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Tim Lambert

Posts by this author

May 1, 2007
The Nation Post's Lawrence Solomon has been writing a series of articles falsely casting scientists such as Nigel Weiss and Sami Solanki as deniers. His latest target: Roger Revelle: Then in 1991, Dr. Revelle wrote an article for Cosmos, a scientific journal, with two illustrious colleagues,…
May 1, 2007
Australian talkback radio host John "Cash for comment" Laws on global warming: Yeah. It's interesting to note that in the last 17 years there has not been the slightest increase in temperatures in the world. Over 100 years there's been less than one degree of temperature rise. Over the last 17…
April 30, 2007
Chris and Mark Hoofnagle's denialism blog has joined ScienceBlogs. Check out Mark's post on the Unified theory of the crank. Sound like anyone we know?
April 29, 2007
After Team Blair was beaten by six year old Ryan Gwin, Tim Blair tried to rewrite history: Nine-year-old Sydney boy Ryan Gwin suffers anxiety over the fuel consumed by his father's bus; Because if Ryan had really been nine it would have been less embarrassing to lose to him... Then Blair lets his…
April 28, 2007
A kill file is a feature of most Usenet news readers that allowed to permanently discard all posts from a particular user without even having to look at them. A couple of my readers have asked about a kill file for comments here. Daniel Martin has a script that provides a kill file. You need…
April 28, 2007
The Globe and Mail has a story about Riyadh Lafta: Riyadh Lafta, who co-authored a controversial study that estimated the war-related deaths at more than half a million, had planned to tell students at Simon Fraser University about his work and then spend a week in retreat near West Vancouver,…
April 27, 2007
You may recall how Alex Robson demonstrated his ignorance of basic statistics and of climate research. Now he has written an op-ed in Sydney's Daily Telegraph where he claims that there is no research at all that contradicts John Lott: Laws for the concealed carrying of guns are present in some…
April 27, 2007
Eli Rabett has the sordid tale of how S Fred Singer took advantage of Roger Revelle to put his name on a paper which expressed skepticism about global warming. Justin Lancaster has a web page with all the supporting documents and evidence.
April 26, 2007
compiled by Matt, over here.
April 26, 2007
The Financial Times reports: One of Paul Wolfowitz's two handpicked deputies, Juan José Daboub, tried to water down references to climate change in one of the World Bank's main environmental strategy papers, the bank's chief scientist has told the Financial Times. Mr Daboub, a conservative former…
April 25, 2007
John Wilkins has already told the story with pictures, but I had to post this picture I took at Watson's Bay: What's that on the ground? Have a closer look: It's a paper published by the Australian division of the Larouchites declaring that Global Warming is a fraud. Mooney already had a copy…
April 25, 2007
After Martin Bryant murdered 35 people at Port Arthur, Prime Minister John Howard got new laws enacted that banned semi-automatic long guns. At the time, I felt that was bad policy. Since almost all most gun killings involve just one death it didn't matter whether whether the gun was a semi-auto…
April 25, 2007
Josh Marshall suggests that Karl Rove was getting his allegations of voter fraud that lead to the U.S. Attorney firing scandal from an article by John Lott. He doesn't have a link to the article, but here it is, posted to Freerepublic by Mary Rosh.
April 23, 2007
Gilbert Burnham has been interviewed (subscription required, copy here). Some extracts: Why do you think your survey has been criticised? These are unpleasant results, and they are associated with a war that has seriously divided the countries participating. Some people felt that we were not…
April 22, 2007
Glenn Reynolds accuses me of quote doctoring, linking to this utterly conclusive proof by JF Beck: Lambert himself engages in selective out-of-context quoting in attempting to refute Berlau's assertion that Paul Ehrlich advocated the forced sterilization of all Indian men who had fathered three or…
April 22, 2007
Chris Mooney is giving a talk in Sydney this Tuesday.
April 21, 2007
Mrs Deltoid wrote the following and told me that I had to post it on my blog. I'm not sure who it is directed at. I'm a blogger, gonna try some rap. XYZ put me on the map. I'm a V.I.B I'm on the list I'm a VIP you get the gist. Piss me off and it'll be G.G. Just try it- you will see. Yeah I'm a…
April 20, 2007
The Lancet authors have released the data to other researchers: Six months have passed since the publication of the study and we feel the time is now right to make the data set available to academic and other scientific groups whom we judge have the technical capacity to objectively analyze the…
April 20, 2007
Carl Bialik, the Wall Street Journal's "Numbers Guy" writes about some of the dubious numbers used by both sides on the debate about guns. This one should be familiar to my readers: Another number that has emerged from the antigun-control camp ties multiple-victim public shootings to restrictions…
April 19, 2007
The editorial in the Australian today stated: With memories of the 35 killed at Port Arthur still raw, many Australians would be shocked to learn that the gun lobby in the US pounced on the Virginia Tech massacre to call for extending the right of citizens to carry concealed weapons. Not those who…
April 18, 2007
Glenn Reynolds argues that if only more people had guns, there would be fewer mass shootings. Unfortunately he gets his facts wrong. If there were more responsible, armed people on campuses, mass murder would be harder. In fact, some mass shootings have been stopped by armed citizens. Though…
April 18, 2007
The Globe and Mail reports: After he couldn't get a visa to tell Americans about an alarming rise in cancer levels among Iraqi children, a renowned Iraqi epidemiologist has been told he can't fly through Britain en route to give a similar talk in Canada. Riyadh Lafta -- best known for a…
April 17, 2007
Back in 2004, Glenn Reynolds declared that the election here in Australia was in no small part a referendum on the Iraq war. This was wrong, as anyone who was here at the time could tell you. So, I posted a roundup of comments from news stories, pundits and bloggers, left and right, pro- and anti…
April 15, 2007
Dennis Avery has taken a break from getting global warming science wrong to write a Rachel-Carson-was-worse-than-Hitler piece: If Rachel Carson were still alive, April 12 would have been her 100th birthday. All over the Western World well-meaning, but misguided, souls marked that day with choruses…
April 14, 2007
Glenn Reynolds endorses a post by John Berlau who accuses environmentalists of making racist comments like Don Imus. Berlau gives five examples and Berlau is deceptive in each and every one of them. Environmentalists must be completely non-racist if Berlau can't make a case without resorting to…
April 14, 2007
The Durban Mercury reports: South African medical researchers have reported alarming evidence of low sperm counts and other damage to the male reproductive system linked to the use of the pesticide DDT in anti-malaria spray campaigns. Professor Tiaan de Jager, project leader and co-author of the…
April 13, 2007
The Globe and Mail has more details about Lafta's visit to Simon Fraser: A highly regarded Iraqi epidemiologist who wants to tell Americans about an alarming rise in cancer levels among Iraqi children will come to Canada instead because he couldn't get a visa to the United States. Unable to travel…
April 13, 2007 has set up a bunch of bets for suckers on global warming. Ker Than at LiveScience has the story: spokesman Reed Richards said the company will personally back numerous bets, or "propositions," posted on the website related to global warming. "It's part of a campaign we've been…
April 13, 2007
Craig Harper has created a list of the top 100 Australian blogs based on Technorati rankings (which are based on the number of blogs that link to you). It's in his right side bar near the bottom. Of course that are lots of other ways to rank blogs, so Meg has re-ordered it using Alexa rankings (…
April 13, 2007
is at Geek Counterpoint.