...but what say some of you out there have a go as well...

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4 kids, 2 wives, 1 good.

(ooh, another one)

Nobody liked Raymond. Deal with it.

Former astronomer in a strange country.

Golden fame. Memories, the minds conerstones

Married young, mother early, lesbian now.

With child, great plans, future unsure

Diasporic family, pushing 30, in school.