September 13, 2014
Two very brief notes about high-profile scandals in academia:
1) While it involves one of my faculty colleagues, I have no special insight to offer into the case of Valerie Barr's firing by the NSF over long-ago political activity. I know and like Valerie as a colleague, and she did some really…
September 12, 2014
I got a royalty statement yesterday for How to Teach [Quantum] Physics to Your Dog (it continues to sell steadily, which is very gratifying), which includes a breakdown of the sales in terms of different formats. That reminded me of a particular annoying quirk of many recent discussions of the…
September 12, 2014
Via a whole bunch of people on social media, there's a new study of gender roles in academia, which the Washington Post headlines "Study: Male scientists want to be involved dads, but few are". This is not inaccurate. Some quotes that jumped out at me:
“Academic science doesn’t just have a gender…
September 10, 2014
Matt "Dean Dad" Reed has a post about the issue of academic conference travel, which is expensive and often the first thing cut out of college budgets. Which leaves faculty either disconnected from their field, or paying out-of-pocket to attend meetings that they need to demonstrate their scholarly…
September 9, 2014
One of the weirder experiences I had at the Nordita Workshop for Science Writers a couple of weeks ago was having people ask me "How are you so productive?" (or the equivalent). That caught me off guard, because I don't feel like I'm especially productive-- in fact, I tend to feel like I'm falling…
September 8, 2014
The new academic year starts this week-- first day of classes is Wednesday-- and I'm dealing with the usual chaos associated with the influx of a new class of students. Who now look to me only a tiny bit older than SteelyKid and the Pip in the above picture (and if you think that sharing that…
September 4, 2014
Three weeks in Europe means a lot of time on planes and trains, so I actually got to read some fiction for a change. I'm stuck in a meeting all day today, and need a morale boost on the way in, so I'll go back to my book-blogging roots and type up the books that I read:
-- Lev Grossman, The…
September 3, 2014
I've posted this before, but a reminder can't hurt: We're hiring two tenure-track faculty this fall. The targeted research fields:
We invite applications for two tenure-track Assistant Professor positions starting in September 2015, one in any area of theoretical physics or astrophysics, the other…
September 3, 2014
Having just returned from a long trip where I gave three talks, one of the first things I saw when I started following social media closely again was this post on how to do better presentations. The advice is the usual stuff-- more images, less text, don't read your slides, and for God's sake,…
September 2, 2014
If you're making your weekly check of the ebook editions (Kindle, Nook) of my quantum book (I'm not the only one who regularly looks at these, right?), you may have noticed a change: they're no longer sporting the original black cover you'll see in the right sidebar, but a new cover based on the…
September 2, 2014
I didn't write a summary of the third day of "Quantum Boot Camp" to go with my Day One and Day Two summaries for a simple reason: I would've needed to do that on Saturday, and I spent Saturday in transit back to the US. More than that, though, it was harder to summarize than the other two days,…
September 1, 2014
I'm up way too early with jet lag, looking over Twitter, and ran into Nick Falkner's report on the TED panel I moderated at Worldcon, which reminded me that I never did write anything about the con. Late is probably still better than never, so here are some quick long-after-the-fact comments about…
August 28, 2014
The second day of the "Quantum Boot Camp" was much lighter on talks. The only speaker was Ray Laflamme from the Institute for Quantum Computing in Waterloo, who gave a nice introduction to quantum technologies. While he did spend a bit of time at the start going through Shor's algorithm for…
August 27, 2014
Since this part of the trip is actually work-like, I might as well dust off the blog and post some actual physics content. Not coincidentally, this also provides a way to put off fretting about my talk tomorrow...
I'm at the Nordita Workshop for Science Writers on quantum theory, which a couple of…
August 24, 2014
While I kill time waiting for it to be a reasonable time to call Kate and the kids back in the US, a list of most of the pubs I've visited during this trip to London. Because why not?
In more or less chronological order:
The Victoria in Lancaster Gate. Or maybe Paddington, going from the URL. The…
August 21, 2014
OK, the photo above is a recent picture of me-- yesterday, in fact. But the spiral-carved rock I'm standing next to was carved that way a bit more than five thousand years ago, so that ought to count as a throwback...
