
Profile picture for user gregladen
Greg Laden

Greg Laden is a biological anthropologist and science communicator. His research has covered North American prehistoric and historic archaeology and African archaeology and human ecology. He is an OpenSource and OpenAccess advocate. Greg's wife, Amanda, is a High School biology teacher, his daughter Julia is a world traveler and his son Huxley is 2.

Posts by this author

January 25, 2009
Lots of important things. For one, it's Amanda's birthday! Then, there is some holiday on that date, can't remember. Labor day or something. Then, the 2009 Readers' Choice Awards for Linux Journal come out! Between now and then, go ahead and vote on your favorite Linux Stuff. To take the…
January 25, 2009
There are several things that can cause a magnetic signal to form in a rock (and this depends a lot on the rock). One is simply residing on a magnetic planet, like the earth. The other is being shocked by having, for instance, a meteor strike nearby. Another is heating from some other source.…
January 25, 2009
Now that the shoe embargo is lifted... Hat Tip Ghetto Solutions
January 24, 2009
Because the black holes that the big machine will probably create will decay too quickly to start an irreversible sucking-into-the-black-hole kind of effect. But wait, there is a glitch in that theory. As being reported by the Physics arXiv blog, Black holes from the LHC could survive for…
January 23, 2009
*/ Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy
January 23, 2009
The following is a proof developed by a number of economists at Harvard. It is a proof of the inability of women to understand technologically complex problems, math, engineering, that sort of thing. it is claimed that it almost always works. Now, I'm not saying that Larry Summers was party to…
January 23, 2009
I don't pretend to understand everything I see. HIGH-FIVE INAUGURATION! - watch more funny videos
January 22, 2009
I and the Bird #92 - The picnic party Praxis Blog Carnival - Your Graduate Guide To Succeeding In 2009 The Giants' Shoulders #7 Book Review Blog Carnival--9th Edition Change of Shift: Vol. 3, Number Fifteen Grand Rounds 5:18: Ten Suggestions For Healthcare Reform Carnival of Homeschooling
January 20, 2009
As we speak, someone is getting medical treatment at the inaugural indoors ceremony lunch thingie. Details will follow. It is not the president or the vp or their immediate families. There are a lot of old people there, it could be almost anything. UPDATE: It was Ted Kennedy, taken away on a…
January 20, 2009
Speech part one: Speech part two: Transcript Here.
January 20, 2009
CHECK IT OUT!!! CLICK HERE!!!! CLICK HERE!!!! I am rolling of the floor laughing (ROFL). If you didn't see it, watch the YouTube Video. (He totally made up for it with the speech, of course.) You may also note two precious moments earlier in the day: 1) When George Herbert Walker Bush was…
January 17, 2009
This is the seventh in a series of reposts from on global warming. This installment is about sea level rise and fall, in the past. Sea level change that results from the formation and melting of glaciers not only has an enormous impact on the physical nature of the landscape, but it…
January 16, 2009
This is an old story being resurrected wiht new data: Biblical diet 'unhealthy' A new study into the diet of ancient Israel has revealed that far from being 'the land of milk and honey', its inhabitants suffered from the lack of a balanced diet.
January 16, 2009
This is the sixth in a series of reposts from on global warming. In the last post in this series I talked about two aspects of large scale climate change: Milankovitch orbital geometry and the cycles of glaciation this effect causes, and the role of plate tectonics and related…
January 16, 2009
I finally met Janie Belle. That woman is very dedicated to blogging, to science, and to science blogging, because she came all the way from pretty far away to visit the ScienceOnline 09 conference. Thinks have been getting pretty boring around here, but now they may turn exciting. Perhaps too…
January 16, 2009
Praxis Blog Carnival - Your Graduate Guide To Succeeding In 2009 is HERE at Podblack Cat
January 16, 2009
I'm in. In North Carolina, that is. Nothing happening yet. It is about 100 degrees warmer here than it was when I woke up this am. Flew with Stephanie Zvan (Almost Diamonds) and Ben Zvan (who is here to do a photo shoot). Checking out room, internet, preparing to go get a bite to eat and/or a…
January 16, 2009
This is the fifth in a series of reposts from on global warming. During the 1970s and 80s, creationists had a long list of reasons to doubt evolution, and every one of those reasons was wrong. But they had so many reasons, and it was so hard to keep track of them all, each with…
January 15, 2009
This is the fourth in a series of reposts from on global warming. "Climate Studies" is a "causal" science. Most sciences are "causal" in nature, which is why the sciences and scientists are often loathed and distrusted by people in the humanities and some of the soft sciences.…
January 15, 2009
... like, when you hear it on playback from a tape recorder. Sound can reach the inner ear by way of two separate paths, and those paths in turn affect what we perceive. Air-conducted sound is transmitted from the surrounding environment through the external auditory canal, eardrum and middle ear…
January 15, 2009
Answer: Depends on the joke. The Czech EU presidency has apologised for an art installation it commissioned that lampoons national stereotypes. Czech Deputy Prime Minister Alexandr Vondra apologised directly to Bulgaria, which has formally complained over its depiction as a toilet... The…
January 15, 2009
This is the third in a series of reposts from on global warming. Why It Matters What you Burn and When you Burn It Carbon Dioxide is a deadly poison. It is about 50% heavier than air, so where it occurs in density, in mines or certain natural vents associated with volcanics, it can…
January 14, 2009
This is the second in a series of reposts from on global warming. Why Greenhouses have nothing to do with the Greenhouse Effect, and more importantly, why CAN'T I microwave toast? A greenhouse is a glass house that is sealed to keep air in and insulated to keep heat in but at the…
January 14, 2009
HOLLAND TOWNSHIP, N.J. - Three New Jersey siblings whose names have Nazi connotations have been placed in state custody, police said. The children, ranging in age from 3 to under 1, were removed from their home Friday. They drew attention last month when a supermarket bakery refused to put the name…
January 14, 2009
Very cool with his shades on and everything.
January 14, 2009
Pursuant to the upcoming conference, Almost Diamonds has posted a list of recommended Science Fiction blogs. There is also a list of recommenced science and tech blogs, science art. Here.
January 14, 2009
Largest-ever study of US child health begins (AP) -- Scientists begin recruiting mothers-to-be in North Carolina and New York this week for the largest study of U.S. children ever performed - aiming eventually to track 100,000 around the country from conception to age 21. This will be very…
January 14, 2009
With a little Al Sharpton on the side.
January 14, 2009
What a moron. A lying moron, if you must know. I love it: "Fair Judge = Norm Coleman Wins"
January 14, 2009
Suddenly we are talking about "what is science" on Well, according to some of our commenters science is a bunch of stuff that many of us science bloggers never talk about! Which to some extent is certainly true. But we are not a textbook! We are blogger-beings! This discussion…