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Bora Zivkovic

My scientific specialty is chronobiology (circadian rhythms and photoperiodism), with additional interests in comparative physiology, animal behavior and evolution. I am not an MD so I cannot diagnose and treat your sleep problems. As well as writing this blog, I am also the Online Discussion Expert for PLoS. This is a personal blog and opinions within it in no way reflect the policies of PLoS. You can contact me at:

Posts by this author

December 12, 2007
Carnival of Space #32 is up on Robot guy Grand Rounds 4.12 are up on Odysseys of George The 149th edition of The Carnival of Education is up on The Colossus of Rhodey 102nd Carnival of Homeschooling is up on Seeking Rest in the Ancient Paths
December 12, 2007
There are 38 days until the Science Blogging Conference. The wiki is looking good, the Program is shaping up nicely, and there is more and more blog and media coverage already. The anthology should be published in time for the event. There are already 182 registered participants and if you do…
December 11, 2007
I hate it when my foot falls asleep during the day cause that means it's going to be up all night. - Steven Wright
December 11, 2007
Now that Seed scienceblogs are taking over the world, one language at a time, the overlords are asking: which language to conquer next? That's a poll which you should go and take. But my thoughts first: Some languages have few or no science blogs. Others have many but are a a closed community,…
December 11, 2007
There are 30 new articles published in PLoS ONE today. My personal picks: Genetic Impact of a Severe El Nino Event on Galápagos Marine Iguanas (Amblyrhynchus cristatus): El Nino is an ocean-atmosphere phenomenon occurring in the Pacific Basin which is responsible for extreme climate variation in…
December 11, 2007
Researchers Can Read Thoughts To Decipher What A Person Is Actually Seeing: Following ground-breaking research showing that neurons in the human brain respond in an abstract manner to particular individuals or objects, University of Leicester researchers have now discovered that, from the firing of…
December 11, 2007
There are 39 days until the Science Blogging Conference. The wiki is looking good, the Program is shaping up nicely, and there is more and more blog and media coverage already. The anthology should be published in time for the event. There are already 180 registered participants and if you do…
December 10, 2007
Time is a storm in which we are all lost. - William Carlos Williams
December 10, 2007
Sheril Kirshenbaum and Chris Mooney have been promising something for a week, teasing us with tantalizing hints about something big. We were told to read Chris' article Dr.President, and then this morning another article, Science and the Candidates by Lawrence Krauss. Finally, today a little…
December 10, 2007
If you can read German language and you are interested in science, you will be happy to know that our sister-site, is now live! It looks and feels similar to us, and they have lured in several of the best German-language bloggers. The collaboration between the two sites will…
December 10, 2007
On Monday nights, it is time to see what is new in PLoS Medicine and PLoS Biology: Meat Consumption and Cancer Risk: Meat consumption in relation to cancer risk has been reported in over a hundred epidemiological studies from many countries with diverse diets. The association between meat intake…
December 10, 2007
Generosity May Be Genetically Programmed: Are those inclined towards generosity genetically programmed to behave that way? A team of researchers, including Dr. Ariel Knafo of the Psychology Department at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, believes that this could very well be the case. Like Humans…
December 10, 2007
Mendel's Garden #21 is up on The Inoculated Mind Carnival of the Green #107 is up on LiveGreen
December 10, 2007
There are 40 days until the Science Blogging Conference. The wiki is looking good, the Program is shaping up nicely, and there is more and more blog and media coverage already. The anthology should be published in time for the event. There are already 178 registered participants and if you do…
December 9, 2007
The trouble with born-again Christians is that they are an even bigger pain the second time around. - Herb Caen
December 9, 2007
This weekend, with 70 degrees F in Chapel Hill, it would have bin a sin to remain indoors. So I didn't. But in the end, at twilight today, my daughter and I went to see Golden Compass, the movie whose first-weekend box-office earnings I wanted to boost. I made sure not to read any reviews of the…
December 9, 2007
Young Chimps Top Adult Humans In Numerical Memory: Young chimpanzees have an "extraordinary" ability to remember numerals that is superior to that of human adults, researchers report. Artificial Jellyfish, Explosives Sensor Among Projects Being Developed At Undersea Technology Center: Artificial…
December 9, 2007
Friday Ark #168 is up on Modulator The latest edition of the Carnival of the Godless is up on The Jesus Myth Cancer Research Blog Carnival #4 is up on /weblog
December 9, 2007
There are 41 days until the Science Blogging Conference. The wiki is looking good, the Program is shaping up nicely, and there is more and more blog and media coverage already. The anthology should be published in time for the event. There are already 174 registered participants and if you do…
December 8, 2007
Our theological Church, as we know, has scorned and vilified the body til it has seemed almost a reproach and a shame to have one, yet at the same time has credited it with the power to drag the soul down to perdition. - Eliza Farnham
December 8, 2007
Indy has the entire issue devoted to the topic of Global Warming, with some excellent articles: 10 years after Kyoto: You're getting warmer by Bill McKibben 10 years after Kyoto: Winners and losers by Sena Christian James Hansen won't be quiet by Lisa Sorg Ryan Boyles, state climatologist by Matt…
December 8, 2007
My son is working on a paper for school and he picked the topic of video games and how they affect behavior. He primed himself by playing Assassin's Creed for a couple of days, so he could aggressively look for sources and he found these: Most Middle-school Boys And Many Girls Play Violent Video…
December 8, 2007 - Watch more free videos Hat-tip: Maru
December 8, 2007
There are 42 days until the Science Blogging Conference. The wiki is looking good, the Program is shaping up nicely, and there is more and more blog and media coverage already. The anthology should be published in time for the event. There are already 169 registered participants and if you do…
December 7, 2007
No one from the beginning of time has had security. - Eleanor Roosevelt
December 7, 2007
Subscription-supported journals are like the qwerty keyboard: Are there solutions? One reason for optimism is that changing how we pay the costs of disseminating research is not an all-or-nothing change like switching from qwerty to Dvorak keyboards. Some new open-access journals are very…
December 7, 2007
Each week, there are new articles published in PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, Pathogens, Computational Biology and Genetics. Check them out. Today's pick: The Role of Carcinine in Signaling at the Drosophila Photoreceptor Synapse: During signaling in the nervous system, individual nerve cells…
December 7, 2007
Humans Appear Hardwired To Learn By 'Over-Imitation': Children learn by imitating adults--so much so that they will rethink how an object works if they observe an adult taking unnecessary steps when using that object, according to a new Yale study. Subliminal Smells Bias Perception About A Person's…
December 7, 2007
Praise where praise is deserved - Dan Abrams handled this segment perfectly, foregoing the he-said-she-said false equivalence, and even remembering to ask for the origin of the supposedly scientific study trotted out by the utterly dishonest proponent of the abstinence-only education: Let's hope…
December 7, 2007
Way back when there were just a handful of liberal political bloggers, The American Street was one of them. Kevin Hayden has, over the years, helped and promoted many a blogger, gathered round all those lone voices and built a community out of them - a community that is quick to help one of its own…