
Profile picture for user grrlscientist
Hedwig Pöllöläinen

Posts by this author

January 11, 2008
tags: Friday Ark, blog carnivals The 173rd edition of the Friday Ark is now available. If you like looking at photographs of animals, then this is the place to go!
January 11, 2008
tags: double vision, humor, visual humor Mike Huckabee, presidential candidate for the Religious Wingnut Party. Image: AZRainman After looking at this image, I feel sick now, in more ways than one, in fact. There's more where this came from, too.
January 11, 2008
tags: subway art, basilisk, AMNH, American Musuem of Natural History, NYCLife, NYC A common basilisk, Basiliscus basiliscus, with the shadow of Velociraptor spp. in the background, as portrayed in tiles on the walls of the NYC uptown subway stop (A-B-C) at 81st and Central Park West. (ISO, no…
January 11, 2008
tags: behavior, environmental enrichment, giant Pacific octopus, Octopus dofleini, cephalopod, animal intelligence Louis, the giant pacific octopus, Octopus dofleini, cuddles his Mr Potato Head. The 1.8meter-wide (6 foot) animal is so attached to Mr Potato Head that he becomes aggressive when…
January 11, 2008
tags: red-winged blackbird, Agelaius phoeniceus, birds, NYC, Central Park, Image of the Day My good friend, the published author Bob Levy, has sent me eight images that document the lives of a little family of red-winged blackbirds living in Central Park, NYC. These images will appear as the Image…
January 11, 2008
tags: ScienceDebate2008, Science Friday, Ira Flatow, National Public Radio, NPR, podcast Remember how we have been lobbying for a presidential debate that specifically focuses on each candidate's planned policies regarding science and technology? And remember how things were picking up momentum…
January 11, 2008
tags: academe, Michael Berube, blogging, streaming video Michael Berube says that an academic who blogs is contributing to the demise of Western culture. *cough* *cough* Oookay .. what do you think? [1:37] I think the guy is full of shit, but one could claim that I am biased -- somewhat.
January 10, 2008
tags: I and the Bird, blog carnivals The 66th edition of I and the Bird blog carnival is now available for you to enjoy. This issue takes the form of a play written by Oscar Wildlife.
January 10, 2008
tags: Manhattan skyline, photography, NYCLife, NYC A view of eastern Manhattan from a condo on the thirtieth floor on the Upper West Side (ISO, no zoom, no flash). While I was here, I watched a peregrine falcon, Falco peregrinus, repeatedly bomb-dive Pale Male, the famous red-tailed hawk, Buteo…
January 10, 2008
tags: red-winged blackbird, Agelaius phoeniceus, birds, NYC, Central Park, Image of the Day My good friend, the published author Bob Levy, has sent me eight images that document the lives of a little family of red-winged blackbirds living in Central Park, NYC. These images will appear as the Image…
January 10, 2008
tags: Ask a Science Blogger, male birth control pill, contraceptive The human egg at the moment of fertilization. Image: National Museum of Health and Medicine. The newest "Ask a Science Blogger" question is; Why is there no birth control pill for men? I know that many women say that male birth…
January 10, 2008
tags: internet cats, humor, Catz PWN, streaming video Do you trip over objects, such as toys and cats, as you make your way to the bathroom in the middle of the night? Well, trip no more by making your own LED "headlight slippers" -- this video shows you how! [0:53] $5 Headlight Slippers ! - video…
January 9, 2008
tags: online quiz, American politics It appears that I am a social liberal-progressive .. that makes more sense than simply branding me as a "liberal" since I have some rather sharp disagreements with liberals who aren't progressives .. Where do you lie along this political spectrum?
January 9, 2008
tags: carnival of education, blog carnivals The 153rd edition of the Carnival of Education is now available for you to read.
