Fornvännen's Autumn Issue

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Fornvännen ("the Friend of Ancient Things") is one of the main journals of Scandy archaeology and Medieval art. It's been issued 4-6 times a year since 1906, for the past several decades on a quarterly schedule, and I've been a co-editor since 1999. The first 100 volumes have been scanned and are available on-line. Later issues are appearing on-line too with a 6-month delay, though we haven't quite ironed out the routines for that yet.

Issue 2008:3 recently came from the printers. Here's what's in it:

  • Hans Olsson and Katherine Bless Karlsen present an Early Mesolithic (c. 6900 cal BC) site with hut foundations, very unusual for the wooded province of Värmland.
  • Andreas Toreld publishes and discusses new documentation of an engraved stone slab in my ancestral parish of Tanum in Bohuslän (pic above). Is it a Neolithic stele?
  • Ole Thirup Kastholm argues, against received opinion, that there is in fact a number of details in Scandinavian ship finds suggesting technological continuity from the Last Millennium BC to the 1st Millennium AD.
  • Anna Linderholm and her colleagues present and discuss stable isotope analyses on 11th and 12th century burials from Björned in Ãngermanland. They suggest that the burials represent a Christian congregation that migrated to the area from elsewhere. (This paper has also been published in Linderholm's recent PhD thesis.)
  • Reports from three recent conferences: one on bogs in BorÃ¥s, TAG US in New York and WAC in Dublin.
  • Finally, fifteen book reviews.

Fornvännen is a really good read for anyone with an interest in our subjects. Most of the contributions are written in Scandy languages and English. I enjoy working with it a lot!


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As if you really had to advertise Fornvännen!
It's a great journal, actually I have a few issues lying on my desk right now.
And BTW, something I always wanted to tell you guys: I really like the cover design and overall layout of the journal.

What I hadn't realized is that you can access the past issues online. For free. Without an expensive subscription.

That's real open access and it's great!!

I´m going to have to read Kastholm´s article because I wonder who he is arguing against? At least when I studied maritime archaeology and the history of shipbuilding it was generally accepted that the Nordic clinker tradition had its origin the last millenium BC ships e.g. Hjortspring.

Pär, haha!

Matt, glad you like it!

David, one big name whom Thirup Kastholm argues against is Ole Crumlin Pedersen. Check out the paper, it's good! (Which is why we published it. Duh.)

IIRC it´s Crumlin-Pedersen who argues that Nordic clinker-building evolved from dugouts, to dugouts w. strakes, to keelless boats with sewn overlapping strakes(e.g. Hjortspring) to classic Nordic clinker-building (Nydam and later).

I´ll have to swing by the library and check out the new issue.

It's Domo, just Domo. I thought the only people who still call him Domo-Kun were the Japanese, wapanese, and 4channers.

By Laser Potato (not verified) on 22 Oct 2008 #permalink