denialism blog joins ScienceBlogs

Chris and Mark Hoofnagle's denialism blog has joined ScienceBlogs. Check out Mark's post on the Unified theory of the crank. Sound like anyone we know?


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Everybody welcome Mark Hoofnagle and Chris Hoofnagle (probably not their real names) of Denialism who are here to spread more of the commonly accepted lies about the truth of evolution, the Big Bang, gravity, 2+2=4, etc., that we in the scientific establishment spend so much time trying to pull as…
Our corporate masters at Seed have added a new blog to ScienceBlogs, and it looks like a real winner. It's called the Denialism Blog, and it's off to a roaring great start with "The Unified Theory of the Crank. Go check it out!
Busy today and have family visiting from out of town, so I'll take a few minutes instead to highlight some fairly new blogs. First I'll note that my friend and colleague over in the Biology department, John Logsdon, has a new blog: Sex, Genes, and Evolution. He's a real live evolutionary…
I'm a bit late on this, given that the blog went live yesterday, but far be it from me not to welcome denialism blog to the ScienceBlogs universe. It's a promising new blog that in its couple of months of existence has already made an impact in the skeptical blogosphere. Also, Mark Hoofnagle, one…

I'm not certain if Roger Pielke Jr. is a full-blown crank, but he does suffer from affective disorders that are common in cranks. His need for self-citation to back up his own claims, his regular trolling for the attention of journalists, and his consistent pundtrity on issues outside his expertise come to mind.

For further documentation on the Pielke Jr. case study, continue to monitor Rabett Run.

Hmmm. These lines remind me of someone:

"...egotism (as it relates to the complete unwillingness to ever be proven wrong) ... Cranks rarely if ever acknowledge any error, no matter how trivial."