The Cow That Eats Humanburgers

Props to Lydia Robinson for sending us this link...

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I'm afraid to click the video...

I'm guessing these are grain fed, which produces tasteless meat. For a grass fed animal to put on that much muscle would require a huge digestive system, jaws, and teeth.

By Ken Shabby (not verified) on 22 Feb 2008 #permalink

this huge muscle phenomenon is a result of two copies of defective gene, that means one that is passed on from both parents.

Human version of this condition is rare but known, there was one recent example of a boy born most likely from incest (father+daughter)in a family with one version of the gene and the boy is stunningly muscular - at age of 2 years old he can already do push-ups on his one hand.

Also, this particular defect results in a lean, nearly-ideal clean-defined musculature (as opposed the blobby chunky one seen in people on anabolic steroids who do not excersize properly)

I wonder how they taste!

Seems like a lot of effort (breeding, care, feed expenses) for not all that much difference, other than bragging rights.

By Theodosia (not verified) on 23 Feb 2008 #permalink

Natural selection my rear end.
Natural selection would be being able to run away from a lion or wolf pack. That bull couldn't run a few meters let alone a mile or more to evade a predator.
Theodosia, they can sell that sperm for some major dollars. That's where the money comes in, so to speak. I know my Angus raising B-I-L would LOVE some of that to impregnate his cows.

The protein is called 'myostatin'.

By Martijn ter Haar (not verified) on 23 Feb 2008 #permalink

Could the cows be fed soy protein or whey protein to maintain that mass?

Fun way to mess with the "Artificial" versus "Natural" selection distinction: Cows that are tasty and efficient at providing meat are protected from predators, fed abundantly, and bred widely. Their fitness is defined by the farm environment. :)

That's where the money comes in, so to speak. I know my Angus raising B-I-L would LOVE some of that to impregnate his cows.