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Bora Zivkovic

My scientific specialty is chronobiology (circadian rhythms and photoperiodism), with additional interests in comparative physiology, animal behavior and evolution. I am not an MD so I cannot diagnose and treat your sleep problems. As well as writing this blog, I am also the Online Discussion Expert for PLoS. This is a personal blog and opinions within it in no way reflect the policies of PLoS. You can contact me at:

Posts by this author

January 7, 2007
Jeff Foust of The Space Review is coming to the 2007 North Carolina Science Blogging Conference. Are you? Technorati Tag: sciencebloggingconference
January 7, 2007
Thanks to the help of twelve wonderful "judges", I have managed to reduce the 218 nominated posts down to a manageable number of 63. And yes, it is 6:30 in the morning! I will have to go to sleep now, but when I get up I will read those 63 posts all over again (the third time in a week) and try…
January 6, 2007
Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so. Douglas Adams (1952 - 2001)
January 6, 2007
Kent Robertson is coming to the 2007 North Carolina Science Blogging Conference. Are you? Technorati Tag: sciencebloggingconference
January 6, 2007
This magnificient experiment got started exactly a year ago yesterday. It immediatelly caught fire and grew steadily from the initial 14 to the current 54 blogs and is still growing bigger and stronger. Here is a look from the outside.
January 6, 2007
I am the systems bitch The Olive Ridley Crawl Appletree chez Odile WWdN: In Exile The Blogging Journalist The Pump Handle Rob Zelt: streams of thought
January 6, 2007
The Top 100 Science Stories of 2006 by Discover magazine. Science: BREAKTHROUGH OF THE YEAR and Runners-up. Did you know there are hundreds of scientists posting on DailyKos? You should check the science tag there every now and then - there is some great stuff! For instance, Mark H of the Biomes…
January 6, 2007
Under the fold, due to MT malfunction.... New Sucker-footed Bat Discovered In Madagascar: Scientists have discovered a new species of bat that has large flat adhesive organs, or suckers, attached to its thumbs and hind feet. This is a remarkable find because the new bat belongs to a Family of bats…
January 6, 2007
Ivan Oransky from The Scientist is coming to the 2007 North Carolina Science Blogging Conference. Are you? Technorati Tag: sciencebloggingconference
January 5, 2007
In the beginning there was nothing. God said, 'Let there be light!' And there was light. There was still nothing, but you could see it a whole lot better. Ellen DeGeneres, (attributed)
January 5, 2007
Here is a post exactly a year old (January 02, 2006) ------------------------------------------ There was an interesting discussion a few weeks ago on The Carpetbagger Report about the viability of third parties in the US political system. Of course, the US system is officially a multi-party system…
January 5, 2007
The Science Blogging Anthology is in the works. So far, eight out of twelve "judges" have returned their grading sheets to me and I have started comparing their assessments and putting the final list of 50 posts together. This is not going to be easy!!!! If you are one of the chosen authors, I…
January 5, 2007
New Orleans Termites Dodge Katrina Bullet: Tales of survival have been trickling out of New Orleans ever since Hurricane Katrina struck in August 2005. But few have focused on what might be considered the city's most tenacious residents--its subterranean termites. Agricultural Research Service (ARS…
January 5, 2007
Sarah Bruce is coming to the 2007 North Carolina Science Blogging Conference. Are you? Technorati Tag: sciencebloggingconference
January 4, 2007
Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend. Theophrastus (372 BC - 287 BC), from Diogenes Laertius, Lives of Eminent Philosophers
January 4, 2007
Top Ten Workplace Safety Stories of 2006 on Confined Space is worth a careful read. Hat-tip: Lindsay
January 4, 2007
Hal Crowther on Iraq Kirk Ross on Edwardses Lisa Sorg on the Chapel Hill event
January 4, 2007
The 51st Skeptics' Circle is up on See You at Enceladus
January 4, 2007
Praying Online Helps Cancer Patients, Study Suggests Breast cancer patients who pray in online support groups can obtain mental health benefits, according to a new study conducted by the University of Wisconsin-Madison Center of Excellence in Cancer Communications Research that was funded by the…
January 4, 2007
Four Stone Hearth, No. 6 is up on Bipedal Locomotion
January 4, 2007
Tenth in the series of mini-lecture notes for the speed-class BIO101 for adults. Find errors. Suggest improvements. (May 21, 2006) -------------------------------------------------- Ecology BIO101 - Bora Zivkovic - Lecture 3 - Part 2 Ecology is the study of relationships of organisms with one…
January 4, 2007
Philosophia Naturalis #5 is up on Highly Allochtonous
January 4, 2007
Being added to my blogroll today: i-Science Getting Things Done in Academia Neurevolution Insurgent American Feral Scholar Sicheii Yazhi The Smirking Chimp Scobleizer Altair4 Redux Jim Buie's Blog Mark Maynard Ang's Weird Ideas The Angry Lab Rat Vagabondvet's Blog Trade Street Journal Random…
January 4, 2007
Mouse Lemur Species Not Determined By Coat Color: A team of researchers has found that nocturnal lemurs thought to belong to different species because of their strikingly different coat colors are not only genetically alike, but belong to the same species. The team, which includes Laurie R. Godfrey…
January 4, 2007
Polls are open. Go and vote.
January 4, 2007
Betsy Muse is coming to the 2007 North Carolina Science Blogging Conference. Are you? Technorati Tag: sciencebloggingconference
January 3, 2007
[Sleep is] the golden chain that ties health and our bodies together. Thomas Dekker (1572 - 1632)
January 3, 2007
The 29th Carnival of the Liberals is up on Daylight Atheism
January 3, 2007
Tangled Bank #70 is up on ¡Viva La Evolución!
January 3, 2007
Oy, vey! In Russia, a test of God vs. Darwin: ....She did not attend the first two court hearings and seems far less interested in the outcome than her father, Kirill Shraiber, who spoke to the court on her behalf, and Anton Vuima, a family friend who heads a public relations firm called Spiritual…