
Profile picture for user gregladen
Greg Laden

Greg Laden is a biological anthropologist and science communicator. His research has covered North American prehistoric and historic archaeology and African archaeology and human ecology. He is an OpenSource and OpenAccess advocate. Greg's wife, Amanda, is a High School biology teacher, his daughter Julia is a world traveler and his son Huxley is 2.

Posts by this author

March 1, 2011
Use the following search box to find information from primarily "skeptical" blogs. I'm currently in the process of adding sites, but you should find it useful as it is. I've also placed the Skeptical Search box in the left sidebar for your easy access.
March 1, 2011
Ohio Senate Schedules a Fetus to Testify About Abortion Bill In support of a bill that proposes banning abortions after the first heartbeat (something that can happen within eighteen days of conception), the anti-abortion group Faith2Action has scheduled a nine-week-old fetus to testify as a…
March 1, 2011
"Hey, look! I've located my first love! Cool, maybe we can go have dinner or something!" ... precisely the words a newlywed husband was hoping to hear from his wife ... Amanda was sitting on the couch discovering Facebook, a place on the Internet she had been assiduously avoiding until only a day…
March 1, 2011
This blog post is now located HERE at Greg Laden's Blog.
February 27, 2011
The Uptake-org reports that "protesters remain inside Wisconsin's State Capitol building tonight. They may be getting what they want. In this video the crowd erupts when told of a rumor that Republican Senator Dale Schulz has decided to vote against a bill to strip public employees of most of their…
February 27, 2011
An inquiry by a federal watchdog agency found no evidence that scientists at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration manipulated climate data to buttress the evidence in support of global warming, officials said on Thursday. The inquiry, by the Commerce Department's inspector general,…
February 26, 2011
How old is the earth? Short answer: 4,540,000,00/H30 Earth-years, plus or minus 1%. Long answer: We don't know exactly because direct dating of the earliest material on the surface of the Earth will only tell use a minimum age; Prior to that, the Earth's surface was probably molten, and even after…
February 26, 2011
Many years ago, during The Roe v. Wade Fight (Part II: The Rise of the Right Wing Yahoos) a student came to me and asked for a break because she wanted to join a bus full of Brandeis students heading down to DC to protest stuff. I told her not to worry about the quiz coming up, just go and do her…
February 26, 2011
First of all, it is not "your teenager" and if that is how you view the teenager, you've totally lost. Second, remember the ultimate truth that you knew when you were a teenager and that "your" teenager knows now: Teenagers know things that adults don't understand. Most adults think this is…
February 25, 2011
Not long after Yellowstone Park was officially created, a small group of campers were killed by Nez Perce Indians on the run from US troops1. More recently, the last time I was in the area, a ranger was killed by a Grizzly Bear (so was his horse) on the edge of the park. A quick glance at my…
February 25, 2011
Have I got that right? As seen on Rebecca Watson's joint.
February 24, 2011
This year's CONvergence is allegedly more steampunk themed than usual, so we may be required to wear goggles to the various sessions on evolution, skepticism, etc. I need help picking out which ones to wear. So far, these are the choices: Hobart Welding Goggles: Harry Potter Quidditch Goggles…
February 24, 2011
La falsedad de los universales humanos Existen universales humanos. Ahora concederme media hora para explicar por qué esto es correcto y falso a al vez. Pero primero, algo sobre el trasfondo y la definición. Definido del modo más simple, un universal humano es un rasgo, una conducta o una…
February 24, 2011
The Science component of "The Nation's Report Card" was released today and clearly indicates that we have moved one step closer as a nation in two of our most important goals: Building a large and complacent poorly educated low-pay labor class, and increasing the size of our science-illiterate…
February 23, 2011
First we had this: Deputy AG suggests shooting Wisconsin Demonstrators to Death Now, this: Indiana attorney general fires deputy over 'live ammunition' tweets aimed at Wisconsin protestors (sic) Ahh... if only it was always this easy.
February 23, 2011
Hat Tip The Paltry Sapien for this video by Yuanjian Luo: A Tale of Two Twins from Yuanjian Luo on Vimeo.
February 23, 2011
House Bill 302 was tabled by the Education Committee of the New Mexico House of Representatives on a 5-4 vote on February 18, 2011, suggesting that it is unlikely to come to a floor vote before the legislature adjourns on March 19, 2011. A version of the currently popular "academic freedom"…
February 23, 2011
If you live in Georgia, and have a miscarriage, you will be investigated, if recently introduced legislation is passed. The bill proposed ... ... by House Republican Bobby Franklin would make abortion the legal equivalent of murder and require miscarriages to be investigated by authorities. ...…
February 23, 2011
A deputy attorney General of Indiana, responded to a tweet indicating that Wisconsin demonstrators might be swept out of the capitol building by police with this: "Use live ammunition." Adam Weinstein, the original tweeter of the news from the Capitol building, who happens to be a journalist,…
February 23, 2011
Look up "telling a lie" in the dictionary and you'll see this video clip next to the definition as an excellent example: Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy source
February 23, 2011
A few months ago, for reasons that I do not recall and could probably never explain, Amanda and I stopped at one of those crappy little Chinese Restaurants stuck between a dry cleaner and a dollar store in some out of the way run down strip mall in Andover.1 We were very hungry; I remember that.…
February 23, 2011
Sarah likes herself, which is good to know. But she is violating a social media networking rule called "sock puppetry." Check it out.
February 22, 2011
Steven Newton, Programs and Policy Director for the National Center for Science Education: ... Why is "neutrality" toward evolution such a disaster for college-bound kids? Evolution is the foundation of biology. Just as geologists cannot decipher the earth's features without plate tectonics, and…
February 22, 2011
The Biggest Loser is a TV reality show on which people who really do weigh a lot more than is healthy compete to lose weight. They do this on teams. There are various challenges. There are charismatic trainers. And, of course, because it is a TV reality show, individuals can get tossed off the…
February 22, 2011
And other matters, including a summary of what happened in Texas. The Tennessee Senate has introduced a second anti- evolution bill and the debate over teaching intelligent design in schools continues. Dr. Eugenie Scott, executive director of the National Center for Science Education updates us on…
February 22, 2011
Or is it just that she does whatever Mistress Bachmann tells her to do? My friend Aseem recently said to me that John McCain may be the USA's greatest villain for unleashing Sarah Palin. My response: Perhaps, and Michele Bachmann is a great villian for leashing Sarah Palin. I do find it…
February 22, 2011
Two Decades of Christian Nationalist Education Paved Way for Today's War on Labor While some religious leaders have come together to voice support for public employees in Wisconsin, others view the attack on the public sector and unions as a holy war. Fundamentalist textbooks and other media have…
February 22, 2011
UPDATE: Was Gordon Hintz recently placed under arrest on sex-crime related charges? (see below) And, did news of this arrest become disseminated only moments ago because of his speech in Madison? Whoa ... Citizens of Wisconsin: If you are not all as mad as this guy, you don't really get what's…
February 22, 2011
The First Openly Gay Horse to run in a major race will be at the post today: Teachers Must Die:   You can make an Angry Birds birthday cake:
February 22, 2011
Or do people just say that this happens with insufficient evidence? In one study it was shown that local governments were using inadequate data to "justify marginalizing sex-related businesses..." a position they felt worthy of supporting even if it could be supported only by twisting the evidence…