
Profile picture for user clock
Bora Zivkovic

My scientific specialty is chronobiology (circadian rhythms and photoperiodism), with additional interests in comparative physiology, animal behavior and evolution. I am not an MD so I cannot diagnose and treat your sleep problems. As well as writing this blog, I am also the Online Discussion Expert for PLoS. This is a personal blog and opinions within it in no way reflect the policies of PLoS. You can contact me at:

Posts by this author

June 23, 2008
It's Monday night - time for new articles in PLoS Biology and PLoS Medicine: On the Emergence and Awareness of Auditory Objects: Anyone who has walked into a crowded reverberant nightclub, with a hubbub of multiple conversations amidst blaring music, will recall the initial impression of the sound…
June 23, 2008
Britain's Last Neanderthals Were More Sophisticated Than We Thought: An archaeological excavation at a site near Pulborough, West Sussex, has thrown remarkable new light on the life of northern Europe's last Neanderthals. It provides a snapshot of a thriving, developing population - rather than…
June 23, 2008
The long awaited game Spore is coming out soon. The Creature Creator is now available, but a bunch of us got it in advance (see PZ, Brian, erv, Chad, Brian....) and got to play a little bit. I can't wait for the game itself, although, as others have pointed out, the game is not really about…
June 23, 2008
Encephalon #48 is up on Neuroanthropology Carnival of the Green #133 is up on How Ethical!
June 22, 2008
There is a way in which the collective knowledge of mankind expresses itself, for the finite individual, through mere daily living... a way in which life itself is sheer knowing. - Laurens van der Post
June 22, 2008
I grew up listening to her songs. Back in the winter of 1984/1985 she decided to break her long leave away from the concert scene and did an European tour. Nervous about the come-back, how she'll perform, how she'll be received, she decided to start the tour at an unimportant place, somewhere…
June 22, 2008
Mad Hatter suggests an Alternative Careers blog. I like the idea a lot! I've been spending some time on FriendFeed, especially in the Life Scientists room. Cameron explains how it works. Dave Winer (who brought us blogging software, RSS and the concept of Unconference) has another good post about…
June 22, 2008
This should be interesting to all of us, be it people who study capabilities of online education or people who study teen online behavior. It also appears to be a part of gradual shift from media scares about "online predators" to a more serious look at what the Web is bringing to the new…
June 21, 2008
Laws are only words written on paper, words that change on society's whim and are interpreted differently daily by politicians, lawyers, judges, and policemen. Anyone who believes that all laws should always be obeyed would have made a fine slave catcher. Anyone who believes that all laws are…
June 21, 2008
Are you writing your history-of-science posts yet? Let's make the inaugural edition of The Giants' Shoulders big and good!
June 21, 2008
Panthera studentessa Mistress of science Professor Chaos G.D. Gearino Parsnip Parsimony- A vegan baking and science blog MamaPhD Scientia matris Kate's Controversies Sweet Life in Seattle Just a girl ScientistMother: raising my own little experiment Grad Ovaries About: Biology Biotech Brasil…
June 21, 2008
Four Stone Hearth #43 is up on _Paddy K_ Friday Ark #196 is up on Modulator
June 20, 2008
In times when the government imprisons any unjustly, the true place for a just man is also the prison. - Henry David Thoreau
June 20, 2008
Birds Migrate Earlier, But Some May Be Left Behind As The Climate Warms Rapidly: Many birds are arriving earlier each spring as temperatures warm along the East Coast of the United States. However, the farther those birds journey, the less likely they are to keep pace with the rapidly changing…
June 20, 2008
New issue of the Italian Journal of Science Communication is out with some excellent articles (some translated or abstracted from Italian, all in English): Cultural determinants in the perception of science: Those studying the public understanding of science and risk perception have held it clear…
June 20, 2008
From ProPublica: Coming Sunday: A 60 Minutes and ProPublica Investigation: '60 Minutes' and ProPublica Investigation Finds the Government's $100 Million a Year Broadcasts to the Arab World are Woefully Mismanaged and Poorly Supervised Despite Complaints From Congress. In Their First Joint…
June 20, 2008
Repairing research integrity: Misconduct jeopardizes the good name of any institution. Inevitably, the way in which research misconduct is policed and corrected reflects the integrity of the whole enterprise of science. The US National Academy of Sciences has asserted that scientists share an '…
June 20, 2008
You can get all the relevant information and link here: ACTION ALERT: Ask your Congressman about science today!: The November election will be a critical moment for U.S. science. It's important that voters know where their candidates stand on issues such as climate change, the environment, and…
June 19, 2008
Show me a guy who is afraid to look bad, and I'll show you a guy you can beat every time. - Lou Brock
June 19, 2008
It's Friday - and time for new articles in PLoS Computational Biology, PLoS Pathogens and PLoS Genetics: An Evolutionarily Conserved Sexual Signature in the Primate Brain: The contribution of genetics versus environment to behavioral differences between the sexes is a fundamental question in…
June 19, 2008
As making historical papers OA is something I am very interested in, I am watching with great interest, as Jonathan Eisen attempts to make all of his father's scientific publications freely available. I think we will learn a lot from his experience about copyright, fuzzy laws, attitudes of…
June 19, 2008
Yesterday was Mrs.Coturnix' birthday. Over the weeks I led her on various goose chases regarding what kind of present she was going to get. In the end she had no idea, could not even guess. So, this was quite a surprise - I commissioned the mirror from Tanja (you have met her before here, here…
June 19, 2008
Five species of ferns, happily cohabitating in a single large flowerpot on my porch - I have four other species, but those appear to be happier when kept seperately, one in each pot:
June 19, 2008
Great Apes Think Ahead: Conclusive Evidence Of Advanced Planning Capacities: Apes can plan for their future needs just as we humans can - by using self-control and imagining future events. Mathias and Helena Osvath's research, from Lunds University Cognitive Science in Sweden, is the first to…
June 19, 2008
Microbiologist XX Gramstain Botswana Sceptic Random Thoughts from Bennett Kankuzi
June 19, 2008
Carnival of Space #59 is up on Green Gabbro The 89th Skeptics Circle is up on Ionian Enchantment The 176th Carnival of Education is up on Pass the Torch Carnival of the Liberals #67 is up on Situation Awareness
June 18, 2008
It takes a lot of time to be a genius. You have to sit around so much doing nothing, really doing nothing. - Gertrude Stein
June 18, 2008
Well, I cannot afford to go to Netroots Nation, I cannot fit NEW COMMUNICATION CHANNELS FOR BIOLOGY into my calendar, I do not have money for Science Blogging 2008: London, did not get an invitation to SciFoo 2008 and am unlikely to make it to National Conference on Science & Technology in Out-…
June 18, 2008
If anyone is interested, Thompson has just released the new Impact Factors for scientific journals. Mark Patterson takes a look at IFs for PLoS journals and puts them in cool-headed perspective. One day, hopefully very soon, this will not be news. What I mean by it is that there soon will be…
June 17, 2008
Sometimes you just have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down. - Kobi Yamada