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Bora Zivkovic

My scientific specialty is chronobiology (circadian rhythms and photoperiodism), with additional interests in comparative physiology, animal behavior and evolution. I am not an MD so I cannot diagnose and treat your sleep problems. As well as writing this blog, I am also the Online Discussion Expert for PLoS. This is a personal blog and opinions within it in no way reflect the policies of PLoS. You can contact me at:

Posts by this author

April 9, 2007
If so, go tell Bill: There must be more. Who else is doing, or planning to do, open science? And further, how can we help each other? My working hypothesis is that open, collaborative models should out-produce the current standard model of research, which involves a great deal of inefficiency in…
April 9, 2007
It appears that scientists are not the only ones who do not grok framing. Jeffrey Feldman's book got blasted by some ninkompoop in NY Times yesterday. Jeff responds: Indeed, when I read that passage I wondered if the reviewer had given up on reading my book just after glancing through the table…
April 9, 2007
Go say Hello to Jennifer Jacquet and Randy Olson (aka 'Dodo') at Shifting Baselines
April 8, 2007
Time ripens all things. No man is born wise. - Miguel de Cervantes
April 8, 2007
Good. Everyone expected it, but it is nice to have it tested and confirmed. Makes life easier and research cheaper. Measuring Movement To Assess And Manage Sleep Disorders: Actigraphy, the use of a portable device that records movement over extended periods of time, and has been used extensively…
April 8, 2007
Pediatric Grand Rounds 1:26 are up on Flea's blog. It is a carnival every entomologist will like....
April 8, 2007
I have updated my uber-long post about framing science. I added a lot more links to the blogospheric responses, as well as my own response to critics at the very bottom of the post. I have also re-posted it as a Diary on DailyKos which I hope you will visit to see the comments and to recommend (…
April 8, 2007
I am thinking about going - this is only about 2 miles from me: Tuesday, April 10th is our first ever MoveOn Virtual Town Hall meeting with the '08 presidential candidates. (The full list of candidates invited to attend is below.) The topic is Iraq, and we want you to have a front row seat. You can…
April 8, 2007
Talking about the hermetic cabal of scientists who never let any outsiders in.... Climate change fruitful for fungi: A remarkable father-and-son research project has revealed how rising temperatures are affecting fungi in southern England. Fungus enthusiast Edward Gange amassed 52,000 sightings of…
April 8, 2007
Gene Genie #4 is up on Sandwalk
April 8, 2007
Yes, the Orthodox and Catholic Easter fall on the same day this year.
April 8, 2007
Transcription Factor Entertaining Research Café Philos: an internet café The skeptical alchemist VirusHead Happy Jihad's House of Pancakes El PaleoFreak Shakesville (formerly Shakespeare's Sister) Amardeep Singh The Radula
April 8, 2007
Flies Don't Buzz About Aimlessly: Have you ever stopped to wonder how a fruit fly is able to locate and blissfully drown in your wine glass on a warm summer evening, especially since its flight path seems to be so erratic? Mark Frye at the University of California and Andy Reynolds at Rothamsted…
April 7, 2007
The best way to fill time is to waste it. - Marguerite Duras (b. 1914)
April 7, 2007
Here, have a go at it. Even better, if you can get the actual paper and dissect it on your blog, let me know so I can link to that. Have fun! Good Behavior, Religiousness May Be Genetic: A new study in Journal of Personality shows that selfless and social behavior is not purely a product of…
April 7, 2007
The Bodies Exhibition is coming to The Streets at Southpoint in Durham. My wife saw it last year in NYC. My daughter will probably be too squeamish for it, but I'll try to get my son to come with me. Once I go....well, it is certainly a bloggable event.
April 7, 2007
Earlier this afternoon, my wife and I went to the Weaver Street Market in Southern Village (which also has a blog) for some wine tasting. You can see the wine list here (pdf). As the first rule of blogging is never to blog drunk, I had a to wait a couple of hours afterwards before I started to…
April 6, 2007
My SciBlings Chris Mooney and Matt Nisbet just published an article in 'Science' (which, considering its topic is, ironically, behind the subscription wall, but you can check the short press release) about "Framing Science" Carl Zimmer, PZ Myers, Mike Dunford (also check the comments here), John…
April 6, 2007
Behavioral Ecology: Late Breeding Female Birds Surprisingly Had More Offspring: Starting to breed late in life is a bad idea if you want to maximise the number of offspring that you produce - or so the theory goes. But doubt has now been cast on this hypothesis - one of the biggest assumptions in…
April 5, 2007
Time is at once the most valuable and the most perishable of all our possessions. - John Randolph
April 5, 2007
Energy Use Study Demonstrates Remarkable Power Of Social Norms: Most people want to be normal. So, when we are given information that underscores our deviancy, the natural impulse is to get ourselves as quickly as we can back toward the center. Marketers know about this impulse, and a lot of…
April 5, 2007
Remember "Ask the ScienceBlogger" series? Well, it's back. And it is somewhat different now. Instead of putting the question out for everyone to respond to (or not) at their own leisure, this time one particular SB blog will be charged with answering the question, and others are free to chime in…
April 5, 2007
2007 TED Prize winner E.O. Wilson on TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) Talks: As E.O. Wilson accepts his 2007 TED Prize, he makes a plea on behalf of his constituents, the insects and small creatures, to learn more about our biosphere. We know so little about nature, he says, that we're still…
April 5, 2007
Patterns That Connect Shape Of A Drum Living in Japan When Pigs Fly Returns PLACEBO JOURNAL Blog Reconciliation Ecology My Best Life Bourgeois Blues Science Avenger Wrong Side of Thirty Scrutiny Hooligans (new URL since they moved)
April 5, 2007
I was waiting until the last installment was up to post about this. Revere on Effect Measure took a recent paper about a mathematical model of the spread of anti-viral resistance and wrote a 16-part series leading the readers through the entire paper, from the title to the List of References and…
April 5, 2007
I think I will show this in class in May when I teach the evolution lecture again. Reed adds some caveats I am sure to point out in the classroom. Update: Watched it again. I think I'll stop the movie a moment before the first chimp appears. Until that moment the animation, though not 100%…
April 5, 2007
Neural Gourmet and Blue Gal are organizing a massive blogospheric Blog Against Theocracy weekend: I'd like invite you all to Blog Against Theocracy. This is a little blog swarm being put together by everybody's favorite panties blogger Blue Gal for Easter weekend, April 6th through the 8th. The…
April 5, 2007
Scientists, as a whole, are very reluctant to write novel ideas, hypotheses or data on blogs, and are very slow to test the waters of Open, Source Publishing. Most of what one finds on science blogs is commentary on other peoples' ideas, hypotheses and data found in journals and mass media. On the…
April 5, 2007
Want To Monitor Climate Change? P-p-p-pick Up A Penguin!: We are used to hearing about the effects of climate change in terms of unusual animal behaviour, such as altering patterns of fish and bird migration. However, scientists at the University of Birmingham are trying out an alternative bio-…
April 4, 2007
Punctuality is the thief of time. - Oscar Wilde