tags: Friday Ark, blog carnivals
The 173rd edition of the Friday Ark is now available. If you like looking at photographs of animals, then this is the place to go!
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tags: blog carnivals, Friday Ark, animal images
This week's edition of the Friday Ark is now available. This is a linkfest that focuses on sharing animal images with the public, so if you are in the mood to look at animal pictures (some accompanied by essays), this is the place to go!
tags: blog carnivals, teaching
The 176th edition of the weekly blog carnival, Friday Ark, is now available for you to enjoy. This is a blog carnival that focuses on linking to pictures of animals, although the pictures might also have a story associated with them (but they don't have to). So if you…
tags: Friday Ark, blog carnivals
The 168th edition of the Friday Ark is now available for you to enjoy. This blog carnival specializes in linking to images of animals, although some of these images also have stories that accompany them. They included some of my contributions, too!
tags: blog carnivals, Friday Ark
The 179th edition of the Friday Ark is now available for your viewing pleasure. This is the carnival that focuses specifically on sharing images of ANIMALS, although some of these images are accompanied by words.
Shouting Macaw scares off burglar at pet store