Not again...

Via PZ, I see that yet another Catholic bishop in Africa is claiming that condoms are laced with HIV:

The head of the Catholic Church in Mozambique has told the BBC he believes some European-made condoms are infected with HIV deliberately.

Maputo Archbishop Francisco Chimoio claimed some anti-retroviral drugs were also infected "in order to finish quickly the African people".

His answer to AIDS is, of course, marriage, fidelity, and abstinence...which is all well and good, but not always possible or realistic. (Not to mention, what about an HIV-infected spouse?) WWJD?

[ETA: ERV has a longer (and more pissed off) takedown].

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What can you expect from a guy that wears a phallus on his head, and calls it a mitre as part of his job?

Well, I guess the fact that he seems to believe in HIV and that it causes AIDS is atleast a step in some direction!

So they want to colonise Africa after killing all the black people with AIDS, do they?

With dickheads like this having influence over large, gullible and powerless populations, I sometimes wonder whether a bit of atheistic neo-colonialsm wouldn't be of benefit.

If Chimoio keeps this up, he'll bring on the neo-colonialism; if only because he and his fellow travellers will reduce Africa to a state of such abject misery that the necessary relief effort will become a permanent presence.

He's a psychopath - find victims, wreck them completely and/or kill them, then push the responsibility onto someone else (including the victim), just anyone except themselves.

By Justin Moretti (not verified) on 27 Sep 2007 #permalink

What exactly are the qualifications to become a Catholic bishop in Africa?

By Unsympathetic reader (not verified) on 27 Sep 2007 #permalink

I'd heard the present pope wants a smaller chuch. But this is a pretty rough way to get it. Couldn't they just excommunicate a few more people?

By hoary puccoon (not verified) on 27 Sep 2007 #permalink

Unfortunatly people with prejudices are everywhere, even in important positions as the Head of the Catholic Church in Mozambic.

However would he be raising the question of non-sexual HIV/AIDS transmission?

There may be problems with hospital/dentistry hygiene or others non-identified sources of transmission, misdiagnosis of AIDS the country, to explain the high prevalence rate.

The archebishop may be just unable to explain what he sees as a reality, and some research in how the epidemy spread would be useful.

Excuse me, Braganza, but, while it's true that, "some research in how the epidemy spread would be useful,"
claiming Europeans are shipping HIV-laced condoms to Africa is not doing research. It's making an unwarranted accusation which is very likely to have real-world consequences, in lower use of condoms and more cases of AIDS. (And more slow, painful deaths and orphaned children.)
The bishop's behavior would be irresponsible if it were done by an ordinary citizen. Coming from someone in a position of authority, it's inexcusable.

By hoary puccoon (not verified) on 28 Sep 2007 #permalink

It comes as no surprise that a Bishop spouted this inexcusable nonsense, but what can one really expect from someone who is part of a organization that has perpetuated a MYTH for the last to 2000+ years. This man has/will cause the deaths and sufferings of untold Africans if they listen to him and his insanity

By Ex Patriot (not verified) on 28 Sep 2007 #permalink

Archebishop is a racist fellow not doubt about that.

You people are a hateful bunch. I try to stay away from this blog because my blood boils when I read comments like that of Justin Moretti,

"With dickheads like this having influence over large, gullible and powerless populations, I sometimes wonder whether a bit of atheistic neo-colonialsm wouldn't be of benefit.

May I remind those who forget, that Europe colonized Africa, to its great detriment. While the Catholic Church's history is marred by violence and colonialism, the Archbishop to whom you refer is African first, and as such, he speaks out of the collective memory of what the Europeans did to his people.

To us it seems ridiculous - why would Europe want to make people sick? To him it is entirely plausible, considering the Europeans enslaved his people as recently as within the last one hundred years.

So often the comments by the participants in this blog seem calloused to the real plight of human beings, whether it be an HIV positive person who is committed to living a life free of experimental DNA-damaging AIDS drugs, or an Archbishop who feels the tendrils of medical neocolonialism creeping around his land.

You would benefit from reading the following article written articulately and passionately, by Castro Hlongwane: "HIV/AIDS and the Struggle for the Humanisation of the African."

have you read garth nicolsons new book project day lily, if you google it you can read a chapter for free. He claims mycoplasma incognitus was part of the bioweapons program and tested on americans. Its an amazing read.

A military scientist named shyh ching lo published much on this strain, it killed every animal he injected with it and was not found in any healthy controls. Like the site, check out this info thanks

Dear Kirk,

So do you think that the archebishop is not a racist ?

