Ancient Molluscan Warlord


I sometimes run appreciations of little-known blogs here. By no stretch of the word can Pharyngula be called little-read: it's one of the top-few-hundred blogs on the entire net. But today is P.Z. Myers's 50th birthday, and that's cause for rejoicing!

Dear Reader, let's say you happen not to know of PZ and Pharyngula. Then let me tell you that if you want to learn developmental biology and liberal U.S. politics from a witty godless polemicist with a squid fetish, then PZ's your man.

Happy first half century, PZ! May your second one be even better! Your living tissue is now measurably younger than your oldest teeth if you were to submit samples for radiocarbon analysis!

Celebratory entries are lighting up on blogs all over the net. Convenient collections are here, here and here.


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"Your living tissue is now measurably younger than your oldest teeth if you were to submit samples for radiocarbon analysis"

I wonder if there are birthday cards with that written on it..? I know I would buy one!

It would have to be a big cake (always a good thing) and the pastry shop would probably think you were crazy and would probably misspell something.

Then let me tell you that if you want to learn developmental biology and liberal U.S. politics from a witty godless polemicist with a squid fetish...

And who doesn't?

By Mustafa Mond, FCD (not verified) on 09 Mar 2007 #permalink