Dirty Bird! Dirty Bird!

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Okay, my peeps, a regular reader was inspired by the earlier blog entry, Songs About Birds -- Can You Name Some? to write a poem about birds, Dirty Bird! Dirty Bird!, except this reader claims this is actually a song because there is a tune that goes with it .. I would like to challenge this reader, Digital Cuttlefish, to sing this song and post it as an mp3!

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Much as I would like to honor your request
I think it best
For you, for me, indeed for every living thing,
Not to sing.
So, despite the fact that, for you, I'd almost give it a go...
um... no.

What's the tune, Cuttlefish? It's definitely a waltz. I was leaning toward "And the Band Played On" ("Casey would waltz with the strawberry blond..."), but that doesn't really work.

Let me know, and I might be able to do something with it.

The tune is a thing all my own
Not widely (or narrowly) known--
A waltz, yes, indeed
At a moderate speed,
But I'm sorry, my lips are still sewn.

(but feel free to write your own tune!)