Do you think that racism would help his people, in a century where economies should be integrated in a global world ?

At least true African leaders like Mandela are not thinking like him !

Do you think the guy is a good leader, when he even cannot substantiate his accusations (of putting HIV in condoms) ?

This guy is a shame for Africa and for the catholic church.


SON have you read Mikkal Chriktons' book Gone iwth the WIND? He says rings of power got given to head of CDC and head of Armed Forces of Pathology SON and than they turned americans into goats. Its an amazing read SON. All true slightly fictionilized.

Gorge Bushes senior dogs doctor cured him of mycoplasma SON but cat died from chemtrails but the dog lived! Wow! BOW YOUR HEAD SON. HE published lots on this mycoplasma if you inject a kilo into a mouse it dies SO THERE SON I WON the DEBATE with the top Zionist pharma scientist SON! Thanks for your site great link I think no one should use condoms either SON that'll be good for people won't it? Check out 911TwoofersforRonPaulsCat you like? thx.

-slightly fictionilized Billy "cooler" BipBip

misery women,
you dont have a sense of humor, stop trying. nobody likes you, thats why you post on these blogs all day.

Funny how you insult ron paul when he voted against the patriot act and the iraq war, unlike Hillary. Armed defense intelligence agents did threaten the nicolsons to stop thier research according to them, any criminal complaint gets investigated first then dismissed if they were lying. Id hate to see you being a 911 operator, everyone that called with a complaint youd say "woo woo" "ron paul"

Adele youre a failure in life, everybody on these blogs hates you, you have no friends, you lie about your sceintific career and you pretend to have a sense of humor when you dont.
Please get help. I mean you obviously cannot function in a relationship with anybody, ol miserable adele out in the middle of nowhere looking like kathy bates from the movie misery........LOL

You left out how fat I am cooler. Don't forget that one!!


Adele is absolutly not a failure.

I enjoy reading her answers to my questions, but sometimes, with other people, I think she is a bit strong, but Kirk and the Archbishop dont deserve respect.

Are you really supporting the racist Archbishop? I was having you in higher esteem.

P.S. On Irak I was also against.

She is a failure, she poses as a scientist when shes not. I think the archbishop is pretty nuts.

I just think people have a right to informed consent when dealing with their own health, everyone in the world should be exposed to the dissident argument and the mainstream arguments on hiv.

every one in the world should be exposed to Lo's and nicolsons work and if they are not feeling well decide for themselves if abx is right for them. If reasearch is in the preliminary stage then more research by independent honest scientists should be done, thats what joseph tully reccomended in 1991, but Fauci provided no funding, even when Lo's mycoplasma incognitus killed/sickened every animal injected and is being found in many people with complex multi organ symptoms by PCR.

the only study done was the gulf war abx study which was conducted by the DOD, major conflict of interest, for they claimed PTSD, and would be a scandal if the vets improved.

This contributed to my sisters illness, and would have caused her death if I didnt stumble upon Lo and nicolsons work. Now she is fully recovered with ABX. I hold scientists who dismiss Lo's work and nicolsons work for her suffering, and the suffering of millions of americans who have mycoplasma penetrans/incognitus induced complex multi organic symptoms.

Complex illnesses labled CFS dont exist, they were meant to belittle and downgrade the disease, illnesses should be grouped by causation, not similar symptoms, if symptoms were the justification for classifying illnesses everyone with a headache and fever would be diagnosed with meningitis.

There is too much censorship, the AIDS establishment spends all day trying to get people fired if they dont agree with this "consensus" which I dont even beleive exists. According to harvey bialy, he gave a lecture in south america to several scientists who were skeptical of his claims, after the lecture the all changed their minds quickly. Thats the differnce between manufactured consent and informed consent, and its AIDS inc goal to deprive people of informed consent to the point mark wainberg wants to abolish the 1st amendment!

The aids establishments dogma is this, "you are not alllowed to listen to certain beliefs because you might beleive them" this is straight out of orwells 1984. Can you imagine if you were a juror and you heard a prosecuter or defense attorney say that?

Every adult in the world should see the film hiv fact or fraud, go to the aidstruth website and see the nih fact sheet, read about Lo' and nicolsons work and then people can make health descions based on informed consent, not manufactured consent. This is not the case today, if a theory not supported by the CDC or a drug company you will not hear about it.

