Training Your Fish

I cannot train my dog Mathman not to poop in the house, but an aquarist named Lindsay at the New England Aquarium has a Lumpfish named Blondie to do tricks (no flaming hoops yet).

Note that this is not an April Fool's joke. If it were, Blondie would also be performing Under the Sea in its entirety.

Learn the secrets of fish training from the master herself and impress stoned friends with your goldfish wrangling!

Thanks to Jeff Ives of the NEAQ for sharing.

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The joke's on you. She not only performs under the sea... she remixes it and sells it as a double CD box set.

Well, Blondie is pretty good for a lumpfish, but just can't compete with a real fishlete. Check out the world's smartest goldfish, Comet. In addition to playing basketball, Comet can also play soccer, slalom, and dance the limbo.

By william e emba (not verified) on 03 Apr 2009 #permalink

The might be a degree of cerebral inhibition in people that prevents them from damaging their muscular system that is not present. oky? falan filan

The ships were cleverly disguised, even to the point where crewmen would parade on deck as passengers in civilian clothing, so that the attacked would come in close and discover too late that the ship was armed. It was a fairly effective strategy, and would be even more so with small boats that are more vulnerable than a submarine.

Check out the world's smartest goldfish, karmod. In addition to playing basketball, Comet can also play soccer, slalom, and dance the limbo.

Hi .. My Names Jojo .. And In addition to playing basketball, Comet can also play soccer, slalom, and dance the limbo , eave that comment on a lot of blogs.