Greatest Hits

Back in January I ran a Greatest Hits roundup for my pre-Aard blog site. Now Razib has taught me how to check which Aard entries are the most-read ones via Google Analytics. Many are of course carnivals, and the rest are heavily influenced by who has linked to them, but anyway: here are the ten most-read non-carnival Aard entries since 1 January.

  1. Wish I Could Do That In Linux
  2. Scandinavian Attitudes to Nudity
  3. Subway Beggar Retaliation
  4. Are Humans Polygamous?
  5. Jim Benton on the Atheist / Agnostic Issue
  6. Modelling the World in Real Time
  7. Circumcision and Clean Syringes
  8. Book Review: Stenger, God, the Failed Hypothesis
  9. My Eugenics Project
  10. A Forest Fire on the Outermost Isles

The main lesson here is probably that Scandy archaeology isn't so hot. I should go for controversial issues that touch upon the most cherished beliefs of my readers: things like religion, sex, nudity and, of course, above all, Linux.


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If you can combine topics of interest in a single article, that would be great. The next time news surfaces about **** atheist Linux-using squid who practice Scandinavian archaelogy, you should get right on top of it.

*** Hmmm, your nanny filter will not let me use the word "n-U-d-E". It's not fair to filter out words you use yourself.

By Tegumai Bopsul… (not verified) on 25 Jul 2007 #permalink

Go ahead and use any lewd expressions you like, I regularly check the junk filter and resurrect stuff that shouldn't have ended up there.

Finding comments too harsh and too crude
Martin's censoring words such as "****"
So, will I get away
with my thought of the day:
"**** ********, you *********** prude!"?

Volunteers sought to be stung by jellyfish

OSLO, Norway - Norwegian researchers are calling for bold, non-hairy humans to bare their arms and be stung by jellyfish - in the name of science.

That unfortunately rules me out. Maybe you could have a go, and blog about the procedure.

By Tegumai Bopsul… (not verified) on 25 Jul 2007 #permalink

Pär, you know I always say, "That Pär, he's a ***** ******* and he don't ***** a **** until it's *****".

Tegumai, luckily I am amply equipped with protective hair.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading that selection.

One of them though pissed me off as it always does. Circumcision is a crime. It is child abuse. It is a sexual perversion. Just to make my point clear.

A doctor who practices it, except in the one percent of the cases for medical reasons, should be prohibited from practicing medicine. An imam or a rabbi that does it should be jailed as any other pervert child molester. Is raping a child more/less serious than mutilating it?

I don't give a rat's ass about cultural traditions. Suppose some cultural group said "let's cut off a finger" or "let's cut off an ear"; it is our custom.