Framing Science Update

I have updated my uber-long post about framing science. I added a lot more links to the blogospheric responses, as well as my own response to critics at the very bottom of the post. I have also re-posted it as a Diary on DailyKos which I hope you will visit to see the comments and to recommend (if you are a Kossian).

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So, the only thing science has going for it, a precisely defined and definable vocabulary, will succumb to the rhetoric of marketing. Words will no longer mean anything. "Science", as in the magazine, will become "USA Today" or "Fox News". How sad.

No, there is no need to lie. When the Right wing frames, it has to lie and spin. With the truth on our side, we can frame without lying or spinning. But without framing, by hoping that truth on its own has the capability to change minds, we lose.

Follow the links to other posts and comments to posts....

For me, this conversation is going in two directions: One more esoteric and probably of interest only to some, the other very pragmatic, and essential, and probably of more general interest.

In any event, I've done my best to muddy the waters with this YALP: