De-Lurking Week

Orac mentioned that he runs recurring De-Lurking Days on his blog. "Lurking" is to hang around a web forum or a blog without making your presence known. "De-Lurking" is to come out into the light of on-line day, however briefly.

Aard currently has about a hundred visits by returning readers every day, and most regulars don't come here every day. This means that Aard must have several hundred lurkers.

Dear Reader, is Aard on your blog reading list? Then please make a comment, as brief as you like. Thank you.


More like this

It's been almost a year since the last de-lurk. Aard currently has over 150 returning visitors daily (out of about 800 uniques). Since not everyone checks in every day, this translates to several hundred -- possibly a thousand -- regulars who read the blog at least once a week. So, everybody,…
It's been over half a year since the last de-lurk. Aard currently has over 150 returning visitors daily (out of about 730 uniques). Since not everyone checks in every day, this translates to several hundred -- possibly a thousand -- regulars who read the blog at least once a week. So, everybody,…
It's been almost a year since the last de-lurk. Aard has hundreds of regulars, thousands if we adopt a generous definition of "regular", and most of you are lurkers -- quiet readers who don't say much. So, everybody, please comment away, as briefly or verbosely as you like, and do consider telling…
It's de-lurking time again! If you're a regular Aard reader who never comments, or if you do comment but have an inkling that I may not know who you are, then please comment on this entry and tell us a few words about yourself. Also, questions and suggestions for blog entries are much appreciated.

Still reading, through the rss feed, so I don't know if I'm showing up on your stats or not. There've been lots of nice artifact photos, which I particularly enjoy.

Guilty as charged. Via the rss:)

By jenjen1352 (not verified) on 16 Jul 2007 #permalink

I read you in my feed reader every day, and particularly enjoy the nice range of topics you cover...whether you're writing well illustrated archaeological posts or video game reminiscences your blog is always enjoyable and interesting. ^_^

lurk? Who, me?

Anyways, love the blog!

By Drew Sehl (not verified) on 16 Jul 2007 #permalink

Delurking and relurking...

By Helblindi (not verified) on 16 Jul 2007 #permalink

Hi there,
since the opportunity arises I'll introduce myself. Name's Mathias, German Archaeology student (early historical Arch. and Arch. of the Roman provinces), regular reader (via RSS) and that's about it I guess.
Oh, one more thing: and of the opinion that this is the best Archaeology-blog he knows.

Now you see me -- now you don't.

By igor eduardo küpfer (not verified) on 16 Jul 2007 #permalink

My name is Donalbain and I am an Aardvarchaeholic

By Donalbain (not verified) on 16 Jul 2007 #permalink

I READ and learn and laugh. This is your blog. I have nothing useful to say here. Lurking is good and appropriate for me.

I plead guilty to lurking.

lurk lurk lurk


By Stefan K. (not verified) on 16 Jul 2007 #permalink

lurk off/lurk on

Lurking? Me? Well, yes, I guess so. I do read via RSS most of the time though. Cool artifacts. Science content appreciated.

Former SCAer (Society for Creative Anachronism), still interested in early european archaeology.

Love your blog. I am an archaeology graduate student studying early medieval Europe, particularly the social uses of animal art.

I'm a habitual lurker.

By gewurztraminer (not verified) on 16 Jul 2007 #permalink

I frequently lurk and more frequently aggregate through Google Reader. This is probably my favorite archeology blog and I do comment every now and then when I have the chance (re: knowledge) to.

I don't try to be a "lurker" on purpose, but figured I'd delurk just the same. ;) I might do this at some point on my blog, it's a good idea, I tried to encourage feedback by posting a survey but got minimal response (despite having many hits that day). I monitor my traffic and know I have readers but am always very very disheartened by lack of comment action.

Anyway, enough of my woes, consider me delurked for the day, Aard is always one of my daily blog stops, I have SB as a whole on a Firefox live bookmark.

LUndqvist laRs from aKland: Guilty!

Knowing you well, I know the best way around you is lurking...

Even one more.. guilty :-) (via RSS)

I suppose I am lurking, but mainly because this is well out of my period and I'm a documentary historian by persuasion, but I like to keep my eye on the ground and you have a style that makes it light relief from the day-job to check in even though it's academic (mostly). Always glad to see more content here!

I read via a RSS feed and have enjoyed you blog for a month or so now.

I have lurked since you started. Always had an interest in archeology, as do many other scientists I know.

By DNA pixie (not verified) on 17 Jul 2007 #permalink


Oh, alright! I'm no lurker. I'm more like the ususal suspect. Your Mr. Regual Reader.
But at least I'm not weird about it. I don't tie myself up first or anything. Er....

Hello! I don't know if I'm a lurker exactly, but I'm not a very frequent commenter. Oh, and I'm a regular RSS reader too.


By primdehuit (not verified) on 18 Jul 2007 #permalink

hey. i do read most every day, but been in the field and missing the cyberworld.