
Profile picture for user gregladen
Greg Laden

Greg Laden is a biological anthropologist and science communicator. His research has covered North American prehistoric and historic archaeology and African archaeology and human ecology. He is an OpenSource and OpenAccess advocate. Greg's wife, Amanda, is a High School biology teacher, his daughter Julia is a world traveler and his son Huxley is 2.

Posts by this author

March 28, 2008
The University of California Board of Regents today (March 27) voted unanimously to appoint Mark G. Yudof, current head of the University of Texas system and a recognized leader in American higher education, the 19th president of the University of California. The appointment was made during a…
March 28, 2008
Welcome to Gene Genie #24: with a heavy emphasis on Personal Genetics The previous Gene Genie was hosted at DNAdirect Talk and it is still fresh, so go have a look if you have not already. The next Gene Genie will be hosted at My Biotech Life. By the way, the Gene Genie logo was created by…
March 28, 2008
[Hat Tip: Ana]
March 28, 2008
According to a study just out in PLoS, you can learn to be nice. This study, using functional MRI brain imaging, assessed brain activity while meditation experts produced a meditative state called a "loving-kindness-compassion state" (and here I was thinking that the "loving-kindness-compassion…
March 28, 2008
Details: LIGHTNING + THUNDER CD RELEASE PARTY Friday, March 28th, 2008 Varsity Theater (1308 - 4th Street SEth, Minneapolis, 55414 21+. Doors 9:00pm. $7. TRU RUTS/SPEAKEASY RECORDS + SMOKESIGNYL PRESENTS LIGHTNING + THUNDER CD RELEASE First Compilation of its kind in Minnesota fusing Reggaeton,…
March 28, 2008
Branta ruficollis is endangered. The Red Breasted Goose International Working Group (RbGIWG, which is unpronounceable) has a new species action plan to save this critter. Here's some info from Redbrested Goose Central: Red-breasted Goose (Branta ruficollis) is a charismatic globally threatened…
March 27, 2008
NASA astronomers were blown away last week by what was far and away the strongest gamma-ray burst (GRB) ever observed. GRB 080319B, shown here in x-ray [left] and optical/ultraviolet [right] views captured by the Swift satellite, burned so brightly that its afterglow was briefly visible to the…
March 27, 2008
Don't mess with me, man, I'm a Philippine Eagle, Pithecophaga jefferyi. You can call me Jeff. This bird is almost extinct.
March 27, 2008
Please get me your Gene Genie Blog Carnival Entries by tomorrow afternoon! I'd like to get the carnival up ca midnight on Friday. I've got lots of good stuff already, but I don't want you to miss your chance.
March 27, 2008
The ape human split is a bit of a moving target. In the 1970s and early 1980s, there were geneticists who placed it at very recent (close to 4 million years ago) and palaeoanthropologists, using fossils, who placed it at much earlier. During the 1980s, the ape-human split moved back in time…
March 27, 2008
The blog carnival, Number XVI, is here, at Dragon's Tales.
March 27, 2008
Bible scholar and NorthPointe Christian High School teacher Kent Dobson resigned Tuesday after he and the school board parted ways over Dobson's role in a Discovery Channel program, "Jesus: The Missing History." "It was apparent to both Kent and the board that some of the views expressed on the…
March 27, 2008
A California appellate court agreed Wednesday to rehear arguments in a controversial case that called into question the legality of home schooling, court documents show. A statewide uproar began when a panel with the 2nd District Court of Appeal ruled in last month that there is no constitutional…
March 27, 2008
Accepting his 2008 TED Prize, physicist Neil Turok speaks out for talented young Africans starved of opportunity: by unlocking and nurturing the continent's creative potential, we can create a change in Africa's future. Turok asks the TED community to help him expand the African Institute for…
March 27, 2008
Old books can be wonderful sources of information, ideas, and even inspiration. I collect them and sometimes even read them. Reading a 100 year old book in your field of interest is a challenge and can be a rewarding experience. It is a challenge because it is dangerous. I worry that I might…
March 27, 2008
Let us begin by noting that "Europe" is an arbitrarily defined geographical unit occupied for the last few hundred years or so by people who believe that "Europe" is the Center of the Universe. Therefore, this statement: "The earliest hominin occupation of Europe is one of the most debated topics…
March 27, 2008
The Four Stone Hearth #37 - The Pulp SciFi Edition is HERE at Hot Cup of Joe. Four stone hearth is the Anthropology blog carnival.
March 26, 2008
Emetrece Productions invites you to come 'sim simmer' with us! "Sim Simmer Latino" A special 'private party' free show to thank our friends and fans! Featuring Maria Isa, The Kamillion and Omari Omari on the 1s & 2s. FREE // 9PM - 12AM // 21+ Thursday, April 3, 2008 600 Washington Avenue North…
March 26, 2008
The following is not really a poll. It is just a picture of a poll. If you click on it, you will be swept away to the actual poll. I voted for gnome but I like some of the other ones too. I don't like KDE.
March 26, 2008
A new NOVA is on the way. "Voyage to the Mystery Moon" is about Titan and the planet it goes around, Saturn. Chronicling a bold voyage of discovery--the Cassini/Huygens mission to Saturn and its enigmatic moon Titan--"Voyage to the Mystery Moon" delivers striking images of these fascinating…
March 26, 2008
Anne Coulter sends me emails now and then (she doesn't know who I am ... don't tell her) so I get the inside anorexia, I mean, the inside skinny on some of the moves the hard right wing are making now and then. Astonishingly, very little of this is ever of any interest. But the latest tidbit is…
March 26, 2008
I have not read the paper yet, but there is a news report out. This will be in tomorrows nature: MADRID, Spain - A small piece of jawbone unearthed in a cave in Spain is the oldest known fossil of a human ancestor in Europe and suggests that people lived on the continent much earlier than…
March 26, 2008
An investigation is underway into how a gun carried by a US Airways pilot was discharged during a flight. No-one was hurt when the gun went off as the plane was preparing to land at Charlotte, North Carolina, on Saturday. A hole in a cockpit wall apparently caused by the shot is visible in photos…
March 26, 2008
Welcome to Berry Go Round #3, the blog carnival deicated to all things botanical. The previous installment, Berry Go Round #2, is located here, at Further Thoughts. If you would like to submit an item to the next Berry Go Round, you may use this handy submission form. The Berry Go Round Home…
March 25, 2008
March 25, 2008
Azores Bullfinch, known locally as Priolo, is confined to eastern São Miguel in the Azores, Portugal. It has suffered through widespread loss of native forest and invasion by exotic vegetation, which has largely overrun the remaining patches of natural vegetation within the species's breeding…
March 25, 2008
Two lion skulls found during excavations at the Tower of London originated in north-west Africa, genetic research suggests. The big cats, which were kept by royals during medieval times, have the same genetic make-up as the north African Barbary lion, a DNA study shows. Experts believe the animals…
March 25, 2008
Hat Tip Gwenny Todd
March 25, 2008
I believe I knew before PZ Myers did that an Asteroid had been named after him. I heard it on the radio. and much later on he confirmed it on his blog. See this post. [Correction: He knew, he was just being cool. See this.] Curiously, PZ claims that we do not know what the asteroid looks like…
March 25, 2008
A "radiation" (sometimes called an "adaptive radiation") is when a single ancestral species gives rise to a number of novel species, often in a fairly short (geological) period of time. Following this radiation event, it seems often to be the case that subsequent speciation is less common. In…