DonorsChoose 2008 Challenge - update 5

My DonorsChoose board includes challenges like this one, for example: Life Cycles Explosion!:

Hello! I am a first grade teacher at a primary school in North Carolina. The young students here are always most eager to learn through hands-on, live experiences. It is my goal through this project to not only TALK to my students about the miracle of life cycles but to SHOW them the amazing transformations with their very own eyes.

Throughout the school year, the students will read about the life cycles of butterflies, ladybugs, frogs and plants in small groups with sets of life cycle science vocabulary books. Then we will further explore life cycles with our interactive pocket chart kits and slides. As excitement about the living creatures begins to build, I will bring out the live baby caterpillars, ladybugs, tadpoles and seeds for the students to observe and discuss at various times throughout the school year.

As a class, we will watch as the creatures and seeds from the pages of our books emerge from live babies to beautiful, full grown butterflies, ladybugs, tadpoles, frogs and plants. Hopefully our plants will be ready for a special Mother's Day treat!

As for our new friends...after they reach adulthood, we will set them free in their natural environment and watch together as they fly and hop away to new adventures. We will write about what these new adventures might be and always keep our eyes open, just in case they come by to visit again. I love this project because it reminds me of how each of my students is growing from a brand new "baby" student to a full grown first grader ready for the challenges ahead!

My students need 1 butterfly habitat, 1 ladybug habitat, 1 frog habitat, 1 grow and sprout plant viewer, plant slides, insect slides, 3 pocket chart discovery kits (plants, butterflies, frogs), 1 stick on pocket chart, and 1 set of lifecycles science vocabulary readers.

Just click here and donate as little as 5$ and make some kids happy.

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