New Skeptics' Circle!

Check it out over at The Second Sight. The theme is "critical thinking crystallized;" very unique!

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Several more blog carnivals have been published, all of which I contributed to; I and the Bird, issue 23, hosted by BirdDC, includes a quiz for the birders among you, and those who can identify all 27 pictured birds will win a free Peterson Field Guide! The Skeptic's Circle, issue 34; critical…
Friend and fellow Panda lover Wes Elsberry has an interesting post on the Dover ruling on his personal blog where he points out two fascinating items. First, that Dembski may owe someone a bottle of good scotch: I'll wager a bottle of single-malt scotch, should it ever go to trial whether ID may…
I mentioned previously a pending proposal in Ohio to reinsert "critical analysis" language into the school standards (see this post and this follow-up). Over at Panda's Thumb, RBH has a post updating the situation: The "critical thinking"/teach the controversy template proposal takes a legitimate…
Oh yeah, baby--Richard has the dish over on Panda's Thumb: Ohio is no longer on the Disco Institute's list of favorite states for pilgrimages. Late this afternoon, by an 11-4 vote, the Ohio State Board of Education stripped out the intelligent-design creationist "critical analysis of evolution"…

Wow Tara! How do you keep up on everything? I happened to see your Blog and wanted to say hi. I haven't read much of it yet but I will when I get time. If you haven't already, you should check out some of Fauci's videocast talks ( about the potential threats of Flu. How is Iowa treating you?


PS. I didn't want to give out my professional address here. But, you can reply to it.

Hey! Good to hear from you. Iowa's good--I'll drop you a line at the email you used. Not sure I have your professional one...

I just don't have anything to say , but shrug. So it goes. Not much on my mind recently. I can't be bothered with anything recently.