
Profile picture for user grrlscientist
Hedwig Pöllöläinen

Posts by this author

April 8, 2009
Okay, I hate "microblogging" since I view it as a form of electronic trivial pursuit, which is anathema to any real learning or knowledge, unlike .. erm, blog writing. Okay, you can all stop laughing out there (yes, I can hear you!) since I set up my very own twitter account, which means you all…
April 8, 2009
tags: Chambers Street, Park Place, World Trade Center, Oculus, Andrew Ginzel, Kristin Jones, subway art, NYC through my eye, photography, NYC Oculus #33, 1998. Stone mosaic on walls throughout Chambers Street station complex (A & C trains); also, there is a stone and glass floor mosaic at…
April 8, 2009
tags: microbiology, astrobiology, new species, Indian Space Research Organization, bacteria Bacterial colonies. Image: Hub Testing Laboratory [larger view]. According to a recently published press release, three new species of bacteria have been discovered in the upper stratosphere by Indian…
April 8, 2009
tags: Hietaniemi Hautausmaa, Hietaniemi Cemetery, nature, Helsinki, Finland, image of the day A huge gravestone in Hietaniemi Hautausmaa (Hietaniemi Cemetery). Image: GrrlScientist, 19 February 2009 [larger view].
April 8, 2009
tags: lories, Loriinae, Loriidae, ornithology, molecular biology, natural history museums A young pair of Meyer's Lories (Lorikeets), Trichoglossus flavoviridis meyeri. Image: Iggino [larger view]. "Can you help us identify a mystery lory in our collection?" I was pleasantly surprised to find…
April 8, 2009
tags: Eastern Screech-Owl, Otus asio, birds, mystery bird, bird ID quiz [Mystery bird] Eastern Screech-Owl, Otus asio, photographed at the Unitarian/Universalist Fellowship building in Manhattan Kansas, Photographed from the inside with the woods outside to the south. [I will identify this bird…
April 8, 2009
tags: Planet Earth, David Attenborough, BBC, biodiversity, streaming video This streaming video shows our planet by looking at our planet as a whole. There is a lot of gorgeous bird footage in this part [10:00]
April 7, 2009
tags: Chambers Street, Park Place, World Trade Center, Oculus, Andrew Ginzel, Kristin Jones, subway art, NYC through my eye, photography, NYC Oculus #32, 1998. Stone mosaic on walls throughout Chambers Street station complex (A & C trains); also, there is a stone and glass floor mosaic at…
April 7, 2009
Here's the latest carnivalia for you to read and enjoy; Scientia Pro Publica (Science for the People), inaugural issue. This is THE science blog writing carnival that celebrates the best science, nature and medical writing in the blogosphere. Circus of the Spineless, 37th edition. This newly…
April 7, 2009
tags: Greenland, image of the day Grønland fra luften (Greenland from roughly 38,000 feet up). Image: GrrlScientist, 10 March 2009 [larger view]. Can someone tell me; are those (relatively) straight lines fault lines?
April 7, 2009
tags: Lazuli x Indigo Bunting Hybrid, Passerina amoena X Passerina cyanea, birds, mystery bird, bird ID quiz [Mystery bird] Lazuli x Indigo Bunting Hybrid, Passerina amoena X Passerina cyanea, photographed in South Dakota. [I will identify this bird for you tomorrow] Image: Terry Sohl, 18…
April 7, 2009
tags: Planet Earth, David Attenborough, BBC, biodiversity, streaming video This streaming video shows Earth by looking at our beautiful planet as a whole. [10:00]
April 6, 2009
tags: Chambers Street, Park Place, World Trade Center, Oculus, Andrew Ginzel, Kristin Jones, subway art, NYC through my eye, photography, NYC Oculus #31, 1998. Stone mosaic on walls throughout Chambers Street station complex (A & C trains); also, there is a stone and glass floor mosaic at…
April 6, 2009
tags: Scientia Pro Publica, Science for the People, biology, evolution, medicine, earth science, behavioral ecology, chemistry, physics, astronomy, blog carnival Image: wemidji (Jacques Marcoux). Nam et ipsa scientia potestas est (And thus knowledge itself is power) -- Sir Francis Bacon.…
April 6, 2009
Here's the latest blog carnivals for you to read and enjoy; Carnival of the Godless, issue 114. This blog carnival focuses on writings about a world without religious wingnuttery polluting it. Just Write blog carnival, 3 April 2008 edition. This is filled with writing goodness for you to enjoy.…
April 6, 2009
tags: Greenland, image of the day Grønland fra luften (Greenland from roughly 38,000 feet up). Image: GrrlScientist, 10 March 2009 [larger view].
