Huernia zebrina

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Blossom from Huernia zebrina

Image: Biosparite, 2008 [larger view].

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By Louis Savain (not verified) on 20 Jun 2008 #permalink

Weird. Looks like a striped plastic starfish eating a red plastic donut. Both made by Fisher-Price.

Nice photo! I have seen several stapeliads, but not this one. Most of them smell like rotten meat. What does this attractive flower smell like?

By Albatrossity (not verified) on 21 Jun 2008 #permalink

i know this flower is not very large -- roughly the diameter of a dime?? -- but i'd bet it stinks, although in a very small way. but the person who snapped this image is on vacation until tuesday, so a definitive answer won't be forthcoming until then.