Colorful and Bizarre New Fish Discovered - Looks Delicious Scientists Say

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A completely new family of fishes may have been discovered in the coral beds of Indonesia. Dive company owners, Buck and Fitrie Randolph of Maluku Divers spotted the fish in January but waited to photograph additional specimens before contacting the experts. Interviewed by Seattle PI, University of Washington ichthyologist Ted Pietsch, who specializes in anglerfish, said it was unlike anything he had ever seen, sputtering "I'm still thrilled. It's an incredible thing. It's remarkable."

The pink-and-tan striped frogfish cannot be identified by any fish experts so far. While Pietsch is relatively sure it is a type of frogfish, given the sheath on the eggs and arm-like fins, there are some strong differentiators: It lacks a lure, has tiny pelvic fins and, most bizarrely, has a flat face with forward facing eyes. Typically a fish's eyes are on opposite sides of their head rather than side by side like human eyes. This means it is possible that this fish has binocular vision for improved depth perception and/or the fish has x-ray vision that allows it to look through female human bathing suits - an evolutionary adaptation Kevin Z of Deep Sea News has been working on in the lab for years.

The DNA is currently being analyzed by graduate student slaves. If actually a new species, Pietsch intends to name it Thefourinchfishus Thatgavemylifemeaningus.

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That fish is totally FUBAR. Completely ace though, wow.

By Dave Hone (not verified) on 03 Apr 2008 #permalink

Now that's an interesting defensive strategy... look so bizarre that potential predators get crossed eyes and a headache! ;-)

By David Harmon (not verified) on 03 Apr 2008 #permalink

Dammit! after all those years slaving away in the lab, I'm beaten by a weird frogfish?? Damn it all to hell and back again!

The original story (link to Seattle PI) is clearer, not tweaked by putting in funny fabrications, and overall less goofy-sounding, and links to the photographer's (warning, completely flash-based website) page: with more images.

You wanta see _really_ scary, the first image that shows up when you go to the latter site will suffice.

By Hank Roberts (not verified) on 04 Apr 2008 #permalink

So this isn't an april fool's joke?

Hank- Nice comment to my bro! Venemous...I like it. I've always said that not only is Andrew's writing "goofy sounding," but so is his face. Also, I hate reading posts filled with "funny fabrications." When will Andrew learn that Zooillogix would be much more popular if he didn't try to be so hilarious all the time? It's exhausting, really. Good thing I have loyal allies like you to help me eventually murder my brother and bury his body somewhere in the desert outside of Reno. I know I can count on you. Hey, I know! Let's meet at a coffee shop in Berkeley to discuss. I was thinking that we could slip him a bunch of sleeping pills and then put a plastic bag over his head while he's sleeping, but I'm open to suggestions. We're in this together, Hank. Hank and Benny 4eva....4EVA!!!!!

Tastes like chicken?

It looks so sad with its mouth closed!

By themadlolscientist (not verified) on 29 May 2008 #permalink

OMG, thats now 1 of my fav fish. How kool is that!!;)

By Smileygirl:D (not verified) on 20 Jun 2008 #permalink

it is really adapted to life. when i looked at the picture first, i couldn't see it :D

Can you tell me what the name of this fish is?

Why don't you tell the fishes name???? Besides that the fish looks relly COOL and the fish dose look good to eat!!!! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Awesome discovery!! O_o

By Polaris Kyo (not verified) on 21 Mar 2009 #permalink

The name of this fish is "Histiophryne Psychedelica" - Very fitting! O_o

By Polaris Kyo (not verified) on 21 Mar 2009 #permalink

i love animals and things tat are weird tat fish is kinda cutey crazed

Hai, i am from Indonesia. You should see fish from Sulawesi Island. Many strange and beautiful fish there.

Its lyk an axotl but larger!

Hank- Nice comment to my bro! Venemous...I like it. I've always said that not only is Andrew's writing "goofy sounding," but so is his face. Also, I hate reading posts filled with "funny fabrications." When will Andrew learn that Zooillogix would be much more popular if he didn't try to be so hilarious all the time? It's exhausting, really. Good thing I have loyal allies like you to help me eventually murder my brother and bury his body somewhere in the desert outside of Reno. I know I can count on you. Hey, I know! Let's meet at a coffee shop in Berkeley to discuss. I was thinking that we could slip him a bunch of sleeping pills and then put a plastic bag over his head while he's sleeping, but I'm open to suggestions. We're in this together, Hank. Hank and Benny 4eva....4EVA!!!!!