January 9, 2008
tags: subway art, dusky lory, Pseudeos fuscata, AMNH, American Musuem of Natural History, NYCLife, NYC A pair of dusky lories, Pseudeos fuscata, as portrayed in tiles just above the handrail on the walls of the at the northernmost stairway to the NYC uptown subway stop (A-B-C) at 81st and Central…
January 9, 2008
tags: Deroptyus accipitrinus, hawk-headed parrot, red-fan parrot, pets, birds, avian, parrots, behavior Okay, my peeps, a regular reader was inspired by the earlier blog entry, Songs About Birds -- Can You Name Some? to write a poem about birds, Dirty Bird! Dirty Bird!, except this reader claims…
January 9, 2008
tags: Deroptyus accipitrinus, hawk-headed parrot, red-fan parrot, pets, birds, avian, parrots, behavior Orpheus, a very young male red fan (hawk-headed) parrot, Deroptyus a. accipitrinus, who lives with me (December 2007). GrrlScientist, 2007 [larger view]. My birds and I have been watching…
January 9, 2008
tags: red-winged blackbird, Agelaius phoeniceus, birds, NYC, Central Park, Image of the Day My good friend, the published author Bob Levy, has sent me eight images that document the lives of a little family of red-winged blackbirds living in Central Park, NYC. These images will appear as the Image…
January 9, 2008
tags: politics, NH primary, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, 2008 Presidential primaries, news coverage Past Primary campaign buttons from the collections of the NH Historical Society and the NH Political Library. Image: WBUR, Boston's NPR affiliate. I was hanging out in my local watering hole…
January 9, 2008
tags: music, songs about birds Some birder pals of mine are discussing an interesting topic that I thought you would also enjoy; can you name any songs (or other musical pieces) that are about birds? If so, do you have any favorites? Here's my contribution to the conversation; John Denver's The…
January 9, 2008
tags: Tangled Bank, blog carnivals This is it, folks, the blog carnival that you've all been waiting for; Tangled Bank. The 96th edition has just been published, so get on over there for some science-y goodness.
January 9, 2008
tags: internet cats, humor, Catz PWN, streaming video This is a really funny video that will make you smile, and it has some really nice music, too! [3:17]
January 8, 2008
tags: Times Square, NYCLife, NYC The Big Apple: The city that never sleeps. On 7th Avenue, looking south at Times Square, NYC, last night. (Yes, I was standing in traffic, but it wasn't moving, so this picture only looks as if I risked my life to get it for you, but if it makes you feel better to…
January 8, 2008
tags: Carnival of Homeschooling, education, blog carnivals The Carnival of Homeschooling is a new blog carnival for me but it is well-established, as you will see in the most recent issue -- it is jam-packed with lots of links to follow and read. If you peek closely, you'll find that they included…
January 8, 2008
"Bart! Don't make fun of graduate students. They just made a terrible life choice!" [0:19] No. Fucking. Shit.
January 8, 2008
tags: red-winged blackbird, Agelaius phoeniceus, birds, NYC, Central Park, Image of the Day My good friend, the published author Bob Levy, has sent me eight images that document the lives of a little family of red-winged blackbirds living in Central Park, NYC. These images will appear as the Image…
January 8, 2008
tags: Adélie penguin, Pygoscelis adeliae , ornithology, birds, avian, leucism A unique leucistic Adélie penguin, Pygoscelis adeliae, photographed by the Mawson Hut Foundation team in Antarctica. Image: Brett Jarrett (Mawsons Hut Foundation) [larger] An individual Adélie penguin, Pygoscelis…
January 8, 2008
tags: Linnaeus's Legacy, blog carnivals The 3rd edition of the new blog carnival, Linnaeus's Legacy is now available for you to read and enjoy. Even though I never sent in a submission, they included something I wrote anyway -- hopefully, something you will enjoy.
January 8, 2008
tags: academe, professor on food stamps, academic poverty, streaming video I thought my employment situation was solely due to some mysterious and horrible flaw that is obvious to everyone except me, but here is a man who has the same complaints and problems, almost word-for-word as I have, except…
January 7, 2008
tags: books, writing, writers from across the blogosphere, blog carnivals The most recent edition of Writers from Across the Blogosphere Carnival is now available for you to read and enjoy.