
Profile picture for user clock
Bora Zivkovic

My scientific specialty is chronobiology (circadian rhythms and photoperiodism), with additional interests in comparative physiology, animal behavior and evolution. I am not an MD so I cannot diagnose and treat your sleep problems. As well as writing this blog, I am also the Online Discussion Expert for PLoS. This is a personal blog and opinions within it in no way reflect the policies of PLoS. You can contact me at:

Posts by this author

October 11, 2008
When young, we trust ourselves too much; and we trust others too little when old. Rashness is the error of youth; timid caution of age. Manhood is the isthmus between the two extremes - the ripe and fertile season of action when, only, we can hope to find the head to contrive, united with the hand…
October 11, 2008
Hmmm, I have not done one of these in a few weeks, so if you depend on me for your political information, check under the fold: The Terrorist Barack Hussein Obama: From the start, there have always been two separate but equal questions about race in this election. Is there still enough racism in…
October 11, 2008
Now that the registration is closed (you can still get on the waitlist if you send an e-mail to, it's time to start preparing for the sessions. Here are some more sessions you may be interested in: Not just text - image, sound and video in peer-reviewed literature…
October 11, 2008
We are busy preparing for The Open Laboratory 2008. The submissions have been trickling in all year, and a little bit more frequently recently, but it is time now to dig through your Archives for your best posts since December 20th 2007 and submit them. Submit one, or two, or several - no problem…
October 10, 2008
Increase of freedom in the State may sometimes promote mediocrity, and give vitality to prejudice; it may even retard useful legislation, diminish the capacity for war, and restrict the boundaries of Empire.... A generous spirit prefers that his country should be poor and weak, and of no account,…
October 10, 2008
Registration for ScienceOnline09 is now closed -- we've hit our limit. Send a message to to get your name on the waitlist as we expect some registered individuals to cancel closer to the event. And if you cannot make it, we'll try to make as many sessions as possible…
October 10, 2008
In today's PLoS Computation Biology: Circadian rhythm is universally present from unicellular organisms to complex organisms and plays an important role in physiological processes such as the sleep-wake cycle in mammals. The mammalian circadian rhythm presents an excellent system for studying gene…
October 10, 2008
In this weekend's New York Times: Farmer in Chief :' Dear Mr. President-Elect, It may surprise you to learn that among the issues that will occupy much of your time in the coming years is one you barely mentioned during the campaign: food. Food policy is not something American presidents have had…
October 10, 2008
Can Genetic Information Be Controlled By Light?: DNA, the molecule that acts as the carrier of genetic information in all forms of life, is highly resistant against alteration by ultraviolet light, but understanding the mechanism for its photostability presents some puzzling problems. A key aspect…
October 10, 2008
Open Access Day is on October 14th (don't tell me I did not warn you in advance!). The day will be marked with lots of events, online and offline (if you are local, you may choose to go to Duke, for instance) so watch my blog for more information on Tuesday. What you as a blogger will probably be…
October 10, 2008
For all the information about travel, accommodation and food, check this page on the wiki. There, you will find the code you should use when reserving a room at Radisson. Use this map to orient yourself or find alternate hotels, etc. The directions to Sigma Xi are here. Radisson will send a…
October 10, 2008
Hmmm my DonorsChoose projects seem to attract more people from the outside than my own readers.... So, let me sweeten it up for you a little and offer prizes! Two people - one who gives a single largest one-time donation, and the other who gives the most over the month (the end of October) will be…
October 10, 2008
Carnival of the Blue #17 is up on Cephalopodcast Friday Ark #212 is up on Modulator
October 9, 2008
To cement a new friendship, especially between foreigners or persons of a different social world, a spark with which both were secretly charged must fly from person to person, and cut across the accidents of place and time. - Cornelia Otis Skinner
October 9, 2008
October 9, 2008
October 9, 2008
October 9, 2008
There are 11 new articles in PLoS ONE today. As always, you should rate the articles, post notes and comments and send trackbacks when you blog about the papers. Here are my own picks for the week - you go and look for your own favourites: Evolutionary Signatures of Common Human Cis-Regulatory…
October 9, 2008
Circadian Clock May Be Critical For Remembering What You Learn, Researchers Say: The circadian rhythm that quietly pulses inside us all, guiding our daily cycle from sleep to wakefulness and back to sleep again, may be doing much more than just that simple metronomic task, according to Stanford…
October 9, 2008
The registration is almost full! And the Program is shaping up quite nicely. Check out these sessions today: How to become a (paid) science journalist: advice for bloggers Gene Wiki and BioGPS: Web Tools for Annotation and Understanding of Gene Function Gender in science -- online and offline…
October 9, 2008
Skeptics' Circle #97 is up on Evolved and Rational
October 9, 2008
Go say Hello to the newest SciBling - John Wilbanks (who is also the Vice President of Science Commons), you can see his former blog here.
October 9, 2008
My DonorsChoose board includes challenges like this one, for example: Life Cycles Explosion!: Hello! I am a first grade teacher at a primary school in North Carolina. The young students here are always most eager to learn through hands-on, live experiences. It is my goal through this project to not…
October 8, 2008
The only good in pretending is the fun we get out of fooling ourselves that we fool somebody. - Booth Tarkington, 1869 - 1946
October 8, 2008
Since I last posted the list of SciBlings registered for the conference, it got bigger. Dave and Greta Munger have signed up. PZ Myers has registered. Chris Rowan says he's coming. The newest SciBling John Wilbanks has registered. Brian Switek will be there. Grrrrl will be there. Both SciCurious…
October 8, 2008
There are 8 new articles in PLoS ONE today. As always, you should rate the articles, post notes and comments and send trackbacks when you blog about the papers. Here are my own picks for the week - you go and look for your own favourites: Hemispheric Specialization in Dogs for Processing…
October 8, 2008
Atomic-resolution Views Suggest Function Of Enzyme That Regulates Light-detecting Signals In Eye: An atomic-resolution view of an enzyme found only in the eye has given researchers at the University of Washington (UW) clues about how this enzyme, essential to vision, is activated. The enzyme,…