April 6, 2009
tags: Birds in the News, BirdNews, ornithology, birds, avian, newsletter In a dramatic discovery, BirdLife has filmed Common Cuckoos calling with a "Ooo-Cuck, Ooo-Cuck". (April fools?) Image: Greg & Yvonne Dean/ Birds in Science and Technology Count your chickens…
April 6, 2009
tags: Sora, Porzana carolina, birds, mystery bird, bird ID quiz [Mystery bird] Sora, Porzana carolina, photographed in San Bernard Refuge, Texas. [I will identify this bird for you tomorrow] Image: Joseph Kennedy, 2 March 2009 [larger view]. Nikon D200, Kowa 883 telescope with TSN-PZ camera…
April 6, 2009
tags: Planet Earth, David Attenborough, BBC, biodiversity, streaming video This streaming video shows Earth by looking at our beautiful planet as a whole. [9:40]
April 6, 2009
tags: Circus of the Spineless, invertebrates, insects, arachnids, plants, algae, blog carnival Welcome to Circus of the Spineless! This is the migratory blog carnival that specializes in all things spineless, and the contributions that you'll find here range from essays and photoessays, to…
April 5, 2009
tags: Eurasian Jackdaw, Corvus monedula, body language, behavior, peer-reviewed paper Eurasian Jackdaw, Corvus monedula. This is the smallest species of corvid (crows and ravens). Image: Wikipedia [larger view]. Those of you who go birding will know what I am talking about when I say that…
April 5, 2009
tags: Chambers Street, Park Place, World Trade Center, Oculus, Andrew Ginzel, Kristin Jones, subway art, NYC through my eye, photography, NYC Oculus #30, 1998. Stone mosaic on walls throughout Chambers Street station complex (A & C trains); also, there is a stone and glass floor mosaic at…
April 5, 2009
tags: sunset, Helsinki, Finland, image of the day Auringonlasku (sunset). Sunset in Helsinki, Finland. Image: GrrlScientist, 1 March 2009 [larger view].
April 5, 2009
tags: Birdbooker Report, bird books, animal books, natural history books, ecology books "One cannot have too many good bird books" --Ralph Hoffmann, Birds of the Pacific States (1927). The Birdbooker Report is a special weekly report of a wide variety of science, nature and behavior books that…
April 5, 2009
Image: wemidji (Jacques Marcoux). Nam et ipsa scientia potestas est (And thus knowledge itself is power) -- Sir Francis Bacon. Since Tangled Bank has gone the way of the Dodo (Passenger Pigeon, Carolina Parakeet, Ivory-Billed Woodpecker -- insert the name of your favorite extinct species here)…
April 5, 2009
tags: Ferruginous Hawk, Buteo regalis, birds, mystery bird, bird ID quiz [Mystery bird] Ferruginous Hawk, Buteo regalis, photographed on the Fort Pierre National Grasslands south of Pierre, South Dakota. [I will identify this bird for you tomorrow] Image: Terry Sohl, 16 February 2009 [larger view…
April 5, 2009
tags: prayer, religion, humor, satire, streaming video This streaming video is a commercial for the PrayerMAX5000! Finally, Prayer Amplification Technology⢠can be yours -- either at home or on the go [2:00]
April 5, 2009
tags: prayer, religion, humor, satire, streaming video This streaming video shows Edward Current's new contraption, where he exploits science to build a prayer amplifier, the PrayerMax5000. Edward says, "I have faith that with my new invention, praying to God will be effective and reliable, finally…
April 4, 2009
tags: Chambers Street, Park Place, World Trade Center, Oculus, Andrew Ginzel, Kristin Jones, subway art, NYC through my eye, photography, NYC Oculus #29, 1998. Stone mosaic on walls throughout Chambers Street station complex (A & C trains); also, there is a stone and glass floor mosaic at…
April 4, 2009
tags: Trees at sunset, Suomenlinna, Helsinki, Finland, image of the day Puu auringonlaskun aikaan (Trees at sunset). Sunset in Helsinki, Finland. Image: GrrlScientist, 2 March 2009 [larger view].