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Bora Zivkovic

My scientific specialty is chronobiology (circadian rhythms and photoperiodism), with additional interests in comparative physiology, animal behavior and evolution. I am not an MD so I cannot diagnose and treat your sleep problems. As well as writing this blog, I am also the Online Discussion Expert for PLoS. This is a personal blog and opinions within it in no way reflect the policies of PLoS. You can contact me at:

Posts by this author

January 10, 2007
A Higher Bar Isaac Hunter's Tavern Keeper of the Snails Yan Feng et alli.
January 10, 2007
Charles Yelton of the North Carolina State Museum of Natural Sciences and Chris Nicolini of NBC17 WNCN are coming to the 2007 North Carolina Science Blogging Conference. Are you? Technorati Tag: sciencebloggingconference
January 9, 2007
In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary. Aaron Rose
January 9, 2007
Adnaan Wasey and Lea Winerman from the The Online PBS NewsHour are coming to the 2007 North Carolina Science Blogging Conference and so is Claire Edwards of The American Physiological Society. Are you? Technorati Tag: sciencebloggingconference
January 9, 2007
Janet reminds us that this is National Delurking Week 2007. So, all of you who come here and read and say nothing, click on that "0 comments" link here and type "Hello". Or more. Who are you? Why are you here? What do you like and dislike here? This is your chance to break the ice and start…
January 9, 2007
A look from the outside, in alphabetical order... Hey, what's this: "Writes administrative posts and links to stuff around the net..."?! Yup, I have been busy lately with the anthology and the conference, and prior to that with kids over the holidays and also trying to sneak in some Thesis-writing…
January 9, 2007
Nelda Philllips is coming to the 2007 North Carolina Science Blogging Conference. Are you? Technorati Tag: sciencebloggingconference
January 9, 2007
Anton, Brian, Paul and I are now in daily (actually more than once a day) contact, putting together the last touches of the organization of the Science Blogging Conference. Only 9 days to go! The teach-in session on the 18th is full. The Friday (19th) dinner is in my neighborhood at 7pm - there…
January 9, 2007
There is a new manuscript online which I will undoubtedly find interesting, I bet, once I find time to read its 52 pages (OK, double-spaced TXT with a long list of references and an Appendix of stats): The Secret Lives of Liberals and Conservatives: Personality Profiles, Interaction Styles, and the…
January 9, 2007
Serendipitously and unusually, these two carnivals have quite a lot in common this week: Grand Rounds: Diet and Food, up on Dr. John La Puma Healthy News Carnival of the Green #59 is up on Hippy Shopper
January 9, 2007
How Fish Species Suffer As A Result Of Warmer Waters: Ongoing global climate change causes changes in the species composition of marine ecosystems, especially in shallow coastal oceans. This applies also to fish populations. Previous studies demonstrating a link between global warming and declining…
January 9, 2007
Corie Lok of Nature Publishing Group's Boston Beat is coming to the 2007 North Carolina Science Blogging Conference. Are you? Technorati Tag: sciencebloggingconference
January 8, 2007
When I woke up this morning my girlfriend asked me, 'Did you sleep good?' I said 'No, I made a few mistakes.' Steven Wright (1955 - )
January 8, 2007
Songphan Choemprayong is coming to the 2007 North Carolina Science Blogging Conference. Are you? Technorati Tag: sciencebloggingconference
January 8, 2007
The Top Ten Stories You Missed in 2006, in Foreign Policy.
January 8, 2007
Philosophers' Carnival #41 is up on Westminster Wisdom
January 8, 2007
Science Daily should know better. The title is OK: Annual Plants May Cope With Global Warming Better Than Long-living Species But look at the first sentence: Countering Charles Darwin's view that evolution occurs gradually, UC Irvine scientists have discovered that plants with short life cycles…
January 8, 2007
My SciBlings Dave and Greta Munger are coming to the 2007 North Carolina Science Blogging Conference. Are you? Technorati Tag: sciencebloggingconference
January 8, 2007
I know you've all been waiting for this. Well, after two all-nighters, the deed is done. Under the fold is the final list of 50 posts that will be included in the anthology. There may be some small changes if some of the authors refuse (or never get back to me in the first place), but I have a…
January 8, 2007
Only 10 days left until the conference! You can imagine that Anton, Brian, Paul and I are in quite a frenzy over it, planning every last detail. Name tags? Name tags! Cups and napkins? Chauffering people between the airport, hotels, the conference and the dinners? Reserving the restaurant…
January 8, 2007
The 57th installment of the Carnival of the Godless is up on Daily Irreverence
January 8, 2007
Erin Knight of the The Hamner Institutes is coming to the 2007 North Carolina Science Blogging Conference. Are you? Technorati Tag: sciencebloggingconference
January 7, 2007
Time is a cruel thief to rob us of our former selves. We lose as much to life as we do to death. Elizabeth Forsythe Hailey, 'A Woman of Independent Means'
January 7, 2007
Michelle Ellis is coming to the 2007 North Carolina Science Blogging Conference. Are you? Technorati Tag: sciencebloggingconference
January 7, 2007
Yes, the best blog awards in the history of the Universe are ready to go again! Go here and start nominating! Dont' you think that is one awesome "blog community" and should be nominated in that category?
January 7, 2007
OK, the Final 50 are soon to be revealed (tomorrow right here in this place)! I have notified the "winners" and I hope they all respond (several already did) and agree for their work to be included (not everyone self-nominated posts). Just in case....I have a few posts in "reserve" to plug in if…
January 7, 2007
Lenis Chen of UNC's DESTINY Traveling Science Learning Program is coming to the 2007 North Carolina Science Blogging Conference. Are you? Technorati Tag: sciencebloggingconference
January 7, 2007
Getting Livestock Vaccines Past A Maternal Block: Use of a virus linked to the common cold is among the novel approaches Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists in Iowa are using to bypass maternal defenses that thwart vaccination of very young livestock. Age, Gender Major Factors In…
January 7, 2007
7th Annual Weblog Awards are now taking nominations. Go and nominate your favourites. Need inspiraiton? Check my blogroll!
January 7, 2007
98th Edition of the Tar Heel Tavern is up 2sides2ron