The mainstream media is also complicit, the SAme MSM that lied us in to this war, vietnam etc etc. Take in all the information, and if things dont add up we as a society can demand independent studies/investigations to get to the bottom of these complex issues.

"even when Lo's mycoplasma incognitus killed/sickened every animal injected and is being found in many people with complex multi organ symptoms by PCR."

You still haven't said what the dosage was in these experiments and do you have a link for the last claim?

"everyone in the world should be exposed to the dissident argument and the mainstream arguments on hiv."

Cooler, there is no "mainstream argument" on HIV, there is mainstream EVIDENCE linking HIV to AIDS, something the dissidents don't have. Don't put the dissident argument on the same level as mainstream evidence.

"According to harvey bialy, he gave a lecture in south america to several scientists who were skeptical of his claims, after the lecture the all changed their minds quickly."

I'm sure there are a lot of things according to harvey bialy that differ greatly from reality, unless you have a source other than harvey bialy to back them up.

"if things dont add up we as a society can demand independent studies/investigations to get to the bottom of these complex issues."

Independent studies are going on every day across the country to get to the bottom of HIV and AIDS, but they're just not reaching conclusions you agree with.

I dont post links much bc they always get held up for moderation. the dose was clear in Lo's patent on the "lonliness" thread. ive already posted it bonehead. you can find it on google

youre such an idiot, what was the dose LOL hiv, hpv, hep c does zilch in most every animal and you need "doses" when the CDC doesnt support something. get a life.

If you claim to have so much evidence for hiv please send me a study by independent scientists that dont view dissidents as nazis that is similar to this.

"in 1984 robert Gallo claimed hiv was the cause of AIDS, bc the lack of a relaible animal model and a ever extending window period we are going to follow hiv positive people with no other possible risk factors such as drug abuse, severe mental illness, other infection like mfi, azt and compare them to hiv negative matched controls to confirm or falsify gallo's hypothesis"

Dont have one properly designed study that does not already assume HIV is the cause of AIDS..................? And you call us kool aid drinkers wonder wainberg needs to abolish the first amendment to save his weak hypothesis.

As long as this study is not conducted by independent studies its a debatble topic.


Seriously I'm glad your sisters feeling better. But why do you say she had mycoplasma? Did she have tests done? If she had PCRs done how do you know that caused her disease? Healthy people have this stuff to theres no causation evidence.

It sounds like your diagnosing people like your sister telling them what to do w/o knowing anything about medicine. That's dangerous taking a antibiotic isn't a big deal but telling someone HIVs harmless is a big deal.

Dr. Lo couldn't tell a bottle-shaped mycoplasma from a virus in his EMs for three years and he's a MD PHD. So how do you get of telling people what medicine to take and what's causing thier depression or whatever?

she did test positive, in all of shyh ching lo's patents and peer reviewed material he did not find m penetrans or m incognitus in over a hundered healthy controls.

He induced disease/deformity in chicken embryos, symptoms of aids in chimps, a fatal disease in 4 silver leafed mokeys that had a wide array of symptoms, for example one had severe nuerological involvement, while others had less nuerological problems, mice inoculated died, none of the control animals died or got sick. Ive posted all the refrences on the "lonliness" thread

LO should be commended for finding this strain, you should learn from him, and not mock him, it wasnt just Lo, he is the cheif but many collegues of his such as Wang etc.

The armed forces institute of pathology has a pattern of hiring the most brilliant scientists from china, so you should think twice between questioning their abilities.

Many scientists are finding this microbe by pcr in complex multi organ symptom illnesses that have been been misdagnosed with garbage can diagnosis's like CFS

there is not much more you can do to prove a microbe is pathenogenic to humans than what Lo's team did. I think there should be a new disease called mycoplasma penetrans/incognitus positive and people who test positive, especially with symptoms should get treatment.

Mycoplasma caused aids in one hiv negative patient, a flu like illness w necrosis in another patient, and anti phosphlipid syndrome in another patient, even the cdc reported on this........ and Lo reported these cases on pub med, it is capable of causing a wide array of symptoms in different hosts.

Its was part of the biological weapons program
project day lily google it

before questioning their abilities

Braganza, and Adele,

Your replies to my post are wildly missing the point. What I am saying eluded you because you are mentally lazy.

When you can look through the eyes of another, and learn human compassion and empathy, you will develop a sense of respect for your fellow human beings.

The Archbishop certainly made some off the wall comments, but that is no reason to call him a "dick" and endorse colonialism.

