IDists make another bonehead move

So, the Discovery Institute is planning the "largest conference on Intelligent Design ever held," sponsored by Physicians for Scientific Integrity (yeah, this group I wrote about previously) and being held in Florida in two parts--late September and early November. In the latter portion (held in a church, of course--but nooo, it's all science, not religion), they claim to be hosting "The Great Debate." Who's it between, you ask? Nick Matzke has the answer:

Featuring: Dr. Stephen Meyer, Ph.D. in philosophy of science, Cambridge University
and Dr. Donald Duh, professor (emeritus) at Whatever State University

Oopsie. Did someone send out the wrong draft of the announcement? This shows just the kind of joke these debates can be, and their circus potential, especially in a venue like this where the deck is stacked against science and in favor of creationism. Luckily, Nick has some wise words:

Anyhoo, if the announcement for the creationism/ID debate, before you are even signed up, describes you as "Dr. Donald Duh, professor (emeritus) at Whatever State University", then maybe, just maybe, this is a debate you should refrain from participating in.

It seems that they've not yet filled the role of Dr. Duh, so it'll be interesting to see whether anyone decides to self-flagellate and step into the spot.

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Hopefully, they'll have trouble filling Dr Duh's place now, since whoever did fill it would doubtless pick up the moniker.

I am Dr. Duh. We are all Dr. Duh!

By somnilista, FCD (not verified) on 21 Aug 2006 #permalink