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May 23, 2006
Ladies and gentlemen, we have our winner of May's Robert O'Brien Trophy for the idiot of the month: Pat Boone. Yes, that Pat Boone, the has-been entertainer from the 50s turned columnist for the Worldnutdaily. And that esteemed web rag is now reporting that Pat Boone is hopping mad at the Dixie…
May 23, 2006
George Will has a terrific column from last week about the incredibly annoying new catchphrase from the right - "values voters". He writes: An aggressively annoying new phrase in America's political lexicon is "values voters." It is used proudly by social conservatives, and carelessly by the media…
May 22, 2006
If there was any doubt that Bush envisions himself to have unlimited authority that cannot be challenged, this article should put that to rest. The ACLU, representing several citizens, has filed suit against the NSA's call tracking system and the government is arguing not only that they cannot…
May 22, 2006
You've gotta hand it to DaveScot - when he goes down, he does so while ducking directly into the punch. Here's his absolutely perfect reply to everyone who pointed out that he fell for a scam. I could not have written it to make him look more ridiculous if I'd done so myself. You could not have…
May 22, 2006
The more I see from this guy, the more I like him. Over the weekend, he gave the commencement address at his alma mater, Dickinson College. I like much of what he had to say: "The founders believed that true religion was not something handed down by a church or contained in a Bible, but was to be…
May 22, 2006
Okay, this is absolutely hilarious. Over at Dembski's Home for Wayward Sycophants, DaveScot has fallen for one of the dumbest and most obvious email scams to come from outside Nigeria (with Dembski himself cheering "Right on!" in response to it). It's one of those idiotic "pass this on" emails…
May 22, 2006
Some of you may recall the exchange I had with Casey Luskin in early 2005 about ID advocates comparing evolution advocates of being Nazis, and vice versa. It started when he wrote an essay for the IDEA club website (this was before he went to work for the DI) screaming bloody murder about folks on…
May 21, 2006
Okay, I know you're all probably tired of Fafarman by now, but I saw this comment on his blog and just had to copy it here. This tells you all you need to know about his dramatically inflated sense of self-importance: BTW, PvM, my blog has been in existence for over a month and now has about 20…
May 21, 2006
In discussing a legal case involving the University of North Carolina and their refusal to fund a Christian fraternity (the university later reversed themselves) the other day, Reed Cartwright asked a reasonable question: I don't see how this is any different than the city of Berekely refusing to…
May 21, 2006
In the wake of the Dover trial, we here in Michigan have been waiting to see whether the next major ID trial will take place here in reaction to the battle in Gull Lake (for all my previous posts on that situation, click here). In Gull Lake, two science teachers had been teaching ID in their…
May 20, 2006
There are some people who are so ridiculous that it would be impossible to invent them if they didn't actually exist. Larry Fafarman is one of them. A psychologist would have a field day with someone so utterly convinced of his own importance that he prefers to make a fool of himself for attention…
May 20, 2006
I'm in the middle of playing in a qualifying tournament for the World Series of Poker's championship event. We started with just over 3600 players and as of now, the second break, we're down to 150 players. The average stack is about $49,000 and I've got $64,000. I dodged a real bullet when I…
May 20, 2006
Randy Barnett has a couple of fascinating posts (see both on this page) about judicial supremacy and judicial review, taking as its starting point a post written by by Positive Liberty cohort (and badass player of Smoke on the Water) Jon Rowe.