The Archbishop speaks from the experiences collectively endured by a continent poisoned by colonialism and slavery at the hands of historical Europe.

Their land was stolen, resources sucked away, millions were enslaved in shackles and shipped off to the New World like cargo.

What I'm saying is have a little humanity, and try to understand why he thinks Europe is trying to harm his people.

Disagree respectfully. Show your intellect by exercising it.

Calling the man a "dick" accomplishes nothing.


Do you know for whom the archebishop was working during the war of independence of his country? For the Portugueze colonial the 70's.

And do you know that, at this time, white people also where struggling for the independence in Mozambic or against the Apartheid in South Africa ? Jacinto Veloso, Joe Slovo, Ruth First just to give you some names.

All this is public knowledge in Mozambic and South Africa.

Do you know something of Southern Africa recent history ?

You should not try to confuse us with cheap racist version of African history, any educated person knows that there is no such a thing as "(..)two countries in Europe, they are making condoms with the virus on purpose (..)". What do you thing that this guy wants ?

How dare do you have the courage to ask us to have humanity for him?

I've been on the front lines of HIV/AIDS in RSA and other parts of Africa. I was marketing a rapid HIV test. I sat next to the minister of health, who claims there is no link between HIV and AIDS and in the same foul breath says eating onions and potatoes will cure HIV. I've heard in Soweto and Gugulethu and Gabarone and villages on Ghana, Moz and Tanz the conspiracy theories and the evanglism of American "aid" groups popularising the mythology of God's punishments. It's truly frightening how much mythology has become a key element in the brand of HIV/AIDS. HIV is about sex, religion, politics and money.
My blog delves into this at


Thanks for the history lesson. Clearly I didn't know the Archbishop worked for the colonialists. You should have said so from the beginning.

I don't even know who the man is. I was just objecting to the tone, the name calling, and was making more of a general statement.

Thanks for the information; I'll do some reading on the topic. I think we are on the same side of that issue anyway...



Was the potato refered by the minister the known starchy tuberous crop, from the Solanaceae family, or was it something else ?

Just to help you to answer, IT WAS NOT Solanum tuberosum, known as Potato in english speaking countries, but another tuberous plant, Hypoxis rooperi~ known in South Africa as African Potato.

Extensive research (not only petri-dish assays, but also trials with HIV + patients), by Prof. Patrick Bouic, then immunologist at the University of Stellenbosch (South Africa), published in 1995, indicated that extracts of the plant could reduce the rate of loss of CD4.


Note: I however dont know how sustainable is the use of this plant to treat a chronic disease like AIDS, as in Southern Africa, the plant was used traditionally in short duration treatments for cancer.

It is now known that monotherapies dont work very well against AIDS (see Frankin comments on AZT for details).

First chemical analysis/ antitumour activity assays on the plant have been performed by an Italian group, who provide a small introduction on the traditional uses of the plant, and can be read at:

Bertolo, M. et al, Tetrahedron, 1982, 38, (11) 1683-1687.

So, my boyfriend (a graduate student in physics) read this article by a mathematics academic who does not think that HIV causes AIDs-

He asked me what I thought of it. Do you think you could write a rebuttal? I tried, but unfortunately I don't know the literature well enough.

its going to be pretty tough, culshaw is nobel prize material, shes also hot. A tough combination to should go to the aidstruth site they have a rebuttal there, although Im leaning toward the next potential galileo, Culshaw.

you should see the film hiv fact or fraud as well, you will hear Culshaws father figure and mentor, Duesberg and his pals in their own words, then you should read project day lily to find out about the mycoplasma incognitus biowarfare prpgram uncovered by two renoun cancer reserachers a microbe that shyh ching lo from the army killed every animal inoculated, the nicolsons found it in the blood of GWI soldiers, and armed defense intelligence agents threteaned them to stop their research, they uncovered a new tuskegee expirement, a massive black op. Project day lily google it.

Have a nice weekend , you will have fun googling all this info, and you will enrich yourself with knowledge that will make you feel kingly, and if you're at a posh dinner, you can bring up these topics,project day lily, culshaw's beauty and brilliance, the aidstruth site and the potential oscar worthy film hiv fact or fraud.

"its going to be pretty tough, culshaw is nobel prize material... although Im leaning toward the next potential galileo, Culshaw."

HAHA. Let me guess, your vast scientific experience has led you to this conclusion?

"you should see the film hiv fact or fraud as well, you will hear Culshaws father figure and mentor, Duesberg and his pals in their own words"

and laugh your ass off in the process. Anyone with a college level knowledge of immunology/virology is able to punch holes in their "arguments."

