
Profile picture for user grrlscientist
Hedwig Pöllöläinen

Posts by this author

April 4, 2009
Okay my peeps, due to my own inept planning abilities, it seems I am helping to rejuvenate one blog carnival (Circus of the Spineless) while I am also launching another carnival, Scientia, on precisely the same day. Was this really dumb of me? Of course it was. However, I am going to make this…
April 4, 2009
tags: mystery bird, identify this bird, birds, mystery bird, bird ID quiz [Mystery bird] American Crow, Corvus brachyrhynchos, photographed in Brazos Bend State Park, Texas. [I will identify this bird for you tomorrow] Image: Joseph Kennedy, 10 March 2009 [larger view]. Nikon D200, Kowa 883…
April 4, 2009
tags: prayer, religion, humor, satire, streaming video This streaming video shows a little chat with Edward Current, who pleads, "My Grampa seriously needs to stay alive. Fortunately when there's something we have no control over, there are still things we can do!" I'll bet you can't guess what…
April 3, 2009
tags: Chambers Street, Park Place, World Trade Center, Oculus, Andrew Ginzel, Kristin Jones, subway art, NYC through my eye, photography, NYC Oculus #28, 1998. Stone mosaic on walls throughout Chambers Street station complex (A & C trains); also, there is a stone and glass floor mosaic at…
April 3, 2009
Here's the latest carnivalia for you to read and enjoy; I and the Bird, #97. As the name implies, this is the blog carnival about wild birds and birding. Canival of the Vanities, G20 edition. This is the granddaddy of all blog carnivals, the one that spawned a million or so other blog carnivals.…
April 3, 2009
tags: anastamoses, Suomenlinna, Helsinki, Finland, image of the day Here's a picture of some really cold birds .. but thanks to the wonders of evolution and anastamoses, their feet haven't frozen off! Photographed from the ferry that runs between Helsinki and Suomenlinna on Kalevalapaäivä (…
April 3, 2009
tags: Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Polioptila caerulea, birds, mystery bird, bird ID quiz [Mystery bird] Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Polioptila caerulea, photographed in Arizona. [I will identify this bird for you tomorrow] Image: Richard Ditch, 24 December 2008 [larger view]. Date Time Original: 2008:12:…
April 3, 2009
Image: wemidji (Jacques Marcoux). Nam et ipsa scientia potestas est (And thus knowledge itself is power) -- Sir Francis Bacon. Since Tangled Bank has gone the way of the Dodo (Passenger Pigeon, Carolina Parakeet, Ivory-Billed Woodpecker -- insert the name of your favorite extinct species here)…
April 3, 2009
tags: captive dolphins, SeaWorld Orlando, bubble ring, animal behavior, streaming video This streaming video shows the dolphins at SeaWorld Orlando's Dolphin Cove as they artfully create and play with underwater bubble rings and hear what SeaWorlds trainers, educators and guests have to say about…
April 2, 2009
Image: wemidji (Jacques Marcoux). Nam et ipsa scientia potestas est (And thus knowledge itself is power) -- Sir Francis Bacon. Scientia Pro Publica (Science for the People) blog carnival is seeking your recently published blog entries (within the previous 60 days) about science, nature and…
April 2, 2009
tags: Chambers Street, Park Place, World Trade Center, Oculus, Andrew Ginzel, Kristin Jones, subway art, NYC through my eye, photography, NYC Oculus #27, 1998. Stone mosaic on walls throughout Chambers Street station complex (A & C trains); also, there is a stone and glass floor mosaic at…
April 2, 2009
tags: view from the ferry, Suomenlinna, Helsinki, Finland, image of the day Näkymä lautalta (View from the Ferry). Photographed from the ferry that runs between Helsinki and Suomenlinna on Kalevalapaäivä (Kalevala Day). This is one of my favorite places to visit in Helsinki, Finland. Image:…
April 2, 2009
tags: Pied-billed Grebe, Podilymbus podiceps, birds, mystery bird, bird ID quiz [Mystery bird] Pied-billed Grebe, Podilymbus podiceps, photographed in Brazoria Wildlife Refuge, Texas. [I will identify this bird for you tomorrow] Image: Joseph Kennedy, 10 March 2009 [larger view]. Nikon D200,…
April 2, 2009
tags: Bumblebees, Bombus species, Hymenoptera, insects, entomology, natural history Common Eastern Bumblebee, Bombus impatiens. This species is often relied upon to pollinate commercial food crops, such as tomatoes, that are often grown in agricultural greenhouses. Image: Wikipedia [larger view…
April 2, 2009
tags: woolly false vampire bat, Chrotopterus auritus, wrinkled-faced bat, Centurio senex, animal behavior, streaming video This streaming video shows the hunting behavior of one species of bat, the woolly false vampire bat, Chrotopterus auritus, as it hunts down another species of bat, a…
April 1, 2009
tags: Chambers Street, Park Place, World Trade Center, Oculus, Andrew Ginzel, Kristin Jones, subway art, NYC through my eye, photography, NYC Oculus #26, 1998. Stone mosaic on walls throughout Chambers Street station complex (A & C trains); also, there is a stone and glass floor mosaic at…
April 1, 2009
tags: building, Suomenlinna, Helsinki, Finland, image of the day Photographed on Suomenlinna on Kalevalapaäivä (Kalevala Day). This is one of my favorite places to visit in Helsinki, Finland. Image: GrrlScientist, 28 February 2009 [larger view].
