Blogospheric Miscellanea

Mad Hatter suggests an Alternative Careers blog. I like the idea a lot!

I've been spending some time on FriendFeed, especially in the Life Scientists room. Cameron explains how it works.

Dave Winer (who brought us blogging software, RSS and the concept of Unconference) has another good post about organization of conference sessions. He quips about the abuse of the term "unconference" - I wonder what he means by it?

I am excited that the Carrboro Coworking project is moving along - I will be a part of it.

There is another dinosaur journalist using precious newspaper column real-estate to show the world that he should retire as he just does not 'get it' (in the style of Skube & Co.) - Neil Henry. Jay Rosen collects the blogospheric and journalistic responses to this amazing display of ignorance. If Neil Henry was a blogger, I'd remove him from my blogroll today...

Jeff Jarvis: Whither the AP and Ununderstanding the link economy.

This makes it easier to pay my Duke Power bill - A Green Coal Baron? Now I want some solar panels on my house!

Brian picks up on one of the essays about science books from the Journal of Science Communication and writes: Everything I needed to know about science I didn't learn in high school.

Google Trends for comparing scientific journals.

A nice blog post about Open Notebook Science by Paul Lamere.

If there was electricity, modern media and Internet back in the day, would Origin of Species be as good?

Greg Laden is at Evolution 2008 meeting and is blogging some great talks! And there are good reasons to go to meetings in the first place, says DrugMonkey.


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First the concept of "Green Coal" is a PR scam. You might want to reassess your new comfort in paying Duke Energy. Balance that AstroTurf article by reading NC WARNs website.

Duke Energy is building a NEW coal fired power plant in Clifside, NC. Stopping coal fired plants could have a HUGE impact on global climate change.

Interesting. Thank you. Will check it out.

I'd still like free solar panels...

I'd LOVE free solar panels too. But something tells me you won't own them. Its more like renting. I imagine, with no research, that its like a cell phone lock in contract. How else could a big company like that justify the cost to its shareholders? But I'm happy to be proven wrong. :)