"then you should read project day lily to find out about the mycoplasma incognitus biowarfare prpgram uncovered by two renoun cancer reserachers a microbe that shyh ching lo from the army killed every animal inoculated"

Seriously Cooler, let it go. No one cares. You don't look smart.

"the nicolsons found it in the blood of GWI soldiers"


"and armed defense intelligence agents threteaned them to stop their research, they uncovered a new tuskegee expirement, a massive black op."

So they claim. How is it that you disbelieve HIV research despite the evidence but take the Nicholson's word as absolutely true on this issue?

"Have a nice weekend , you will have fun googling all this info, and you will enrich yourself with knowledge that will make you feel kingly"

Or like an idiot who has just wasted your time.

"and if you're at a posh dinner, you can bring up these topics,project day lily, culshaw's beauty and brilliance, the aidstruth site and the potential oscar worthy film hiv fact or fraud."

As a joke of course.

yeah, you would never be invited to a posh scientific dinner, for you are not a member of the national academy of sciences, unlike HIV rethinkers Duesberg, or margulis, and never will.

I posted all the refrences on the "lonliness causes aids thread" try getting laid instead of trying to debunk scientists that are far more competent and intelligent than you are, like garth and nancy nicolson, shyh ching lo, montagnier, duesberg, roger guillleman (nobel laurete) kary mullis (nobel lauretes) these are the real scientists with open minds who are not bought off by drug companies.

He asked me what I thought of it. Do you think you could write a rebuttal? I tried, but unfortunately I don't know the literature well enough.

Nothing in the essay from Culshaw is new. It is just a credulous regurgitation of stuff she read on denialist websites and denialist books.

For instance she repeats the claim that the Western Blot is banned in the UK. It isn't. It's just a myth that is repeated in denialist circles. She repeates it without bothering to check the statement for veracity.

Ken Witwer has written an excellent rebuttal to Culshaw's book which is more or less just an extension of the essay you linked to.

By Chris Noble (not verified) on 06 Oct 2007 #permalink

Team Virus scientists are constantly bought by Big Pharma and/or care orgs.

"I am continually astounded that our profession conducts itself devoid of any awareness of the history of science or medicine, the nature of a scientific paradigm, or the contexts that shape clinical research and clinical practice. It seems that most in our field and the media covering our field act as if the clinical research process is an objective process that is not analyzable or appropriate to report on or to subject to criticism. The DHHS panel that decides on treatment guidelines consists largely of people who have no clinical experience and amazingly, like some medieval or modern ecclesiastical authority, have lifetime appointments."Dr. Paul Bellman

Do you have any financial records to validate this or are you just assuming beacuse they agree?

I'd also like to finally agree with cooler on something:
Adele, everyone DOES hate you. And you know why? Well I'll tell you. I was slated to marry Dale, after a long courting process, flowers were given, promises made, you came in with your Kathy Bates walk, an HIV tongue and stole him. For that, I will never forgive you apydele. Err, I mean Adele.

apy your not funny misery women, you don't have a sense of humor, stop trying, your not funny. did I say your not funny.

Dale is my man, hands off, he didnt give you flowers, stop pretending. Go away, stop pretending, or let me in your gears of war clan please where do I fill out the application Im killer with the torque bow BOOM Yeha!

Dr. Lee-shing Joe found zero humor in 100% of cells from your loser body, try getting laid, your never getting invetied to diner, I knew people like you in college. RESPECT YOUR SCIENTIFIC ELDERS your on this cite 24 7 AND WASH TEH FEETZ OF YOUR INTALECTUAL SUPPERIORS. BOW YOUR HEAD. DR. JOE WAS A SCIENTIFIC GENIUS IN CHINA.

The armed Forces of Pathology has a pattern. Kidnapping the smartest people in China and making them to inject animals kilograms of neurotixons! DAYLILY google it youtube it. part of the bioweapons prgram like your sick sense of humor, your not funny, go away, your not hawwtt Noble Prize material like Drain Bworn.

Kathy B.

misery women back in action! lol

Google youtube video dot com Adele Is Funny: Fact Or Fiction. it is the best film of the century and will be nominated for a grammy. Dr Lee-shing Joe is one of the top army scientists. Every animal he injected with rat-poison died that means HIV DOES NOT CAUSE AIDS death cult! He wrote an entire paper in CAPITALS so it's completely true! take that misery woman. lolfao!