April 1, 2009
tags: Eastern Screech-Owl, Otus asio, birds, mystery bird, bird ID quiz [Mystery bird] Eastern Screech-Owl, Otus asio, photographed at the Unitarian/Universalist Fellowship building in Manhattan Kansas [I will identify this bird for you tomorrow] Image: photographed by Thomas Manney, this image…
April 1, 2009
One of my favorite things in the world is science-y blog carnivals! And since one science-y blog carnival is currently being revived partially due to my noisemaking, I am taking my support one step further: I am hosting the upcoming issue of the Circus of the Spineless on 6 April. So this means…
April 1, 2009
tags: sand monsters, animation, children, streaming video This streaming video presents a fascinating world of sand animation where a child fights monsters, dragons and ghosts with the power of his violin's sound, a melody that is able to make all these scary characters run away [4:45]
March 31, 2009
tags: Chambers Street, Park Place, World Trade Center, Oculus, Andrew Ginzel, Kristin Jones, subway art, NYC through my eye, photography, NYC Oculus #25, 1998. Stone mosaic on walls throughout Chambers Street station complex (A & C trains); also, there is a stone and glass floor mosaic at…
March 31, 2009
What: A public presentation, "Does Religion Make People Better?" Where: Lolita Bar at 266 Broome St., at the corner of Allen St. [map] When: tomorrow, beginning at 8:00 pm. Cost: free and open to the public. The debate will be held in the basement, and the bar takes cash only. My fellow…
March 31, 2009
Here's the latest carnivalia for you to read and enjoy; Family Life Blog Carnival, part 2. This blog carnival has SO many submissions that they published it in two parts. WOW! Don't we all wish we were so lucky? (hint, hint, to all you kind people who are madly writing about spineless creatures so…
March 31, 2009
tags: doorway, Suomenlinna, Helsinki, Finland, image of the day Porttikäytävä, 2 Photographed on Suomenlinna on Kalevalapaäivä (Kalevala Day). This is one of my favorite places to visit in Helsinki, Finland. Image: GrrlScientist, 28 February 2009 [larger view].
March 31, 2009
tags: Snow Bunting, Plectrophenax nivali, birds, mystery bird, bird ID quiz [Mystery bird] Snow Bunting, Plectrophenax nivali, photographed in Minnehaha County, South Dakota. [I will identify this bird for you tomorrow] Image: Terry Sohl, 19 January 2009 [larger view]. Photo taken with Canon 50D…
March 31, 2009
tags: religion, atheism, humor, occam's razor, streaming video This streaming video is a brilliant example of the topic that it addresses, discussing religion, the incorrectness of Occam's Razor and the secret ninjas who destroyed the World Trade Towers using a controlled demolition on 11 September…
March 31, 2009
Image: wemidji (Jacques Marcoux). Nam et ipsa scientia potestas est (And thus knowledge itself is power) -- Sir Francis Bacon. Since Tangled Bank has gone the way of the Dodo (Passenger Pigeon, Carolina Parakeet, Ivory-Billed Woodpecker -- insert the name of your favorite extinct species here)…
March 30, 2009
tags: Chambers Street, Park Place, World Trade Center, Oculus, Andrew Ginzel, Kristin Jones, subway art, NYC through my eye, photography, NYC Oculus #24, 1998. Stone mosaic on walls throughout Chambers Street station complex (A & C trains); also, there is a stone and glass floor mosaic at…
March 30, 2009
Here's the latest carnivalia for you to enjoy; Book Review blog carnival, 14th edition. If you skim this carnival quickly, you will notice that the vast majority of books that are being reviewed here has always been and continues to be non-fiction works. (Kinda interesting, methinks). Everything…
March 30, 2009
tags: Gulf of Finland, Suomenlinna, Helsinki, Finland, image of the day Photographed on Suomenlinna on Kalevalapaäivä (Kalevala Day). This is one of my favorite places to visit in Helsinki, Finland. Image: GrrlScientist, 28 February 2009 [larger view].