
Profile picture for user grrlscientist
Hedwig Pöllöläinen

Posts by this author

January 17, 2010
tags: Birdbooker Report, bird books, animal books, natural history books, ecology books "How does one distinguish a truly civilized nation from an aggregation of barbarians? That is easy. A civilized country produces much good bird literature." --Edgar Kincaid The Birdbooker Report is a special…
January 17, 2010
tags: Eurasian Tawny-Eagle, Asian Tawny-Eagle, African Tawny-Eagle, Tawny Eagle, Aquila rapax, birds, mystery bird, bird ID quiz [Mystery bird] Tawny Eagle, also known by a number of common names that reflect its wide-ranging status; Asian Tawny-Eagle, Eurasian Tawny-Eagle and African Tawny-Eagle…
January 17, 2010
tags: religion, school, religion, catholicism, comedy, humor, fucking hilarious, Dave Allen, streaming video Irish Comedian Dave Allen (1936-2005) remembers his introduction to religion -- his first day of school. David Tynan O'Mahoney (Dave Allen) was popular in the United Kingdom, Australia,…
January 16, 2010
tags: religion, IDiots, satire, parody, comedy, humor, fucking hilarious, Hitler, DOWNFALL, streaming video The so-called Discovery Institute is a pretentious über-Christian disguise for creationism and an ultra-Conservative social agenda called The Wedge Strategy. So-called Intelligent Design…
January 16, 2010
tags: Suomenlinnan Ikkuna, Helsinki, Finland, nature, image of the day Suomenlinnan Ikkuna (Suomenlinna window). Soumenlinna, Helsinki, Finland. Image: GrrlScientist, 19 July 2009 [larger view]. (raw image)
January 16, 2010
tags: Two-banded Courser, Smutsornis (Cursorius) africanus gracilis, birds, mystery bird, bird ID quiz [Mystery bird] Two-banded Courser, Smutsornis (Cursorius) africanus gracilis, photographed at Tarangire National Park, Tanzania, Africa. [I will identify this bird for you in 48 hours] Image:…
January 16, 2010
tags: Kitten Mittens, funny, weird, silly, cats, pets, streaming video Does your cat make too much noise? Try Kitten Mittens! Interessante Showeinlage eines verrückten Katzenbesitzers.
January 15, 2010
tags: The Downfall, Hitler, funny, weird, silly, Jay Leno, Conan O'Brien, streaming video It's a bad day for everyone! In this parody, Hitler finds out the devastating news just before a planned vacation to Southern California: Leno Is Moving Back To Late Night. The film used to parody the NBC Late…
January 15, 2010
tags: evolutionary biology, behavioral ecology, life history, migration, long-distance migration,birds,ornithology,,peer-reviewed research, peer-reviewed paper White-rumped sandpiper, Calidris fuscicollis, chicks on Bylot Island, Nunavut, Canada. Image: Laura McKinnon [larger…
January 15, 2010
tags: Suomenlinnan käytävällä, Helsinki, Finland, nature, image of the day Suomenlinnan käytävällä (Suomenlinna passageway). Soumenlinna, Helsinki, Finland. Image: GrrlScientist, 19 July 2009 [larger view]. (raw image)
January 15, 2010
tags: Delicate Owl, White Owl, Barn Owl, Tyto alba, birds, mystery bird, bird ID quiz [Mystery bird] Barn Owl, occasionally known as the Delicate Owl, or more commonly as the White Owl, Tyto alba, photographed on the roadside in the Rio Grande Valley, the southernmost tip of Texas. This valley…
January 15, 2010
Image: wemidji (Jacques Marcoux). Nam et ipsa scientia potestas est (And thus knowledge itself is power) -- Sir Francis Bacon. Have you read an especially good essay about science, nature or medicine lately? If so, why not share it with the world by submitting the URL for this essay to a blog…
January 15, 2010
tags: art, wildlife art, stop-motion painting, Riparian Rashomon, Agami Heron, Agamia agami, Brilliant Forest Frog, Lithobates warszewitschii, entertainment, Carel Brest van Kempen, streaming video This is a fascinating stop-motion video of the creation of artist Carel Brest van Kempen's painting,…
January 14, 2010
tags: How it's Made: Aluminum Foil, aluminum, material science, chemistry, technology, streaming video The video shows the process of producing everyday use aluminum foil from huge, raw aluminum ingots.
