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Tim Lambert

Posts by this author

June 29, 2005
HangLeft: "it fits the pattern we've come to know and expect from the Republicans: when facts get in the way of their bankrupt ideology, they cover up those facts and intimidate the messenger." Coturnix: "With all the misuse of science by the current Administration I still never expected the…
June 27, 2005
On his blog, Lott writes: Penn & Teller will be airing a show on their television series name "Bullshit" that examines gun control and apparently focuses on my research. The show will first air on June 27th. The show airs at 10 PM and is replayed at 11 PM. I have been told that the show comes…
June 27, 2005
Chris Mooney reports on the latest attack on the hockey stick. Joe Barton, chair of the Committee on Energy and Commerce has sent out a set of letters, supposedly "requesting information regarding global warming studies". However, if you look at the letters, you will find that the only study he is…
June 26, 2005
Last week, in response to more repetition of the false claim that environmentalists had killed many millions of people with a ban of DDT. John Quiggin set out the facts of the matter: DDT has never been banned in antimalarial use. The main reason for declining use of DDT as an antimalarial has been…
June 23, 2005
The 11th Skeptic's Circle is out. Don't miss the tag-team debunking by Orac and co of an awful "Thimerosal causes autism" piece by Robert F Kennedy Jr.
June 23, 2005
The World Bank is the largest funder of Eritrea's anti-malaria program. The Eritrea Daily reports on the good results: But today Eritrea, one of the poorest countries in the world, stands out as a success story in controlling malaria. The statistics are compelling. The number of people dying from…
June 22, 2005
Is this Wall Street Journal editorial clueless or dishonest? Read RealClimate's detailed rebuttal. Update: David Appell calls it "intellectually dishonest". Sounds about right. Update 2: Chris Mooney piles on.
June 21, 2005
From the gentleman (and this time I'm not being sarcastic) who wrote to me earlier: I'm sorry I acted the way I did in the email. It was wrong of me and only hope you accept my apologies. Behaving the way I did shows me in a pretty bad light. Some of us have built some pretty strong pre-conceived…
June 20, 2005
Last week I wrote about how Bob Carter was out by a factor of 20 in an estimate of how much warming could be attributed to human activity. He has now posted the text of another talk where he gives a source for his bogus claim. It's href=",2933,123013,00.html" rel="…
June 19, 2005
John Quiggin catches Miranda Devine spreading the DDT Hoax in the Sun Herald. If DDT is banned, how come this company will sell you some? They say: In the past several years, we supplied DDT 75% WDP to Madagascar, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Sudan, South Africa, Namibia, Solomon Island, Papua New Guinea,…
June 19, 2005
I broke my RSS feed -- it started reporting the message XML Parsing Error: xml processing instruction not at start of external entity I thought I should post the fix in case any other WordPress users have the same problem. The plugin I had just added (disemvowel.php) had an extra blank line at…
June 18, 2005
The gentleman who I disemvowelled emailed me complaining about the lack of vowels in his comment. I wrote back: [Name deleted], you are not banned from commenting on my blog. If you can work out how to post something other than flamebait, I'll leave the vowels in next time. His reply is below the…
June 16, 2005
One of the drawbacks of switching to a more popular blogging platform is more spam. Spambots just did not know how to comment on the old blog -- I got two just spams this year. In the last 24 hours spambots have tried to post about 100 comments. The spam filters stopped all of them, which is…
June 15, 2005
Tim Blair's ability to detect fake quotes mysteriously deserts him when the fake quote supports his anti-environmentalist agenda. After quoting the usual falsehoods about how the ban on DDT killed 50 million. (It was only the agricultural use that was banned, and far from costing lives, this…
June 14, 2005
This [story](…) on Bob Carter in the Age is a good one for playing [Global Warming Skeptic Bingo]( Though I think I should add a rule to the effect that if a numerical claim…
June 14, 2005
Tim Blair writes: Michael Gawenda, The Age's man in Washington, reports: The majority of Americans believe in creationism rather than evolution. And I bet Gawenda can't name a single one of them. Also, his data may be a little astray; according to this round-up of polling on the issue, creationism…
June 13, 2005
The Australian Environmental Foundation is a brand new environmental organization. Unfortunately they have chosen a very similar name to the long established Australian Conservation Foundation, so similar that the ACF has sued for trademark infringement. Probably the best way to keep them apart…
June 12, 2005
Writing in the Australian, Christopher Pearson likens mainstream climate science to creationism When Charles Darwin unveiled the theory of evolution, the world at once divided into rationalists and creationists. The theory that man-made greenhouse gas is causing potentially catastrophic climate…
June 11, 2005
Links to the old blog should now get redirected to the appropriate entry here, so you don't have to adjust any bookmarks. Though it will load faster if you do adjust them. After experimenting with several themes, I'm leaning towards adopting the current one. What do you think of it? I've added a…
June 11, 2005
I welcome comments here, especially from people who disagree with me. There is one rule that I ask commenters to follow -- please do not make personal attacks on other commenters. Such comments tend to cause discussion to degenerate into a slanging match so I will usually delete or disemvowel…
June 10, 2005
Get your skeptical blogging here.
June 9, 2005
I've switched my blog to Wordpress. I've imported all posts and comments from the old blog using this handy script. It turned out I had 10 megabytes of posts and comments to transfer and I had to break it up into smaller pieces to avoid choking the script. The old blog will be replaced with a…
June 7, 2005
Our old friend John Brignell has uncovered "The greatest conspiracy in human history". According to Brignell that's what global warming is, and: It is not that the proponents are simply mistaken---that would be forgivable. They know that they are lying: otherwise there would be no need for all…
June 6, 2005
The Australian has published a piece by William Kinimonth arguing that global warming is a natural phenomenon. His argument in his book was that the models used by the IPCC were one dimensional and didn't account for the flow of energy from the tropics to the poles. This is, of course, wildly…
June 6, 2005
I wrote earlier about John Ray's profoundly ignorant arguments about ozone depletion. Now he's back, posting something even sillier: Despite all the information you may have read, there is not one shred of supportable evidence that CFCs have found their way 40 miles up above the Earth. No one has…
June 4, 2005
One of the many factual errors in Parkinson's piece on deaths in Iraq was the claim that the Lancet study only surveyed 788 households (actually it was 988 households). I did a Google search to see who else had made the same error, and what do you know, it first appeared in a error-filled May 25…
June 3, 2005
OK, fine. 1. Total volume of music on my pc: About 12Gb---all of my CDs and LPs converted to Ogg. This is just a back up, since I just play the songs on my Iriver player. 2. Songs playing right now: Steel Monkey by Jethro Tull. 3. Last album purchased: Dial a Song by They Might be Giants…
May 31, 2005
Today's Sydney Morning Herald has several articles on blogs and blogging. I get a mention in this one, as "one of a handful of prominent bloggers covering news, politics and economics". It's nice to be mentioned like that, but I really think they should have included Ken Parish or Mark Bahnisch…
May 30, 2005
As my readers know, the reason why the Lancet study and the ILCS give different numbers for deaths in Iraq is because the studies measured different things over a different time periods. Of course, that fact isn't going to stop pro-war columnists from claiming that the ILCS refutes the Lancet…
May 26, 2005
The Ninth Skeptics Circle is out.