Drunken Elephants Electrocute Themselves

As reported in the AP, six Asiatic wild elephants were electrocuted after drinking alcohol in northeast India and going berserk. Apparently the animals have developed a taste for rice beer, fermented by farmers in plastic drums, and come looking for it when they enter villages. Perhaps taking a cue from the aforementioned self-immolating squirrel, the elephants then uprooted a utility pole and, sadly, zapped themselves. "It's great to have such a huge number of elephants, but the increasing man-elephant conflict following the shrinkage in their habitat due to the growing human population is giving us nightmares," said Pradyut Bordoloi, former Assam Forest and Environment Minister.

On another note, three separate people sent me this article with all three of them saying they immediately thought of Zooillogix upon reading it. Does this mean we have finally captured the coveted drunk-elephant-electrocution-news niche? Time to raise our advertising rates!

i-6e5fff8554cca6d3616d332c29f550e7-elephant kiss.jpg
In the morning, Babar totally regretted this...

Thanks to Kevin Z of The Other 95% for being the first to bring this to our attention.

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It's a good week for stories like this. Maybe the elephant and the squirrel were in cahoots with the mayor-killing horde of monkeys in Delhi....

"Does this mean we have finally captured the coveted drunk-elephant-electrocution-news niche?"

No, it means you've definitely captured the crazy animal niche. Run with it for all it's worth! People love these stories! If you can work some science and evolution into the story too, so much the better!


By Joe Smith (not verified) on 10 Dec 2007 #permalink

it is excellent

OMG dont eat him my husband looks likes an elephant when he is drunk but he has not elecrututid himself yet sadly :D drunk good for nuthid fridge hoggin kisser of other woman stupid person!!!!!

The comments on this entry rival the bazaarness of the post.

Yessiree, bizarre.

biutifoooooooool imege

jesus christ you dumb elephants your fucking stupid and im glad you electrecuted your self. cause you didnt invite me i mean i would have been down to tag team that filthy hooker. fuck yo couch negro elephants im very upset for being leftout

By bonerlicious 69 (not verified) on 22 Dec 2010 #permalink

No, it means you've definitely captured the crazy animal niche. Run with it for all it's worth! People love these stories! If you can work some science and evolution into the story too, so much the better!

amazing photo and plz don try at any people.........

By jagadish.R (not verified) on 27 Dec 2010 #permalink