Carnival pimping and Grand Rounds information

Need some more reading? Check out the latest edition of Tangled Bank over at Aardvarchaeology, and the latest Skeptics' Circle over at The Skeptical Alchemist.

Meanwhile, as I mentioned previously, next week's Grand Rounds will be here at Aetiology. Send your submissions in to me by Sunday evening for maximum inclusion potential; I can't guarantee I'll have time to look over Monday stragglers.

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A few other topics readers here may appreciate: First and foremost, this week's Grand Rounds can be found over at Over my med body!. Next week, however, it will be hosted right here at Aetiology for the second time, so send your posts along to me (aetiology AT gmail DOT com), preferably by Sunday…
A few submissions have already rolled in for next week's Tangled Bank, hosted here at Aetiology. Send your best science writing along me at aetiology AT gmail DOT com by next Tuesday the 10th for inclusion in Wednesday's carnival.
(As of the time I'm typing this, the site that's supposed to host Grand Rounds says the domain is expired, and since I'm at an all-day meeting, I want to get a few reminders out there. Hopefully GR will beam up while I'm out...) Two reminders: first, Animalcules goes live over at Discovering…
It's that time again. The December edition of Animalcules will go live this coming Thursday, here at Aetiology. Send your entires to me: aetiology at by Wednesday evening. Also be sure to check out today's Grand Rounds over at Anxiety, Addiction, and Depression Treatments.