January 14, 2010
Who: Eric Alterman What: free public presentation, "What Would Thomas Paine Think? Liberal Values in Obama's First Year" Where: New York Society for Ethical Culture [travel instruction] 2 West 64th Street (at Central Park West) [map] When: 700 pm, Wednesday, 20 January Cost: FREE and open to the…
January 14, 2010
tags: Suomenlinnan Ikkuna, Helsinki, Finland, nature, image of the day Suomenlinnan Ikkuna (Suomenlinna window). Soumenlinna, Helsinki, Finland. Image: GrrlScientist, 19 July 2009 [larger view]. (raw image)
January 14, 2010
tags: Redhead, Pochard, Raft Duck, Red-headed Raft Duck, Aytha americana, birds, mystery bird, bird ID quiz [Mystery bird] Redhead, also known by a slew of other names, including Pochard, Raft Duck and Red-headed Raft Duck, Aytha americana, photographed in Hermann Park, Houston, Texas. [I will…
January 14, 2010
tags: art, wildlife art, stop-motion painting, Eastern Painted Turtle, Chrysemu picta, entertainment, Carel Brest van Kempen, streaming video This is a fascinating stop-motion video of artist Carel Brest van Kempen's painting of an Eastern Painted Turtle, Chrysemu picta, a common and widespread…
January 13, 2010
tags: conservation, reptiles, King Cobra, Ophiophagus hannah, Gharial, Gavialis gangeticus, water pollution, Romulus+Whitaker, TEDTalks, streaming video The gharial, Gavialis gangeticus, and king cobra, Ophiophagus hannah, are two of India's most iconic reptiles, and they're endangered because of…
January 13, 2010
tags: evolutionary biology, behavioral ecology, migration, microtechnology, geolocator, natural history, biological hotspots, longest migration, seabirds, Arctic Tern, Sterna paradisaea,,peer-reviewed research, peer-reviewed paper Arctic Tern, Sterna paradisaea, Iceland.…
January 13, 2010
tags: Suomenlinnan Sisäänkäynti, Helsinki, Finland, nature, image of the day Suomenlinnan Sisäänkäynti (Entrance to Suomenlinna). Photographed at the ferry terminus on Soumenlinna. Helsinki, Finland. Image: GrrlScientist, 19 July 2009 [larger view]. (raw image) Suomenlinnan Sisäänkä…
January 13, 2010
tags: American Pipit, Buff-bellied Pipit, Anthus rubescens, birds, mystery bird, bird ID quiz [Mystery bird] American Pipit, also known as the Buff-bellied Pipit, Anthus rubescens, photographed at the Arthur Storey Park, Houston, Texas. [I will identify this bird for you in 48 hours] Image:…
January 13, 2010
tags: art, wildlife art, stop-motion painting, Lanjak Dawn, Crowned Flying Lizard, Orang-utan, entertainment, Carel Brest van Kempen, streaming video This is yet another fascinating stop-motion video of the creation of artist Carel Brest van Kempen's painting, Lanjak Dawn. This is his first major…
January 12, 2010
tags: man drinking fat, NYC Health Anti-Soda Ad, Are You Pouring on the Pounds?, diet, nutrition, sports drinks, soda, sweetened drinks, television, disgusting, streaming video Most people don't realize how easy it is to gain weight from drinking sugary sodas, juice drinks, sport drinks and…
January 12, 2010
tags: Grab More Science, LabGrab, science news, technology, graphic, image of the day Image: LabGrab, 13 January 2010. An American start-up company in Portland, Oregon, announced the release of their new technology that creates a colorful chart to visualize the volume of science and medical…
January 12, 2010
Image: wemidji (Jacques Marcoux). Nam et ipsa scientia potestas est (And thus knowledge itself is power) -- Sir Francis Bacon. Have you read an especially good essay about science, nature or medicine lately? If so, why not share it with the world by submitting the URL for this essay to a blog…
January 12, 2010
tags: Suomenlinnan Linnoitusta, Helsinki, Finland, nature, image of the day Suomenlinna Linnoitusta (Suomenlinna Fortress). Photographed at the ferry terminus on Soumenlinna. Helsinki, Finland. Image: GrrlScientist, 19 July 2009 [larger view]. (raw image)
January 12, 2010
tags: Laysan Albatross, Phoebastria (Diomedea) immutabilis, birds, mystery bird, bird ID quiz [Mystery bird] Laysan Albatross, Phoebastria (Diomedea) immutabilis, photographed at the Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge on the Midway Islands in the Hawaiian archipelago -- an unincorporated…
January 12, 2010
tags: art, wildlife art, stop-motion painting, Painting the Golden Pheasant, Golden Pheasant, Chrysolophus pictus, birds, entertainment, Carel Brest van Kempen, streaming video This is yet another fascinating stop-motion video of the creation of artist Carel Brest van Kempen's painting, Golden…
January 11, 2010
tags: King Bird of Paradise, Cicinnurus regius, Red-Capped Manakin, Yellow-Thighed Manakin, Pipra mentalis, courtship displays, behaviors, birds, ornithology, Kim Bostwick, streaming video I recently showed you the oddly shaped iridescent tail plume from a King Bird of Paradise as the daily mystery…