We've been in Dublin the last few days, and on Thursday we took a bus tour out to…
August 15, 2014
Small observations of things that have struck me as weird during our UK stay to this point:
-- There is no alarm clock in our hotel room.
-- There are no drinking fountains in public spaces.
-- The travel-on-the-left thing would be easier if it were consistently applied. About one stairway in three…
August 13, 2014
Kate and I had a very nice time doing touristy things in Bath yesterday during the day-- old church, very old hot spring, Georgian architecture-- then went on to Bristol where I gave a talk on the forthcoming book, as you can see in the picture above. I would ordinarily include a SlideShare link to…
August 12, 2014
I figured I probably ought to post something to let the wider world know we made it safely to London, and have been engaging in tourism. So, please take the above photo of St. Paul's with a backdrop of the ominous dark clouds that have been chasing us around the city as proof of our location.
August 9, 2014
...of the Atlantic. After a few stress-inducing bits the less said about which the better, preparations are basically complete, and we're heading out for London tonight. In the highly unlikely event that I haven't done enough plugging of my appearances, here's a compact list of where you'll be able…
August 7, 2014
Our little hangout thing is now old enough to drink, in episode-years anyway, and to celebrate, we finally figured out how to get live audience feedback during the hangout. Which takes the first couple of minutes of the video, because we're highly trained professional scientists.
Once we got that…
August 5, 2014
Over at FiveThirtyEight, they have a number-crunching analysis of the number of papers (co)authored by women in the arxiv preprint server, including a breakdown of first-author and last-author papers by women, which are perhaps better indicators of prestige. The key time series graph is here:…
August 4, 2014
I've gotten a few queries about this "Impossible space drive" thing that has space enthusiasts all a-twitter. This supposedly generates thrust through the interaction of an RF cavity with a "quantum vacuum virtual plasma," which is certainly a collection of four words that turn up in physics papers…
August 2, 2014
...if you're a first-grader in Niskayuna, anyway.
We've got 10-15 elementary school kids who are supposed to descend upon our house a bit before lunchtime. Morituri te salutamus...
SteelyKid's birthday party invitation.
Kidding aside, it's worth it, because SteelyKid is awesome, and she's super…
August 1, 2014
I took a short nap yesterday, and of course as soon as I lay down on the bed, Emmy erupted in the furious barking that signals the arrival of a package. When I went out to get it, I found shiny new bound galley proofs of Eureka: Discovering Your Inner Scientist:
The just-arrived galley proof for…
July 30, 2014
In which Rhett and I talk about awful academic computing systems, Worldcon, our Wikipedia pages, and AAPT meeting envy.
Some links:
-- Rhett's Wikipedia entry
-- My Wikipedia entry
-- The 2014 AAPT Summer Meeting
-- LonCon 3, this year's Worldcon
-- My puzzling Worldcon schedule
We have some ideas…
July 28, 2014
Given the recent Feynman explosion (timeline of events), some people may be casting about looking for an alternative source of colorful-character anecdotes in physics. Fortunately, the search doesn't need to go all that far-- if you flip back a couple of pages in the imaginary alphabetical listing…
July 27, 2014
Lance Mannion has a really nice contrast between childhood now and back in the 1970's that doesn't go in the usual decline-of-society direction. He grew up not too far from where I now live, and after describing his free-ranging youth, points out some of the key factors distinguishing it from today…
July 25, 2014
I should really know better than to click any tweeted link with a shortened URL, but for some reason, I actually followed one to an article with the limited-reach clickbait title Curious About Quantum Physics? Read These 10 Articles!. Which is only part one, because Huffington Post, so it's…
July 24, 2014
This Alberto Cairo piece on "data journalism" has been kicking around for a while, and it's taken me a while to pin down what bugs me about it. I think my problem with it ultimately has to do with the first two section headers in which he identifies problems with FiveThirtyEight and Vox:
1. Data…