Toilet Training of the Shrew

I've often pondered how wonderful the world would be if the kitchen and bathroom served the same purpose. It looks like the mountain shrew of Malaysian Borneo has already reached that promised land.


Their diet mainly consists of the nectar that lines the underside of pitcher plant leaves. When dinner is done, the shrew simply takes care of business by defecating into the pitcher part of the pitcher plants. The circle is complete when the plant (normally thought to feed on insects and other carnivorosities) absorbs the nitrogen rich nuggets of love.
Oh, and I forgot one last thing: the shrews also visit the same pitcher plants over and over again, marking them as their own by rubbing their shrewy genitals on the rim of the plants.

Somehow this reminds me of my childhood growing up in Alabama.

As always, the Japanese are really close:


***On a side note, an important cautionary tale has been added to the end of my last post.

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Funny!! I've always thought Alabama was a bit "different."

you guys are so cool. i just found this blog and realized we're obsessed with the same things and have a lot of the same pictures. I had No idea other people were out there like me.

awesome job. cut my internet trawling time in half. !

By Anonymous (not verified) on 10 Oct 2009 #permalink