I am the Atom!


My friend mdvlst just reminded me that there is actually an obscure DC superhero with my name, and moreover, she's a scientist superhero:

Jessica Palmer is the costumed super-hero known as the Atom and hails from a parallel reality known as Earth-15. A child prodigy, Jessica first began studying science at age five when she attempted to prove the existence of a Multiverse. At age eight she graduated from M.I.T. and by the time she was eighteen, she was adventuring as a costumed super-hero. As the Atom, Jessica has the ability to condense her size and mass, enabling her to shrink to small sizes. The nature of this ability as well as any inherent limitations thereof is as of yet unknown. Jessica's theory about the existence of a Multiverse was proven when she met a group of travelers who hailed from the realities of New Earth and Earth-3.

Ok, the studying science at age five thing is not far off, and some of my friends might agree I'm from a parallel reality - but I definitely CANNOT shrink to nanoscale. If I run obsessively, I can maybe lose 12 pounds, and that's about the limit of my superpowers. Which means I will never be caught dead in that outfit.

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Well if you ever do fine-tune your shrinking skills, think of the wonderful miniature art you could make!

Long time no comment, but hello. Do you remember me? The art conservator who makes miniature 19th century naval surgeon accessories (because of her love for Dr. Stephen Maturin from Patrick O'Brian books). I've just added your new scienceblog to my Google reader. Cool!

I love your banner. Is it new? What a beautiful insect. Is it a yellowjacket? Did you paint it while you were shrunk?

Looks like you've been outed. Don't think your excuses and denials are going to work. We will all expect you to leap tall molecules and save us from quarks and gluons now.

I can't possibly save anyone from gluons - I can't even keep my floor clean. And if I ever get over my current spate of artists' block, I'll be happy to paint no matter what the size. . . the header is from my painting Aposematism, and needed a microscope to do it - but I'd rather use a microscope than be a wasp-snack-sized observer, thank you!