Apparently, man need not fear climate change, because only God himself can bring harm to the planet...

Or something like that. This is a little unbelievable, but there you have it - politics is nothing if not diverse...

Choice quote:

"The earth will end only when God declares its time to be over. Man will not destroy this earth. This earth will not be destroyed by a flood."

Anyway, so here's the choice question: is this really a big deal? "Yes, because ohmygoodness this joker is an elected government representative," or "No, because "who's gonna take him seriously anyway?"

Maybe the woman in the background can best answer this, and we can all hope that it is the latter. Afterall, after watching this video, I'm sure she wasn't the only one smirking.

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You have to watch this loon making his case for how harmless global warming is in testimony with Lord Christopher Monckton (thanks, England…really, we have enough wacky ideologues without you sending yours over here). Monckton dismisses the problem of CO2 by claiming that CO2 levels were much…
The Bottleneck Years by H.E. Taylor Chapter 34 Table of Contents Chapter 36 Chapter 35 Prometheus, March 8, 2056 To be honest, the Group 2 debacle was more of a public relations disaster than an ecological one. The damage was dramatic, but relatively restricted. Within 48 hours someone…
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Since half the blogs on the net seem to be making lists of their favorite movie quotes, I thought I'd add some of mine. Some movies are just goldmines of great lines - Caddyshack, almost any Kevin Smith movie, Bull Durham. Herewith some of my absolute favorites, without the title of the movie so…

Just remember that about a third of the population of the US believes the same as him.

100,000,000 fundie fanatics & they aren't even Muslims.

Be afraid.

Although I am a Christian - I like many atheists.

Maybe scientist Patrick Frank has something worth adding to the climate change discussion. Read the entirety of his article at:…

"When both the cloud and the forcing uncertainties are allowed to accumulate together, after 5 years the A2 scenario includes a 0.34°C warmer Earth but a ±8.8°C uncertainty. At 10 years this becomes 0.44±15° C, and 0.6±27.7°C in 20 years. By 2100, the projection is 3.7±130°C. From clouds alone, all the IPCC projections have uncertainties that are very much larger than the projected greenhouse temperature increase. What is credible about a prediction that sports an uncertainty 20â40 times greater than itself? After only a few years, a GCM global temperature prediction is no more reliable than a random guess. That means the effect of greenhouse gasses on Earth climate is unpredictable, and therefore undetectable. And therefore moot.

The rapid growth of uncertainty means that GCMs cannot discern an ice age from a hothouse from 5 years away, much less 100 years away. So far as GCMs are concerned, Earth may be a winter wonderland by 2100 or a tropical paradise. No one knows."

"So the bottom line is this: When it comes to future climate, no one knows what theyâre talking about. No one. Not the IPCC nor its scientists, not the US National Academy of Sciences, not the NRDC or National Geographic, not the US Congressional House leadership, not me, not you, and certainly not Mr. Albert Gore. Earthâs climate is warming and no one knows exactly why. But there is no falsifiable scientific basis whatever to assert this warming is caused by human-produced greenhouse gasses because current physical theory is too grossly inadequate to establish any cause at all."

By Thomas Donlon (not verified) on 01 Apr 2009 #permalink

And I'm for sure the southwest native American societies that over planted crops that caused regional drought and destruction to their civilization within centuries probably said the same crap about how they as meager humans couldn't be the reason for their devastation. No it was the Sun god only who could end the world.

The longterm climate changes the Earth goes through is one thing but the short term DRASTIC changes brought about by the sprawling biomass of manipulating/interfering liveform that is humanity on the surface of this planet is a whole other ball of wax that cannot be denied. Logic dictates that the rereleasing of billions of tons of trapped carbon sequestered millions of years ago by plantlife that was hundreds of times more abundant than now during a time of higher temperatures and ocean levels than now, would return the earth's balancing environment BACK to that equilibrium but even faster and more severe within decades/century because the atmospheric gas balancing plantlife presently has been decimated by the burgeoning human biomass feeding on it or killing it in some shaoe or manner.

