
Profile picture for user stoat
William M. Connolley

Posts by this author

April 23, 2012
From a comment at Forbes, found by R. I found it hard to believe that anyone would say such, but indeed its true: Mr. Zwick you believe your lies and we will believe ours. The sun controls the climate not man. Our earth was more polluted back when there were very few humans roaming the earth that…
April 21, 2012
You knew that, obviously, or you wouldn't be here. I have an entry on Conservapedia, you don't get much more famous than that. Compare that with so-called climate "scientists" like James Annan - even his tippling great-uncle only gets a few lines (and no invective, how dull). I see that a while ago…
April 19, 2012
I've given up calling it "yet yet more misc" as I've forgotten where I've got to. So, in no particular order: In war you will generally find that the enemy has at any time three courses of action open to him. Of those three, he will invariably choose the fourth via Schneier. Which reminds me of We…
April 18, 2012
You can read about his sadness at great length in Scientist's rebuttal of Michael Mann's "denier"and other unsavory labels in his book (note how CL, like "Dr" Roy Spencer, wears his PhD on his sleeve). CL is sad because Mann has been cwuel to him, or about him, in his book. Though this seems to…
April 16, 2012
The follow-up to Amsterdam and Brighton part 1. Again, if you lack interest in running, the answer is 3:54.28. The photo is me and James Edgoose after the finish. By this point we've gone through the phases of collapsed in a heap for a bit, drunk some water, eaten a banana, just about got up,…
April 13, 2012
Or so says reuters and a whole host of others repeating the same story. The source is draft ELECTRICITY GENERATION POLICY STATEMENT from the shouty Scottish government. You won't be surprised to hear that I don't believe a word of it (I've been pretty sniffy before), but lets read on. Oh, but first…
April 11, 2012
And now for something almost completely different. This all begins at History of the infinite where I said it might be fun to work out why his [Aristotle's] "proof" that the continuum can't be composed of indivisibles is wrong. This lead on to Aristotle against the continuum - reply (wherein you…
April 4, 2012
Another one in the eye for the solarists. K. Rypdal, JGR VOL. 117, D06115, 14 PP., 2012 doi:10.1029/2011JD017283: I show that the peak-to-peak amplitude of the global mean surface temperature response to the 11-year cyclic total irradiance forcing is an order of magnitude less than the amplitude…
April 2, 2012
Strange - you might think - but not so bizarre that some people don't think it. Here is the quote William, given the article's clearly supposedly-sceptical viewpoint, I did not expect my edit to survive but, 8 minutes! Wow, you are red hot! I note your track record of getting into trouble with…
March 31, 2012
Well, so what's new with that, I hear you say? And indeed, not much is the answer. But its a saturday night so some knock-about fun is in order. So, Watts, along with most of the septic blogosphere, was all over An ikaite record of late Holocene climate at the Antarctic Peninsula by Zunli Lua et al…
March 26, 2012
Nice article in physicstoday. Other stuff * Wiley coverup: The great Wegman and Said "redo" to hide plagiarism and errors - the Wegman stuff keeps rumbling on. Wegman reminds me of the TSA guy here - what he says isn't believeable, but he has powerful organisations propping him up, because having…
March 25, 2012
So, the Tories have been naughty boys again and everyone is shocked - shocked, I tell you - to discover that all that money that people pay to the political parties is actually paid for something, rather than just given for love. Well, its a bit of fun but I doubt it goes anywhere, because no-one…
March 25, 2012
Wiki isn't as exciting as it used to be - the days of vast opposing armies swirling across the blood-soaked plains of global warming laying waste to innocent and combatant alike have faded into myth. Nowadays we (or rather they; I don't even need to join in) have exciting discussions about exactly…
March 23, 2012
As this Economist debate demonstrates, the people in charge are stupid, complacent, wasteful, smug, mendacious and incompetent. Not that uncommon, alas. Refs * The Economist Debate on Airplane Security
March 22, 2012
Arctic Methane Emergency Group? refers. Via GP I find this discussion on a "geoengineering" newsgroup (gosh how quaint - people still use newsgroups? Maybe retro is back). AJL finds my article "damming" but Ken C finds it "a little distasteful". But both are worried, quite rightly, about…
March 21, 2012
I like this (h/t: QS): The change from "Oh look that's fun, lets stop and watch" to the brief "Oh shit" to the "Ha ha, we all lived, that was great fun" to "who got it on video?" is oh-so-typical of our species.