May 20, 2006
I'm sure you all remember Larry Fafarman, the hyper-litigious irrationality jockey who commented here for a while until I tired of his nonsense and banned him from commenting. He actually emailed me to complain about being banned and I told him if he didn't like it, start his own blog. I just got…
May 20, 2006
You have to see this ridiculous snippet from Tim Graham at the National Review's blog. It speaks volumes, and loudly: On the occasion of the final episode of NBC's Will & Grace, Katie Couric insisted, "on a serious note," that it's one of her daughter's favorite shows, and it's so important to…
May 20, 2006
Someone sent this link to me and it's pretty funny - Apparently some Knicks fans are getting might upset. But they've got the facts absolutely correct. When Thomas took over the Knicks in December 2003, they were a mediocre team with an $83 million payroll and were locked into…
May 19, 2006
The more I see this uproar over the Da Vinci Code, the more I see that the religious right is frantically trying to adopt the same level of professional victimhood that many on the left have used so effectively. I saw a guy on TV tonight complaining about the movie and he accused Dan Brown, Tom…
May 19, 2006
A new ruling just came down from a Federal district court in North Carolina that mooted a case because the university changed its policy while the case was still pending. And because the plaintiffs' attorneys in the case of Alpha Iota Omega Christian Fraternity v. Moeser were from the ADF, I am…
May 19, 2006
Sandefur links to this article by Harvey Silvergate in Reason about J. Michael Luttig's resignation from the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals to become the chief counsel for Boeing. That article in turn refers to a piece in the Wall Street Journal that is no longer available, unfortunately. Both…
May 19, 2006
Joe McFaul is also critiquing Jonathan Witt's (latest) highly dishonest response to Judge Jones' ruling in Dover and he's found another, incredibly blatant lie by Witt. Witt wrote: For instance, Jones suggests that the design argument began with St. Thomas in the Middle Ages. This was part of the…
May 19, 2006
Bill Frist has announced that he plans to bring up the Federal Marriage Amendment for another vote in the Senate in early June, so expect the next few weeks to be filled with all sorts of nonsense about how gay marriage will make the baby Jesus cry and let the terrorists win. The amendment has less…
May 18, 2006
The ACLU will sue the city of Black Jack, Missouri on behalf of the unmarried couple who are being denied residency in that town. The city is going to lose and they're going to have to pay the legal fees of the plaintiffs, as they should. And for what? What have they achieved out of this other than…
May 18, 2006
A second federal court, this one the DC District, has ruled against USAID. Judge Emmet Sullivan issued a summary judgement in favor of DKT International, who challenged the anti-prostitution pledge requirement. See my earlier post on the Federal District Court in New York's ruling on the same issue.
May 18, 2006
DI flak Jonathan Witt is back with yet another criticism of Judge Jones' ruling in Kitzmiller, this one no more compelling than the 13,582,196 criticisms the DI has already offered (many of them contradictory, of course). It's chock full of bad arguments and nutty goodness, so let's get started. In…
May 18, 2006
Wingnut theocrat Randall Terry has converted to Catholicism, according to the Worldnutdaily, which also reports that he can't officially join the church until his first marriage is annulled. This will be a perfect example to view the absolute absurdity of Catholic annulments. They're against…
May 18, 2006
Via both Radley Balko and Volokh, take a look at this astonishing definition of "cultural racism" from the Seattle Public Schools: Those aspects of society that overtly and covertly attribute value and normality to white people and Whiteness, and devalue, stereotype, and label people of color as "…
May 18, 2006
With apologies to Jeff Foxworthy, a link to an amusing post full of "You might be an ID supporter" jokes. Some are fairly amusing. A couple of my favorites: 18. You consistently refer to mainstream scientists as "Darwinists," which you use as though it meant "bigoted, atheistic, materialistic and…
May 18, 2006
Christian groups are attempting to censor the Da Vinci Code movie all over the world, wherever they can get away with it. In Thailand: In Thailand, government censors ordered the final 10 minutes of the film be cut following a meeting Tuesday with a coalition of Thai Christian groups protesting…
May 17, 2006
The Southern Poverty Law Center has a full report on the ridiculous pseudo-scholarship of raving anti-gay loony Paul Cameron. There may not have been a less credible "scholar" in the last century. If he said the sky was blue, I'd double check his findings.
May 17, 2006
Here's a perfect example of those "family values" we're always hearing about. The town of Black Jack, Missouri is going to evict a family from their home because they don't meet the town's definition of a family. By any definition, it's a family - a man, a woman, and her three children. But they're…