Human 'nature' is in no way equal to or as balanced as the natural environment on the planet. The planet's nature will do it's eon work to balance us eventually, while we live in denial and talk profoundly about our greatness as atheists or believers then try to escape to another planet like mold spores outgrowing our petri dish.

According to Shimkus' website (, he belongs to not one, but two Missouri-Synod Lutheran parishes in his home town (Collinsville, IL). Presumably he is twice the fundamentalist nut than the average fundamentalist nut.
The city of Metropolis is in his district. I wonder if he believes Superman is real.

Simply, "progress", so-called, is destroying the earth(land, air, water, vegetation, creatures) and perverting that which is Spirit(Light, Life, Truth, Love, Peace, Hope, Grace, Miracles, Faith, etc.) ;-(

Postings have been made at concerning such destruction and perversion and also concerning The Creator's(GOD, Father) promise that HE will "destroy those who destroy the earth(HIS Creation)!" (Rev11:18c)

Yet there is a Living, Lively Hope!

However, such Hope is not for that which is of the earth, earthly and fleshly, but there is a Living, Lively Hope for that which is Spirit, Heavenly and Spiritual.

Hope for that which is Spirit is Alive because "progress", which is the product of mankind's "imag"ination, can pervert, yet not destroy that which is Spirit! For that which is Spirit is Real, and that which is Real is Forever!

So no matter how perverse this world's systems of religion become, that which is Spirit can only be abused and perverted, not destroyed!

That which is Spirit is Eternal.......

As for that which is called "religion".

"Pure religion and undefiled before GOD The Father(Creator) is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction and to keep oneself uncontaminated by the world." (James 1:27)

Simply, every other religion is impure and defiled!

As stated previously, "that which is called ""progress" is of mankind's "imag"ination and can pervert, yet not destroy, that which is Spirit", and so it is that this world, and it's systems of religion, have their version of "Light", which can be turned on and off;

Their version of "Truth", which is of the "imag"ination;

Their version of "Love", which should be called lust;

Their version of "Peace", which needs be enforced;

Their version of "Hope", which is but a desire for temporal "things";

Their version of "Faith", which is powerless;

Their version of "Grace", which is the liberty to "do your own thing";

And sadly, the favorite color of this world's religion is gray ;-(

So come out of the shadows! And as is said by many, "Get Real"!

Once again, "only that which is Spirit is Real, and only that which is Real is Forever"!

Hope is there would be those who "see" that The Life is in and of The Spirit. Those who "see" will no longer have their portion with the multitudes who are destroying the earth(and, air, water, creatures, vegetation) and perverting that which is Spirit(Light, Life, Truth, Love, Peace, Hope, Faith, Grace, etc.) ;-(

Simply, each breath(Spirit) you take is a revelation of The Source of Life.

And "A Simple and Spiritual Life is the only Life that will survive!"


So "set your affections on Heavenly things" and be not of those "whose god is their bellies because they mind earthly things". Be not of those who "love this world and it's things" and who are "progress"ively destroying the earth(land, air, water, vegetation, creatures) and perverting that which is Spirit(Light, Life, Truth, Love, Peace, Hope, Faith, Grace, etc.).......

Peace, in spite of the dis-ease(no-peace) that is of this world and it's systems of religion, for "The WHOLE world is under the control of the evil one" (1John5:19) indeed and Truth.......

Truth is never ending.......

Megan wrote,

"Human 'nature' is in no way equal to or as balanced as the natural environment on the planet. The planet's nature will do it's eon work to balance us eventually, while we live in denial and talk profoundly about our greatness as atheists or believers then try to escape to another planet like mold spores outgrowing our petri dish."

However, nature has repeatedly been putting us in and out of ice ages.

Even now the Antartica is growing.,25197,25349683-601,00.html

Megan, you have been scared by short term graphs such as this one.…

But you probably haven't seen this graph of long-term CO2 and temperature levels.
It doesn't look so alarming does it?

There is strong disagreement with the current political consensus on global warming. Read this for example.…

By Thomas Donlon (not verified) on 18 Apr 2009 #permalink