Pimpin' ain't easy (or, another SB in the OJR post)

As others have mentioned, Scienceblogs got a mention (okay, an entire story) in the Online Journalism Review. And hey, in addition to quoting me, they mentioned my post on Chikungunya--gotta love that. They did misquote me, though (or I misspoke)--I don't have cable. Can't get it in the sticks here; the compensation pays for my internet. Other than that, an overall thumbs up.

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I was wondering about the cable quote - you've posted pictures from y'all's place either here or on the old site and it reminded me of a place I used to live where I still had a telephone party line...in 1996! Obviously no cable either - quite liberating, actually.

Do you at least have satellite TV for the little aetiologists?