National Delurking Week

Janet reminds us that this is National Delurking Week 2007. So, all of you who come here and read and say nothing, click on that "0 comments" link here and type "Hello". Or more. Who are you? Why are you here? What do you like and dislike here? This is your chance to break the ice and start commenting here and on all other blogs you frequent.


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As a high school teacher, I loved your series on your biology curriculum. I borrowed a lot of it. Last night, my students read the article "An analogy for the genome"

Hi. Im a science technician in an upper school in the UK.
this is one of the only blogs about science that I actually find interesting. (and relevent)

And when is the designated day or week for people who blog too much (such as myself) to go back to lurking?

And what is the protocol for suggesting to someone that, although you're not accusing them of trolling, they might appreciate the silent joys of lurking?

And when is the designated day or week for people who blog too much (such as myself) to go back to lurking?

The remaining 51 weeks, of course, you are supposed to be quiet and let me talk ;-)

And what is the protocol for suggesting to someone that, although you're not accusing them of trolling, they might appreciate the silent joys of lurking?

That's what comment moderation and IP bans are for! :-)

I know I've commented before, but still I thought I could jump on this bandwagon and say thanks for blogging. I've always enjoyed your work since before your move to Sb. I guess that means I'll stick around a while--if that's okay.