
Profile picture for user clock
Bora Zivkovic

My scientific specialty is chronobiology (circadian rhythms and photoperiodism), with additional interests in comparative physiology, animal behavior and evolution. I am not an MD so I cannot diagnose and treat your sleep problems. As well as writing this blog, I am also the Online Discussion Expert for PLoS. This is a personal blog and opinions within it in no way reflect the policies of PLoS. You can contact me at:

Posts by this author

November 5, 2006
This is the last reminder to send me permalinks to your recent posts related to neurons, brains, behavior and cognition for the next edition of Encephalon, the neuroscience carnival. I need them by midnight today. I'll post the carnival tomorrow morning. Send the links to: AT…
November 5, 2006
From Quotes of the Day: John Burdon Sanderson Haldane was born at Edinburgh, Scotland on this day in 1892. He was educated at Eton and Oxford, but possibly most important is the fact that he assisted his scientist father in the lab from age eight. His primary work was in genetics, being the first…
November 5, 2006
Christina Whittle is coming to the 2007 North Carolina Science Blogging Conference. Are you? Technorati Tag: sciencebloggingconference
November 4, 2006
Tar Heel Tavern #89 is up on Poetic Acceptance
November 4, 2006
Below the fold are blogs with titles that start with the letter 'A'. Any glaring omissions? Anything worthy checking out? Is YOUR blog starting with this letter? A Babe In the Universe A Blog Around The Clock A Bomb A Nation About: Sleep Disorders A Change in the Wind A chorus for raucous…
November 4, 2006
Some of you may remember last year when I followed ColinMcEnroe's blogging class up at Trinity College in Hartford CT. Well, I should have expected it, but I forgot and nobody told me that they are at it again. Check all the students' blogs on the sidebar - some cool blogging going on there. I…
November 4, 2006
Dr.Petra looks at studies that suggest this, and links to her old Halloween post on the related subject...
November 4, 2006
I took a class with Dale Russell a few years ago. It was one of the most memorable classes ever, mainly because of Dale's overwhelming enthusiasm for the subjects of dinosaurs and evolution (as well as the coolest field-trip to the vaults of Carnegie Museum, getting to touch and hold and discuss…
November 4, 2006
It is not just mirrors that elephants can figure out - they can also flush toilets! [OK, jokes aside, click on the link to see what is really happening]
November 4, 2006
Just in case you have, as a child, heard the myth that ducks' quack does not produce an echo, and have never outgrew the myth (possibly by never even thinking about it ever since), a potential IgNobel winner for next year has been published and, yes, ducks' quacks produce echoes. Shelley has the…
November 4, 2006
Andrea Novicki is coming to the 2007 North Carolina Science Blogging Conference. Are you? Technorati Tag: sciencebloggingconference
November 3, 2006
Politically active and charged music, the "protest music" is live and well. Check out Will Kimbrough and his latest CD called Americanitis. He sang a couple of tunes live in teh studio of local NPR station and I really liked them.
November 3, 2006
Earlier today I was listening to The Story with Dick Gordon on WUNC91.5FM and it was about the persuasive power of the human voice. This is something I was always interested in. The guest was Anne Karpf, author of Human Voice. It was one of those extra-long driveway moments because the topic…
November 3, 2006
Starting right now on Talk of the Nation - Science Friday
November 3, 2006
Low Levels Of Neurotransmitter Serotonin May Perpetuate Child Abuse Across Generations : Infant abuse may be perpetuated between generations by changes in the brain induced by early experience, research shows. A research team found that when baby rhesus monkeys endured high rates of maternal…
November 3, 2006
This post (from January 14, 2005) is how I see the political/ideological landscape in the USA. ---------------------------------------------------- We use the words Left and Right to describe Liberal and Conservative ideological and political leanings. The phrases stem, if I remember correctly,…
November 3, 2006
This week's questions in the Ask a ScienceBlogger series: What's the most important local political race to you this year (as a citizen, as a scientist)? There are two places here in which representatives of a reality-based community can replace mysoginist, homophobic cavedwellers: NC - 8: Larry…
November 3, 2006
My Bloglines feeds are functioning again, so it's time for me to start updating my blogroll, as the one linked on the sidebar is woefully out of date. What I am going to do is post here the blogs I have, one letter at the time, more-or-less one letter a day or whatever time I manage to find to do…
November 3, 2006
Susan Manning of SciTech Publishing is coming to the 2007 North Carolina Science Blogging Conference. Are you? Technorati Tag: sciencebloggingconference
November 2, 2006
Dave proposes Sara disposes You comment.
November 2, 2006
This week's question in the Ask a ScienceBlogger series is: What's the most underfunded scientific field that shouldn't be underfunded? The first and obvious answer is, of course, "my field", whatever it is. But then.... But then I thought about my own field of chronobiology and I think that its…
November 2, 2006
...but I have to note that The Brummell loves Seed Magazine and reviews the whole last issue, article by article.
November 2, 2006
The History Carnival XLII is up on Holocaust Controversies.
November 2, 2006
Circus of the Spineless #14 is up on Neurophilosopher's blog
November 2, 2006
I am currently teaching only the lab portion of BIO101 and will not teach the lecture again until January, but this is as good time as ever to start reposting my lecture notes here, starting with the very first one (originally posted on May 07, 2006) and continuing every Thursday over the next…
November 2, 2006
Shelley has already explained the recent study about the life-span increasing properties of Resveratrol, a compound found in wine. Article in NYT tries to make a quick calculation (apparently erroneous) as of how much wine a person would have to drink in order to receive the same dose as the lab…
November 2, 2006
Vedran Vucic is coming to the 2007 North Carolina Science Blogging Conference. That is the third blogger from Belgrade (including myself) at the conference!!!! We are definitely having a Balkan session! With slivovitz. Are you registered yet? Technorati Tag: sciencebloggingconference
November 2, 2006
Happy fourth blogiversary to John Dupuis, the confessing librarian! Go say Hello.
November 1, 2006
The next Chapel Hill Bloggers Meetup will be tonight, on Thursday, November 2nd at 6pm EST at Open Eye Cafe. I will try not to oversleep this time around and get to see you there.
November 1, 2006
Change of Shift #10 is up on DisappearingJohn RN