March 20, 2012
Apparently it is early this year. And in memory of my great-aunts.
March 17, 2012
A man with a stoat though his head? No! Darth Vader in a kilt on a unicycle playing the bagpipes:
March 17, 2012
From Climate 'tech fixes' urged for Arctic methane I find who say: AMEG POSITION DECLARATION OF EMERGENCY We declare there now exists an extremely high international security risk* from abrupt and runaway global warming being triggered by the end-summer collapse of Arctic sea ice towards a…
March 17, 2012
Bear in mind that my ancient philosophy is deeply unreliable; I'm just using NA as a label for a trait I think I can see amongst the "skeptic" folk one sees at WUWT and the like: an inability to abstract. Let me try to explain that by example, in case it isn't clear. To many people nowadays, with…
March 12, 2012
So, Lindzen f*cked up (Misrepresentation from Lindzen) badly enough that he needed to apologise. He is being weaselly, though, in throwing the blame on someone else. And he is wrong to say that the URLs of the datasets were the same. Part of his "apology" is rather amusing: The public interest in…
March 9, 2012
Various things that I meant to write about, but didn't, until too late. Happily, everyone else has now said most of them. His transgression cannot be condoned, regardless of his motives - JEB, quoting Michael McPhaden being a bit po-faced about Gleick. This almost turned into a discussion on the…
February 28, 2012
So says La Curry. She is only two years behind the times. Or maybe a year and a half. To be fair, that is only the headline. But the rest of the content is what you'd expect from a shark-jumper. I cant really be bothered to analyse it, unless anyone out there is unable to see the flaws for…
February 25, 2012
Continuing in from Comments elsewhere which has faded into the dust of past ages. Timmy elsewhere but really on If the MWP Was Global What Does That Tell Us About Climate Change Now? wherein Timmy is clueless about climate science. > From which the takeaway point is that perhaps climate…
February 25, 2012
I used to like the IJIS sea ice pic for comparing this year's progress. And them AMSR went down (I hope I've got that right, I really wasn't paying attention) and they stopped updating. But C points me to which, while not so pretty, is a good substitute. That comes from…
February 24, 2012
Retraction Watch have an article up about the Wegman plagiarism stuff (also covered by Eli). GMU aren't making the full report public, though, doubtless to protect the guilty (which I think largely means the shoddiness of the report). There is an oddity in what they have released: As sanction,…
February 22, 2012
A bit of fun for once: if you have a few mins spare, try a game at And if you have a bit more time, try the 19x19. [Update: breaking news: Neutrinos not FTL for embarrassing reason?
February 22, 2012
The blogosphere is all ablaze, but I did a Scientific Test: I asked my fellow workers at lunch (including one who regularly picks up septic titbits plucked off the wub). Only one had even heard of the affair, and even he wasn't really sure what was going on.
February 20, 2012
Not to spoil the surprise, the answer is: I dunno, but the Arbiter is [was] bored. This is a follow-up to the Heartland Leak stuff, which ended up posted in various places but (apparently most notably) DeSmogBlog. Heartland have (I think; perhaps only implicitly) admitted to all of them, except the…
February 14, 2012
Interesting leaked docs fro the Heartland folk: see DeSmogBlog. [Update: in all fairness, I should point out that Heartland are currently claiming that some of the documents are fake. The truth or otherwise of this is yet to be determined. See follow-up.] From their highlights, funding goes…