Physics Blogging of the Week

Philosophia Naturalis #5 is up on Highly Allochtonous


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Philosophia Naturalis #11 - Powers of 11 - is up on Highly Allochthonous. The first anniversary edition of The Change Of Shift is up on NursingLink. Carnival of Space #9 is up on The Planetary Society Weblog
Philosophia Naturalis 11 is up at Highly Allochthonous Good stuff.
tags: philosophia naturalis, blog carnivals The 15th edition of Philosophia Naturalis, a blog carnival devoted primarily to physics, astronomy and the earth sciences, has just been published for you to enjoy. I am pleased to report that they included a piece that I wrote, so I am happy about that!
Philosophia Naturalis #10 is up on Daily Irreverence. Friday Ark #140 is up on Modulator.